FreeCEN Administration Tools—csv2dat messages
Fatal and general errors
The Fatal errors marked (*) occur before the error file has
opened so will only appear on the console window.
- Fatal: File must be a .csv (comma separated values)
- No other file types are accepted.
- Fatal: Census year cannot be determined from file name
- The format of the file name was not recognised. See the
main documentation page.
- Fatal: Piece number in file name (<piece>) is not
- As above.
- Fatal: Part number in file name (<part>) is not
- As above.
- Fatal: Full file name required including the three letter
- The file extension was missing. Files should be .CSV
- Fatal: input file (<name>) failed to open
- There was an error trying to open the file (there is a
supplementary message). Often this is a typing error.
- (*)Fatal: Messages file (<name>) failed to open
- There was an error trying to create the file. The reasons
can be obscure but the supplementary message should help.
- Fatal: row n, No data in file, it appears to be empty
- row n could not be found (one of the first three which are
- Fatal: File type switch does not match number of columns in
all the titles in row 2 must be non-blank
- In BRIEF mode (default) there must be 25 columns for
transcribed data (
output), 26 columns for
checked and original validated data (-c switch,
output) and 28 columns for new validated data
(-d switch, .VLD
output). The method used for this
check is to count the headings in Row 2 so they all need to be
present (the actual content doesn't matter so long as there is
something there)
- Fatal: Output file <name> failed to open
- There was an error trying to create the file. The reasons
can be obscure but the supplementary message should help.
- (*)Fatal: Program path too long, move it closer to the root
of the disk
- The program is installed too deep in the file structure so
the path name is more than 127 characters. Move it to a simpler
- (*)Fatal: File path too long, move it closer to the root of
the disk
- The data file too deep in the file structure so the path
name is more than 127 characters. Move it to a simpler
- Error: row n, ends with incomplete field
- A line of the CSV file is cut short. This probably
indicates a corrupt file. Blank fields are inserted for the
remainder of the record.
- Error: row n, field too long <text>, truncated by p
to q characters in the output file
- The indicated value is too large to fit in the space
allocated. It is truncated and the corresponding flag (if there
is one) is set to x.
- Error: row n, field contains an invalid character
- The allowed characters are in a subset of ISO8859-1 as
defined by FreeBMD.
- Warning: row n blank, ignored
- There is no content on the row input. Often these occur at
the end of an otherwise good file. They will alter the
row/record count offset.
- Warning: row n, possibly too many lines on page m
- A maximum of 31 lines per page is possible but this can
occur if there are interlinear insertions (often uninhabited)
and also from our policy of splitting multiple unoccupied
houses onto separate lines.
- Warning: row n, too many pages on folio m
- A maximum of 2 pages per folio is possible
- Warning: row n, trailing "?" removed and flag set
- The authorities don't like question marks so the more
common ones are removed here and the flag set instead. Some
fields (like Notes) do not have a flag!
- Warning: row n, "?" detected, flag set
- If any “?” marks are present there must be some
doubt so the flag is set.
- Warning: Aux file <name> failed to open, county code
checking disabled
- County checking requires an aux file (chap18y1.txt, where y
= 4 for 1841 or 9 for all the rest) to be present in the same
directory as the program binary
- Warning: Aux file <name> failed to open, relationship
code checking disabled
- Relationship checking requires an aux file (relcodes.txt)
to be present in the same directory as the program binary
- Warning: Too many counties in aux file, county code
checking disabled
- There is a limit of 150 counties written in to the
- Warning: Too many relationships in aux file, relationship
code checking disabled
- There is a limit of 150 counties written in to the
Data items and corresponding error messages
The row and column numbers here relate to SS-CENS format
files. The alternative ‘ALL’ format is documented in
the reference material but many of
the same error messages apply.
Text fields which should be present on a particular census but
are blank in a particular example should be entered as
“-” except where indicated that a blank is
acceptable. In some cases, as indicated below, fields propagate
down to fill blanks until another positive entry is
- Cell A1 = Piece number (e.g. RG12/1893).
This field is use to verify which piece is being
transcribed. It is not fully checked against the file name or
for validity.
- Warning: Cell A1 doesn't contain a valid piece number
- Only the first letters are checked for validity. It is
converted to upper case. It should either be the same as the
first two characters of the file name (RG, HO, RS or HS) or
SCT. The are not checked to match the actual year or file
- Cell B1 = Initial 1841 Book Number (width
4) This number is used for the first book (1841 only,
ignored for other years) and is used to calculate the remaining
book numbers for the piece by incrementing by one each time the
Folio numbers revert to a new sequence. See also column AC for
Validated Pieces. Note: This used to be Registration
district number (after 1841) or Parish number (1841 Cornwall
only). This meaning is discontinued.
- Warning: cell B1 contains a non-numeric book number b
- The field is not numeric. This is acceptable but no format
check has been done and auto-increement for new books will not
work properly.
- Warning: Book numbers not set
- To allow for older files, where book numebrs were not
inserted, and for current files where they have not yet been
obtained, they are ignored if left blank or zero.
- Warning: Old format file, Book numbers not in use
- This is an old form Cornwall file a parish number set in
cell B1
- Warning: ENG 1841 book number b in cell B1 ignored for SCT
- Warning: 1841 book number b in cell B1 ignored for yyyy
- Inapropriate use of book number field ignored
- Row 2 = column titles. this is not
checked but the row must be present.
- Row 3 = column widths. this is not
checked but the row must be present.
NOTE: —For checked files, all the
columns move along one after column A to accomodate the
Ecclesiastical District name in column B (width 20). It is
optional after row 4 and is propagated down until changed. For
validated files, all the columns move along two after column W to
accomodate the Alternate County Code and Birth Place. Both of
these changes should be self evident from the header line which
is adjusted to match, but for convenience, the columns letters
are listed below after the main letter thus
X[Y,AA] where the first alternate is for checked
pieces and the second for validated pieces.
- Column A[A,A] = Civil parish names (width
20). This must be present on the first data line but will
propagate down until changed.
- Error: row n, initial civil parish name not set
- The parish name is missing from row 4. A dummy of XX will
be inserted, but should be corrected and run again.
- Warning : row n, civil parish has changed in the middle of
a page
- No correction is made.
- Warning: row n, parish = <name> contains unusual
- Check the value carefully that it is what was intended
- Column -[B,B] = Ecclesiastical District
names (width 20). This must be present on the first data
line of checked and validated pieces only, but will propagate
down until changed.
- Warning: row n, Eccl. District name missing
- The district name is missing from row 4.
- Warning : row n, Eccl. District has changed in the middle
of a page
- No correction is made.
- Warning: row n, Eccl. District = <name> contains
unusual characters
- Check the value carefully that it is what was intended
- Column B[C,C] = Enumeration District
(width 3 + 1 optional alpha). This must be present on the
first data line but will propagate down until changed. To use
the special ED codes for institutions and shipping, use the
form nn#c where nn is the Enumeration District (possibly 0) and
c is the code for the type. If there is an occasion where an
alpha suffix is required and an institutional code is needed
then the latter takes precedence. You will get a few warnings,
but it will store the record ok.
- Error: row n, initial ED not set
- The ED is missing from row 4. A dummy of 99 will be
inserted, but should be corrected and run again.
- Error: row n, ED = m not numeric
- The ED does not fit one of the recognised formats. A dummy
of 99 will be inserted, but should be corrected and run
- Error: row n, ED suffix = <c> not alphanumeric
- Only alphabetics are allowed, or numeric institution codes.
It is ignored.
- Error: row n, ED > 3 digits
- The maximum value is 999. A dummy of 999 will be inserted,
but should be corrected and run again.
- Warning: row n, ED = m not sequential
- The EDs are out of order. This is not always an error but
the source data should be checked.
- Column C[D,D] = Folio number (width 4 + 1
optional alpha). This must be present on the first data
line but will propagate down until changed. The Scottish census
does not use folio numbers, but uses the field for the book
number instead.
- Error: row n, initial folio number not set
- The folio number is missing from row 4. A dummy of 9999
will be inserted, but should be corrected and run again.
- Error: row n, folio/book = m not numeric
- A dummy of 9999 will be inserted, but should be corrected
and run again.
- Error: row n, folio/book suffix = <c> not
- Only alphabetic suffixes are allowed. It is ignored.
- Error: row n, folio/book > 4 digits
- The maximum value is 9999. A dummy of 9999 will be
inserted, but should be corrected and run again.
- Warning: row n, folio number = m not sequential
- The folios are out of order or some are missing.
- Warning: row n, excessive gap before folio m
- One wouldn't expect a gap of more than 4 folios between
- Warning: row n, folio/book = 0
- Some fiche have no folio numbers, or someone has forgotten
to type them.
- Warning : row n, folio/book has changed in the middle of a
- No correction is made.
- Column D[E,E] = Page number (width 4).
This must be present on the first data line but will
propagate down until changed. Pieces that do not have page
numbers such as Merchant Shipping, should be set to page
- Error: row n, initial page number not set
- The page number is missing from row 4. A dummy of 999 will
be inserted, but should be corrected and run again.
- Error: row n, page number = m not numeric
- No alpha suffix is permitted on page numbers. A dummy of
999 will be inserted, but should be corrected and run
- Warning: row n, first page of ED = m
- A new ED has started but the page number is not 1.
- Warning: row n, page number = m not sequential
- The pages are out of order or some are missing (within this
- Column E[F,F] = Schedule number (width 3 +
optional alpha). This must be present on the first data
line. This is the trigger for a new household. The value will
propagate down until a new household is started. Households
that do not have a designated schedule number (for various
reasons, including all 1841 files) should have 0 set here. The
field must be left blank if a new household is not wanted at
this point. It is possible for consecutive households to have
the same schedule number (especially 0).
- Error: row n, initial schedule number not set
- The schedule number is missing from row 4. A dummy of 999
will be inserted, but should be corrected and run again.
- Error: row n, schedule number = m not numeric
- A dummy of 999 will be inserted, but should be corrected
and run again.
- Error: row n, schedule suffix = <c> not
- Only alphabetic suffixes are allowed. It is ignored.
- Error: row n, schedule > 1999
- The maximum value is 1999. A dummy of 999 will be inserted,
but should be corrected and run again.
- Warning: row n, first schedule of ED = m
- A new ED has started but the schedule number is not 1 (or
- Warning: row n, schedule number = m not sequential
- The schedule numbers are out of order or some are missing
(0 excluded and within this ED). NOTE:
—The program cannot spot this problem where there are
intervening 0 schedules.
- Warning: row n, consecutive schedule numbers (m) are the
- Two consecutive households have the same schedule number
which is probably an error. Uninhabited households and zero
schedule numbers do not generate this warning.
NOTE:—as above.
- Column F[G,G] = House number (width 4 +
optional alpha). This is an optional field which should be
blank when not present. The value will propagate down within
the household only.
- Error: row n, house number = m not numeric
- House numbers with more than one alphabetic should be put
in the house name field. The error is NOT
corrected automatically.
- Error: row n, house number > 4 digits
- The maximum value is 9999. A dummy of 9999 will be
inserted, but should be corrected and run again.
- Warning: row n, house number has changed in the middle of a
- No correction is made.
- Column G[H,H] = House name/address (width
30). The program capitalises initial letters. The value
will propagate down within the household only. Ditto marks in
the original should be interpreted as a repeat of the previous
value by the transcriber and filled in full here.
- Info: row n, address missing
- The address field is empty and no flag is set. A
“-” is inserted but no flag is set (as it would
destroy other information).
- Warning: row n, address has changed in the middle of a
- No correction is made.
- Column H[I,I] = Uninhabited/Building etc.
Flag (width 1). This is a mixed use field. It can take
values u (uninhabited), b (building), v (visiting), n (schedule
not used), x (an uncertain reading of an address) and -. See
other documentation for the correct use of this field. In 1851
there was no separate column containing this information, but
it can usually be inferred from other comments.
- Warning: row n, uninhabited flag = m invalid value
- Only the above values are accepted. It is changed to
- Warning: row n, uninhabited flag = m but not new
- A new schedule is created with number “0”.
Generally this will occur because the schedule number has been
left off. Uninhabited etc. should not appear in the middle of a
household, nor can people be listed against one. The common
cause for this appears to be that the enumerator realised he
had omitted to log these premises and only had space to jot
them down in the middle of a household. In this transcript,
they must have their own valid schedule number or zero so they
must be placed before or after the main household.
- Error: row n, the first record after an uninhabited
building must be a new household.
- This is the reverse of the case above, however is it not
possible to guess the schedule number so, although a new
household is created in the data file, the schedule number is
NOT changed from the previous one.
The remaining columns must be filled in for every row where
data is present. No propagation occurs.
- Column I[J,J] = Surname (width 24).
The program capitalises the surname.
- Warning: row n, surname missing
- The surname field is empty and no flag is set. The program
sets the name flag to x.
- Warning: row n, surname = <name> contains unusual
- Check the value carefully that it is what was intended
- Column J[K,K] = Forenames (width 24).
The program capitalises initial letters.
- Warning: row n, forename(s) missing
- The forenames field is empty and no flag is set. The
program sets the name flag to x.
- Warning: row n, forename(s) = <name> contains unusual
- Check the value carefully that it is what was intended
- Column K[L,L] = Name Flag (width 1).
Set to x when uncertain of the reading of a name.
- Warning: row n, name flag = m invalid value
- Only x, - and space (silently changed to -) are accepted.
It is changed to x.
- Column L[M,M] = Relationship (width 6).
Recoginsed abbreviations should be used. Use - if the data
is missing. This column should be blank (or -) for 1841
- Warning: row n, relationship missing
- The relationship field is empty and no flag is set. It is
set to - and the detail flag is set to x.
- Warning: row n, Head of household is not the first entry in
the schedule
- This probably suggests that a household/schedule break has
been missed.
- Info: row n, relationship ignored
- For 1841 input, this field was set but ignored.
- Warning: row n, relationship = <name> contains
unusual characters
- Check the value carefully that it is what was intended
- Warning: row n, unrecognised relationship code
- The code used is not in the master file of relationships
supplied. This is not necessarily wrong as the list cannot be
exhaustive. Consult your co-ordinator if in doubt.
- Column M[N,N] = Condition (width 1).
The valid values are S (single), M (married), W
(widow[er]), U (unmarried) and - (missing). A blank is silently
changed to -. It should be left blank (or -) for 1841
- Warning: row n, condition = m invalid value
- Only the above values are accepted. It is unchanged but the
detail flag is set to x.
- Info: row n, condition ignored
- For 1841 input, this field was set but ignored.
- Column N[O,O] = Sex Marker (width 1).
The valid values are M (male), F (female) and - (unknown).
The value is determined from the position of the age on the
census page. - is only applicable if no age or both ages are
given and it is not possible to determine the sex from the
- Error: row n, sex = m invalid value
- Only the above values are accepted. It is changed to - but
should be corrected and run again.
- Warning: row n, sex marker missing
- The sex marker is empty and no flag is set. It is set to -
and the detail flag is set to x.
- Column O[P,P] = Age (width 3 + alpha).
The alpha should be y (years), m (months) or d (days). A
blank is silenty changed to y. An age of 999y should be set if
the correct value is missing or cannot be determined.
- Error: row n, age = m not numeric
- A dummy age of 999y will be inserted, but should be
corrected and run again.
- Warning: row n, age missing
- The age field is empty and no flag is set. It is set to 999
and the detail flag is set to x.
- Warning: row n, age units = n invalid value
- Only the above values are accepted. It is unchanged but the
detail flag is set to x.
- Warning: row n, zero age
- If the age is not present it should be marked as 999y.
- Warning: row n, age > m
- The age is an unreasonable value (>120y or 24m or 20w or
- Warning: row %d, married person age under 14y
- If the condition is M or W then the person should be at
least 14y old. Unlike IN-CENS, this doesn’t differentiate
between the sexes.
- Column P[Q,Q] = Detail Flag (width 1).
Set to x when uncertain of the reading of any of the
previous four fields.
- Warning: row n, detail flag = m invalid value
- Only x, - and space (silently changed to -) are accepted.
It is changed to x.
- Column Q[R,R] = Occupation (width 30).
Optional free form field.
- Error: row n, no room for employed status in occupation
- When the employed status marker is set (below) a text form
of the value is inserted into the occupation column before
writing to the output file. 6 free spaces (out of the 30
available) are required to fit this in. The employed status is
ignored and the occupation flag set.
- Column R[S,S] = Employed Status (width 1).
Optional field. Valid values are E (employed/worker), R
(employer), N (neither/own account) or blank. Used in
conjunction with the occupation field (above). It should be
left blank for pre 1891 files.
- Warning: row n, employed status = m invalid value
- Only the above values are accepted. It is unchanged but the
occupation flag is set to x.
- Info: row n, employed status ignored
- For pre 1891 input, this field was set but ignored.
- Column S[T,T] = Occupation Flag (width 1).
Set to x when uncertain of the reading of the occupation or
employed status fields.
- Warning: row n, occupation flag = m invalid value
- Only x, - and space (silently changed to -) are accepted.
It is changed to x.
- Column T[U,U] = County Code (width 3).
Recoginsed codes should be used but these are not checked.
Use UNK if the data is missing.
- Warning: row n, county code missing
- The county code field is empty and no flag is set. It is
set to UNK and the birth place flag is set to x.
- Warning: row n, county code = m invalid length
- All county codes are three characters. It is unchanged but
the birth place flag is set to x.
- Warning: row n, unrecognised county code m
- The county code is not one of the recognised ones used in
the project
- Column U[V,V] = Birth Place (width 20).
NOTE: —The county or country is put
in the previous column. This field should be left blank for
1841 files.
- Info: row n, birth place missing
- The birth place field is empty and no flag is set. It is
set to - and the birth place flag is set to x.
- Info: row n, birth place ignored
- For 1841 input, this field was set but ignored.
- Warning: row n, birth place = <name> contains unusual
- Check the value carefully that it is what was intended
- Column V[W,W] = Birth Place Flag (width
1). Set to x when uncertain of the reading of the birth
place field.
- Warning: row n, birth place flag = m invalid value
- Only x, - and space (silently changed to -) are accepted.
It is changed to x.
- Column -[-,X] = Alternate County Code
(width 3). Recoginsed codes should be used for validated
pieces only, but these are not checked. Use UNK if the data is
- Warning: row n, alternate county code = m invalid
- All county codes are three characters.
- Warning: row n, unrecognised alternate county code m
- The alternate county code is not one of the recognised ones
used in the project
- Column -[-,Y] = Alternate Birth Place
(width 20). NOTE: —The county or
country is put in the previous column. This field should be
left blank for 1841 files.
- Info: row n, alternate birth place ignored
- For 1841 validated input only, this field was set but
- Warning: row n, alternate birth place = <name>
contains unusual characters
- Check the value carefully that it is what was intended
- Column W[X,Z] = Disability (width 6).
An optional free form field. This field should be left
blank for 1841 files.
- Info: row n, disability ignored
- For 1841 input, this field was set but ignored.
- Warning: row n, disability = <name> contains unusual
- Check the value carefully that it is what was intended
- Column X[Y,AA] = Language (width 1).
An optional field, which can take the values W = Welsh
speaking, E = English speaking, B = both or '-'. In the odd
cases where another language has been stated, '-' should be
used and a remark added to the Notes field. It should be left
blank on English and all pre 1881 files. There may be other
values for Scottish records
- Warning: row n, language = <m> invalid value
- Not one of the above
- Info: row n, language ignored.
- For pre 1881 input and English pieces, this field was set
but ignored.
- Column Y[Z,AB] = Notes (width 44).
- Warning: row n, is marked DELETED.
- The Notes field contains the word “DELETED”
which is used as a marker to indicate that the original data
record was marked as deleted. The new data record will also be
marked in this way.
- Column -[-,AC] = 1841 Book Number (width
4). This optional field can be used to override the
calculated 1841 Book Number derived from Cell B1 and described
above. It is ignored for years other than 1841.
- Warning: row n, book number = m not numeric
- The field is not numeric. This is acceptable but no format
check has been done and auto-increement for new books will not
work properly.
- Warning: row n, Book number = <m> not sequential
- The Books seem to be out of order. This is not always an
error but the source data should be checked.
- Warning: row n, Book number has changed in the middle of a
- No correction is made.
Other errors related to -a (ALL) input mode only
- Error: row n, household number = m not numeric
- Often because it is missing completely. This error is
NOT corrected, it should be fixed and run
- Warning: row n, initial household number = m
- The household number of row 1 is not 1. No correction is
- Info: row n, household number = m not sequential
- They are expected to be increasing by one for each
household but CHECK-CENS creates some out of sequence if
missing households are inserted. No correction is made.
- Error: row n, household number = 0 not valid
- This error is NOT corrected, it should be
fixed and run again.
- Warning: row n, household member number blank
- CHECK-CENS sometimes creates this fault when inserting
missing persons.
- Error: row n, household member number = m not numeric
- This error is NOT corrected, it should be
fixed and run again.
- Warning: row n, initial household member number = m
- The household member number on row 1 is not 1. No
correction is made.
- Warning: row n, household member number = m not
- They are expected to be increasing by one for each member
of a household (CHECK-CENS sometimes does this if inserting a
missing person.) No correction is made.
- Error: row n, household member number = 0 not valid
- This error is NOT corrected, it should be
fixed and run again.
- Error: row n, schedule number changed in middle of
- I don't know how this happens, but it does. This error is
NOT corrected, it should be fixed and run
- Error: row n, civil parish name missing
- This can only occur in ALL mode where every value should be
filled in. This error is NOT corrected, it
should be fixed and run again.
- Warning: row n, Eccl. District name missing
- This can only occur for checked pieces. Every value should
be filled in or marked -. A “-” is inserted.
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©2002–06 (last updated 18 Sep 2006) Rick Parsons,
Bristol, England