This package of software is primarily intended for
Administrators and County Co-ordinators of the Free-CEN project. For the CSVCHECK program
see below. For all other software for
transcribers, checkers and users of the FreeCEN data you are
referred to the
Official Site.
Copyright ©2002 Rick Parsons, Bristol, England and the late Bob Muchamore, Elizabeth South, South Australia.
This software is published Open Source Freeware. You are free to use the programs either in full or part without charge. I would ask however that this notice is included with any extract or onward distribution.
No charge may be made for the use of this code, however there is no objection to including modest extracts (with acknowledgement) in otherwise commercial software.
No warranty is given or implied by the use of the software which you do at your own risk. No compensation can be considered regarding damage to data, computers or any thing else arising as a result of using these programs.
Special thanks, also, to Peter Cox.
I try to keep my system virus free but you do check downloaded files yourself, don’t you? <grin>
Digital signatures for the ZIP files (online only).
18 Sep 2006
The full and up-to-date suite of software contains the full
source code, executables for MS-DOS/Windows, the required data
files and copies of all the documentation and tutorial pages.
Note: In some earlier editions, certain files
were marked read-only (in particular PKUNZIP.EXE
so, if you are attempting a full refresh, you may need to delete
the old \fctools
before extracting the new one.
fctools.exe (550K self extracting) or (480K)
An upgrade contains just those parts which may have changed since the initial release in March 2002 to save download time. Install it on top of the original.
upgrade.exe (290K self extracting) or (220K)
This includes the latest version of csv2dat as required by
this program. It can be run independantly of FCTOOLS and is self
contained for transcribers to confirm their SS-CENS data format
before submitting it for checking. See CSVCHECK Home Page
for instructions.
csvchk.exe (420K self extracting) or (350K)
This download does not include the manual for csv2dat, refer to the online edition if further help is needed.
The .exe
versions of the download files will
extract themselves, just create a folder called
and double click (or run:) the program
file. It can be created on any drive letter e.g.
. The .zip
versions of the downloads will require WinZIP or an equivalent
program. The software will run from a CD-ROM or, at a pinch, a floppy disk
Note: some of the software is path name
dependant and we don’t support any folder other than
The documentation contained in the download (which is the same
as on this site) can be accessed offline by pointing your browser
at \fctools\index.htm
or via the HOWTO
menu option.
Upgrade? Just overwrite what is already there, either with the upgrade or the full version.
Uninstall? Just delete the folder, no registry items or other folders are touched.
Documentation—How to use the Software
The DEMO files used in the Tutorial are shipped separately. These need to be extracted onto a blank floppy disk. Updated 14 Sep 2002.
DEMO9999.exe (290K self extracting) or DEMO9999.ZIP (230K)
The June 2005 version was a significant change so, as insurance, the previous version (Feb 2004) can be found here. (450K)
Cornwall Online Census
The Warwickshire
Ancestors Project