Structures not used by FTW 8.0 are marked XX. (No changes have been detected since FTW 7.0).
- Individual (from “0 INDI”)
- name --> Name (from “1 NAME”)
- names --> Name list (from “1 NAME”)
- surname --> String (shortcut)
- birth --> Event (from “1 BIRT”)
- death --> Event (from “1 DEAT”)
- christening --> Event (from “1 CHR”)
- burial --> Event (from “1 BURI”)
- attributes --> Attribute list (CAST, DSCR, EDUC, IDNO, NATI, NCHI, NMR, OCCU, PROP, RELI, RESI, SSN (TITL is not included))
- ordinances --> Ordinance list (not tested)
- families --> Family list (child of, from “1 FAMC”)
- mother --> Individual (shortcut for first family)
- father --> Individual (shortcut for first family)
- marriages --> Family list (from “1 FAMS”)
XX submitters --> Submitter list (from “1 SUBM”)
XX associations (not defined)
- aliases --> Individual list (from “1 ALIA”, this is not how FTW uses it)
XX anci --> Submitter list (from “1 ANSI”)
XX desi --> Submitter list (from “1 DESI”)
XX sources --> SourceCitation list (from “1 SOUR”)
XX objects --> Multimedia list
- notes --> Note list (from “1 NOTE”)
XX rfn --> Attribute (documented twice)
XX afn --> Attribute
- refns --> Refn list (from “1 REFN”)
XX rin --> Attribute
- ismale --> Integer (logical, from “1 SEX”)
- isfemale --> Integer (logical, from “1 SEX”)
- living --> Note
- xref --> String
- title --> String (from “1 TITL”)
- url --> String
- next --> Individual list
- tagcode --> String (“INDI”)
- tagname --> String (“Individual”)
Features not supported by GED2HTML include “ADDR”, “PHON”.
- Family (from “0 FAM”)
- events --> Event list (ANUL, CENS, DIV, DIVF, ENGA, MARR, MARB, MARC, MARL, MARS, EVEN, FTW does not use CENS or DIV)
- husband --> Individual (from “1 HUSB”)
- wife --> Individual (from “1 WIFE”)
- children --> Individual list (from “1 CHIL”)
- notes --> Note list (from “1 NOTE”)
XX nchildren --> Attribute (from “1 NCHI”)
XX attributes --> Attribute list (not defined in GEDCOM 5.5 specification)
XX ordinances --> Ordinance list (not tested)
XX submitters --> Submitter list
XX sources --> SourceCitation list (incorrectly documented as Source list)
- refns --> Refn list (from “1 REFN”)
XX rin --> Attribute
- next --> Family list
- url --> String
- xref --> String
- tagcode --> String (“FAM”)
- tagname --> String (“Family”)
- Submitter (from “0 SUBM”, only used in FTW
linked from “0 HEAD/1 SUBM”)
- name --> Attribute (! not Name, from “1 NAME”)
XX objects --> Multimedia list
- address --> Address (from “1 ADDR”)
- phone --> Attribute (from “1 PHON”, not sure if it handles FTW's incorrect structure)
XX rfn --> Attribute
XX rin --> Attribute
XX refns --> Refn list
XX next -> Submitter list
- tagcode --> String (“SUBM”)
- tagname --> String (“Submitter”)
- Note (from “0 NOTE”)
- xref --> String (level 0 only)
- serial --> Integer
- url --> String
- text --> Text (from “NOTE”)
XX sources --> SourceCitation list
XX refns --> Refn list (from “REFN”)
XX rin --> Attribute
XX rfn --> Attribute (not defined in GEDCOM 5.5 specification)
- next --> Note list (only used in FTW for Source Notes)
- tagcode --> String (“NOTE”)
- tagname --> String (“Note”)
- Source (from “0 SOUR”)
- xref --> String
- serial --> Integer
- url --> String
XX data --> SourceData
- author --> Text (from “1 AUTH”)
- title --> Text (from “1 TITL”)
XX abbreviation --> Attribute (from “1 ABBR”)
- publication --> Text (from “1 PUBL”)
XX text --> Text
- repository --> RepositoryCitation (from “1 REPO”)
- notes --> Note list (from “NOTE”, used for Comments & Quality in FTW)
XX refns --> Refn list
XX rin --> Attribute
XX change --> Change
- next --> Source
- tagcode --> String (“SOUR”)
- tagname --> String (“Source”)
- SourceCitation
- source --> Source
- page --> Attribute (from “PAGE”)
XX event --> Attribute
- data --> SourceData (from “DATA”, incorrectly documented as date)
XX quay --> Attribute
- notes --> Note list (from “NOTE”, used for manual citation in FTW)
XX description --> Text
XX abbreviation --> Attribute
XX title --> Text
XX texts --> Text list
- serial --> Integer
- next --> SourceCitation
- tagcode --> String (“SOUR”)
- tagname --> String (“Source”)
- SourceData
XX events --> Event list
XX agency --> Attribute
XX date --> Date
XX notes --> Note list
- texts --> Text list (from “TEXT”)
XX next --> SourceData
- tagcode --> String (“DATA”)
- tagname --> String (“Data”)
XX Repository
- name --> Attribute
- address --> Address
- phone --> Attribute
- notes --> Note list
- refns --> Refn list
- rin --> Attribute
- change --> Change
- next --> Repository (incorrectly documented as Source)
- tagcode --> String (“REPO”)
- tagname --> String (“Repository”)
- RepositoryCitation
- repository --> Repository
- notes --> Note list (from “NOTE”, used for Location in FTW)
- caln --> Attribute (from “2 CALN”)
- serial --> Integer
XX next --> RepositoryCitation
- tagcode --> String (“REPO”)
- tagname --> String (“Repository”)
XX Change
- date --> Date
- notes --> Note list
- tagcode --> String (“CHAN”)
- tagname --> String (“Change”)
- Header (from “0 HEAD”)
- date --> Date
- filename --> String (from “1 FILE”)
XX copr --> String
- submitter --> Submitter (from “1 SUBM”)
XX note --> Text (! not Note)
- tagcode --> String (“HEAD”)
- tagname --> string (“Header”)
Features not supported by GED2HTML include “SOUR”, “DEST”, “CHAR”, “GEDC”.
XX Multimedia
- not yet defined
- Name
- fullname --> String
- gedcom --> String (with /Surname/ structure)
- surname --> String
- sources --> SourceCitation list (from “2 SOUR”)
XX notes --> Note list
XX npfx --> String (from “2 NPFX”)
XX givn --> String (from “2 GIVN”)
- nick --> String (from “2 NICK” - not generated by FTW but supplied by FTWGEDfx)
XX spfx --> String (from “2 SPFX”)
XX nsfx --> String (from “2 NSFX”)
XX next --> Name list (documented ?)
- tagcode --> String (“NAME”)
- tagname --> String (“Name”)
Features not supported by GED2HTML include the GEDCOM 5.5 optional name piece structure.
- Attribute (all Attributes are treated as Events by FTW,
but GED2HTML does not mind the missing text)
- text --> String
- event --> Event
- next --> Attribute list
- tagcode --> String (e.g. “RESI”)
- tagname --> String (e.g. “Residence”)
- Event
XX text --> Text (“Y”)
- type --> String (only used in FTW for “1 EVEN”)
- date --> Date (from “2 DATE”)
- place --> Place (from “2 PLAC”)
XX age --> String (from “AGE”)
XX agency --> Attribute (from “AGNC”)
- cause --> String (from “2 CAUS”, used only on “1 DEAT” in FTW)
- sources --> SourceCitation list (incorrectly documented as Source list, from “2 SOUR”. Does not include “2 CAUS/3 SOUR” used by FTW but not in GEDCOM 5.5 specification)
XX notes --> Note list
XX family --> Family (from “2 FAMC” below “1 BIRT”, “1 CRH” and “1 ADOP”)
XX adoption --> String (from “1 ADOP/2 FAMC/3 ADOP”)
- next --> Event list
- tagcode --> String (e.g. “BIRT”)
- tagname --> String (e.g. “Birth”)
- Place (from “2 PLAC”)
- name --> String
- tagcode --> String (“PLAC”)
- tagname --> String (“Place”)
Features not supported by GED2HTML include “SOUR”, “NOTE”.
- Refn (from “1 REFN”)
- number --> String
XX type --> String
XX next --> Refn list
- tagcode --> String (“REFN”)
- tagname --> String (“Reference”)
- Text
- cont --> Text
- conc --> Text
- text --> String
- next --> Text list
- tagcode --> String (e.g. “AUTH”)
- tagname --> String (e.g. “Author”)
- Ordinance (not tested)
- date --> Date
- place --> Place
- sources --> SourceCitation list
- family --> Family
- status --> String
- temple --> String
- next --> Ordinance list
- tagcode --> String (e.g. “SLGC”)
- tagname --> String (e.g. “Sealing to parents”)
- Address
- text --> Text
- adr1 --> String
- adr2 --> String
- city --> String
- stae --> String
- post --> String
- ctry --> String
- tagcode --> String (“ADDR”)
- tagname --> String (“Address”)
- Date
- value --> String
- string --> String (uninterpreted version)
- exact --> Integer (logical)
- day --> Integer
- month --> Integer
- year --> Integer
- tagcode --> String (“DATE”)
- tagname --> String (“Date”) (incorrectly “Address” in documentation)
5.5 standard or as a
PDF document