FreeCEN Administration Tools—dat2csv messages
Fatal and general errors
The Fatal errors marked (*) occur before the error file has
opened so will only appear on the console window.
- Fatal: Census year cannot be determined from file name
- The format of the file name was not recognised. See the
main documentation page.
- Fatal: Piece number in file name (<piece>) is not
- As above.
- Fatal: Part number in file name (<part>) is not
- As above
- Fatal: Full file name required including the three letter
- The file extension was missing. Unchecked files should be
.DAT, checked ones .CHE and validated ones .VLD.
- Fatal: dat2csv does not support WEB format for unchecked
- It makes no sense to publish unchecked data.
- Fatal: Aux file (<name>) failed to open
- WEB format requires some extra data files (there is a
supplementary message).
- Fatal: Too many counties in aux file
- There is a limit of 150 which should be plenty.
- Fatal: Input file (<name>) failed to open
- There was an error trying to open the file (there is a
supplementary message). Often this is a typing error.
- Fatal: Output file (<name>) failed to open
- Similar to the above but the reasons can be obscure. The
supplementary message should help.
- (*)Fatal: Messages file (<name>) failed to open
- Ditto for the messages file.
- Fatal: Template file (template.htm) failed to open
- Ditto for the HTML template file. Regrettably, in this
case, the program stops dead so in some circumstances you may
not be able to read the message before the window
- Fatal: Template file short, it ends with a lone %
- Check the syntax of the template file, a “%”
should always be followed by an insertion code.
- (*)Fatal: Program path too long, move it closer to the root
of the disk
- The program is installed too deep in the file structure so
the path name is more than 127 characters. Move it to a simpler
- (*)Fatal: File path too long, move it closer to the root of
the disk
- The data file too deep in the file structure so the path
name is more than 127 characters. Move it to a simpler
- Error: Short record at end of file - possibly
- The data file is short as the last entry is an incomplete
record. I would suggest that you look for backup copies to see
if any lost data can be recovered.
- Error: record n re-aligning by backspacing m
- It won't backspace far, but will sort out many problems.
The primary error has been corrected, but you will need to
check the consequences.
- Error: record n re-aligning by skipping m characters
- Similar to above. NOTE: —if it skips
a couple of hundred characters then there is probably a record
missing in the output because it was so badly corrupted that it
could not be used.
- Error: Carriage-Return detected in record n
- Often in the notes field. Text editor? or bug in IN-CENS?
It is removed. Other non-printables are removed silently. The
original problem has been corrected but you will need to check
the surrounding records for knock-on effects.
Data items and corresponding error messages
Although dat2csv does a lot of data checking, it does not
check records in relation to each other - e.g. sequence of pages,
schedules etc. csv2dat does a lot more of this.
- Warning: record n: Marked deleted [ - removed]
- The record is marked as deleted by the checker. If the -z
(STRIP) option was chosen then the record is removed (as
indicated), otherwise the program does not delete them
automatically, but leaves it for you to do after checking. The
output data file is marked with “DELETED” in the
“Notes” column (BRIEF mode) or a ‘D’ in
column A (FULL mode). NOTE:—ignoring
these messages could re-introduce data records into the file
which earlier workers had removed.
- Warning: Old format file, Book numbers not in use
- The (1841) file has old format Cornwall parish numbers or
Registration Districts. These are passed through
- Warning: Book numbers not set
- The field is zero or blank indicating that they have not
yet been set in this (1841) file
- Error: record n, household number = 0
- Probably caused by a bug in IN-CENS. In -a (ALL) mode this
needs to be corrected but can be ignored in the default
(SS-CENS) mode.
- Error: record 1, household number = m
- There may be data missing from the start of the file. I
would suggest that you look for backup copies to see if any
lost data can be recovered.
- Warning: record n, household number = <m> not
- Warning: record 1, household member number = m
- There may be data missing from the start of the file.
- Warning: record n, Household member number = <m> not
- Info: record n, household member number = 0
- CHECK-CENS does this, but it doesn't seem to matter
- Info: record n, Civil parish missing
- Warning: record n, ED suffix = <c> not
- Info: record n, ED = <m> not numeric
- Info: record n, ED suffix = <c>
- A check for - or X. Replaced by blank
- Info: record n, Folio number = <m> not numeric
- Info: record n, Folio suffix = <c> not
- Info: record n, folio suffix = <c>
- A check for - or X. Replaced by blank
- Info: record n, Page number = <m> not numeric
- Info: record n, Schedule number = <m> not
- Info: record n, Schedule number = -
- Replaced by 0 (zero)
- Warning: record n, Schedule number is blank
- Replaced by 0 (zero)
- Info: record n, Schedule number suffix = <c> not
- Info: record n, Schedule number suffix = <c>
- A check for - or X. Replaced by blank
- Info: record n, House number = <m> not numeric
- Info: record n, house number = m
- A check for 0 (zero) or -, replaced by blank
- Info: record n, House number suffix = <c> not
- Info: record n, House number suffix = <c>
- A check for - or X. Replaced by blank
- Info: record n, Building/Unoccupied flag = < >
- Replaced by -
- Info: record n, building/unoccupied flag = <c>
- Info: record n, surname missing
- Info: record n, forename(s) missing
- Info: record n, name flag = <c> invalid
- Info: record n, relationship missing
- Info: record n, condition = <c> invalid
- Info: record n, sex = <c> invalid
- Info: record n, Age = <m> not numeric
- Info: record n, age unit = <c> invalid
- Info: record n, detail flag = <c> invalid
- Info: record n, occupation flag = <c> invalid
- Info: record n, county code missing
- Info: record n, birth place missing
- Info: record n, birth place flag = <c> invalid
- Info: record n, Language marker = <c> invalid
- All should be present on Welsh pieces after 1871.
- Info: record n, Unexpected Language marker = <c>
- If the piece is indeed Welsh after 1871, and this occurs a
lot, it is probably due to a missing language field on the
first record.
- Info: record n, Eccl District missing
The output file needs to be checked carefully if
synchronisation errors are detected.
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Bristol, England