Angwin, John, Morvah, Sep 1635 AP/A201


Inventory of John Angwin of St.Just in Penwith who died 1635.

An Inventory had and taken of all the goods and chattells moveable and unmoveable of John Angwin of the parrish of Morvah deceased and such praysed and valewed by John Angwin of St.just gent and Bernard ------ of the pish of Morvah yeoman the 11th day of August Ano Dom.1635

---------------- sum totalis is 27 14 06

Angwin, Bennett, St. Erme, 27 Jul 1639 AP/A224


Top right hand corner of will missing.

In the
I Bennett Angwin
----- doe here

Imprimis I bequeath
my bodye to

Item, I give to my

Item, I give my Daug

Item, I give my Daughter ------ Angwin eighteen pounds

Item, I give my wife Margeritt Angwin eighteen pounds

Item I give my servant Elizabeth ------ one pound

Item, I give to the poore of thepishe of St.-----[?] the sum of five shillings.

Item, I give all my goods and chattells not given nor bequeathed unto my sonne Bennett Angwin whome I make my whole Executor

Item I make Richard Watts and Lawrence Hickes overseers of my Executor.

? Angwin

Sealed and delivered in ye presence of us
John Hornbrook [?]
Richard Hodge

[Some Latin text, unreadable and the date 22/07/1639]


Admon for Bennett Angwin dated 1639. To Margaret Angwin , his widow and Benedict Watte and John Watte. This due to his Executor Bennett Angwin (his son) being under age.


Inventory for Bennett Angwin dated 6th of July 1639

A true and pfect Inventory of the goods and chattells of Bennett Angwin of the pish of St.? lately deceased taken the sixth day of July Anno Dom 1639 by William Oats, John ? , John Hornbrooke [?] and ---- Parrett [?] appreesers of the said goods as followeth.

---------------- sum totalis 98 06 06

Angwin, Martin, St. Just in Penwith, 22 Sep 1639 AP/A225


Lord Jesus save my soule
One the 10th. day of June Anno Dommi 1639

In the name of God Amen: I Martin Angwin of the pishe of St.Just beinge in my pfitt myne sense and memory prayse be to Allmyghty God for ytt: Doe make my last will and testement under the forme and mannor here after followinge first I committ my soule unto Almyghty God and my body unto the -----[?] Amen.

Imprimis. I give to the Church of St.Just XXs. Item I give to the poore of the said pish ----- [?]. Item I give to the wirker to make a -----[?]. Item I give to my Daughter Cissly 10s. Item I give to my Daughter Agnes and her children ----[?]. Item I give to my Daughter Jane and her child ----[?]. Item I give to my Daughter Honour and her children ---[?]. Item I give to my God children ----[?] apeece.Item I give to my ------ ------ apeece. Item I give to my Grandchildren ----- children --- apeece.Item I give to Jullian my wife to find one beed with hir furniture and a chamber so longe so she liveth and 4--[?] per annum to be paid quarterly and her meate an drinke.Item I give and bequeath and my will is to my sonn Martin fifty pounds to be paid in three yeares and the halfe of the Myddle Stamps and the ----- place and ----- to ----- and ------ and the third part part of the ---- ----- the ------ and ---- are paid and a Crest and three yeares --- charges provided that in consideration that if the said Martin shall pass and assign such unto the said Richard Angwin my sonn and his heirs and assignes for ever the land in ffee that I bought of Richard -----[?] of Penzance deceased and of Richard -------[?] deceased beinge heretofore pass to the said Martin and the said Martin Angwin the Younger shall pass to the said Richard Angwin all his rights and Interest of the said lands granted by Henry Angwin deceased to the said Martin and if the said Martin Angwin Junior Doe not pass the land aforesaid. ------[?] he shall have nothinge to doe with the bounds or goods.Item I give and bequeath and assign unto my sonn Richard Angwin all the lands and tenements in Bo---- and Ch----- [?] that I ---- hold by the grant of Edward Jenkinge Determinable for lives so long as any of the ------ liveth togither. All the residous of all my goods chattell chattells bills bonds and bounds mynt whatsoever nott herein given and bequeathed I give and bequeath unto the said Richard Angwin my sonn and him I ordayne apoynt to be full and whole Executor and to fullfill this my will. And all former wills ----- and bequeathed hereto affore made by me the said Martin Angwin I doe hereby utterly revoke and Disclayme. In Witness whereof I the said Martin Angwin have caused this my will to be made and have hereunto sett my hand and seale and delivered itt the daye and yeare above written.

The signe of Martin Angwin

Allex ?
Bennatt ?
William Penberthy


Stt.Just in Penwith

An Invitorie of all the goods Cattles and Chattles moveable and unmoveable of Martin Angwin of St.Just aforesaid Gent Verefied ---- and appraysed and vallewed by Allexander Geene and Christopher Myllett the 20th day of Jully Anno Domin 1639

------------ Sum totalis 111 16 02

Bands, John, Sennen, 1675 DSB435


In the name of God Amen, The one and twentieth daye of December in the one and twentieth yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord King Charles the second and in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred sixty nine, I John Bands of the Parish of Sennen in the County of Cornwall yeoman being sick and weake in body but of Sound and pfect memory (Praise be given to God for the same) and knowing the uncertainty of this life here on Earth and desirous to settle things in order, Doe make this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following (that is to say) first and principaly I Commend my Soule to Almighty God my Creatour assuredely beleiveing that I shall receive full pardon and free remission of all my sins and be saved by the precious Death and Merritts of my Blessed Saviour and Redeemer Christ Jesus, and my body to the earth from whence it was taken to be buried in such decent and Christian manner as to my Executors hereafter named shall be thought moot and convenient, And as touching such wordly estate as the Lord in mercy hath sent me, my will and meaning is that the same shall be Imolyed [?] and bestowed as hereafter by this my will expressed. And first I doe revoke renounce frustrate and make void all wills by mee formerly made, And declare and appointe this my last will and testament.

Item. I give and bequeath unto my wife Alice Bands the one moyety or halfe parte of one tenement that now is in my tenure and possession by virtue of an assignment thereof made and granted unto me by John Richards late of the pish of Sennen aforesaid deceased lying and beinge in Treveor in the pish of Sennen aforesaid bearing Oath the one and twentyeth daye of June ano dom 1634 for and during the terme and time of fowerstore and nyneteene yeares Then next ensueing determinable on the death of Michaell Richards, Alice Richards and me the said John Bands as by the said deed fo assignment more fully may appe. Alsoe I give and bequeath unto my said wife Alice Bands the one halfe pte if all the rest of my goods as well within doores as without.

Item, I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Grace Bands heirs admins and assigns one quarter pte of the said tenement for and during the natural lives of Michaell Richards and Alice Richards aforesaid or the longest liver of them.Alsoe I give and bequeath unto my said Daughter Grace Bands the one quarter pte of all the rest of my goods as well within doores as without.

Item, I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Margarett Bands one other quarter pte being the fowerth part of the said tenement to have and to hold unto her the said Margarett Bands her heirs admins and assigns for and during the naturall lives of the said Michaell Richards and Alice Richards or the longest liver of them, Alsoe I give and bequeath unto my said Daughter Margarett Bands one other quarter pte being the fowerth pte of all the rest of my goods as well within doores as without.

Item,I give and bequeath unto my said Daughters Grace Bands and Margrett Bands thabovesaid one moyety or halfe pte of the said tenement after the death of my said wife Alice Bands if the said Michaell Richards and Alice Richards or either of them shall happen to be and survive my said wife Alice Bands , Alsoe my will and desire is that my said Daughters Grace and Margrett shall have thabovesaid one halfe pte of all the rest of the goods given as abovesaid unto my said wife as well within doores as without after the death of my said wife Alice Bands all which said tenement, goods and chattells I doo hereby devise and appointe Hugh Jones of Penrose in the County aforesaid Esq. to divide betweene my said wife and my said Daughters portionably when occasion shall be and required, And alsoe I doe by this my last will make nominate andappointe my said wife Alice Bands my said Daughters Grace Bands and Margrett Bands to be my sole and whole Executrixes Joyntly to see this my last will and testament in manner and forme aforesaid fully and wholy Executed and performed, In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written/ 1669.

Sealed and delivered in presence of us


A true and pfect Inventorye of the goods and chattells of John Bands of the pish of Sennen deceased taken and praysed by Pascow Ellis gent. and John Harvey the ffifth daye od Aprill in the yeare of our Lord God 1675

--------------------- Suma toto 28 01 06 Pascowe Ellis John Harvey praysers