FreeCEN Administration Tools—Revision log
These routines use “Major.Minor.Edit” version
number codes pioneered (I think) by DEC in the late 1960’s.
The Edit number changes with every bug fix. The Minor number
changes for small section re-work or new features added. The
Major number changes for gross re-work. Lower levels drop to zero
when higher levels are incremented. Regression testing is done at
the Minor release level.
Go to the download page
for the latest version
Each sub-module is separately versioned, the number can be
found at the top of each .BAS
file and in the top
right hand corner of the first screen of each module..
FCTMENU — Current version 1.2
- v1.2.0—08Sep2002 #6 VALCONV added to menu
- v1.1.01—31Mar2002 Tutorial & Browser
provisions added
- v1.1.0—29 Mar 2002 new SUB
“changedrives” for Drive Identification
- v1.0—Initial release.
QCHK — Current version 1.2.02
- v1.2.02—Scotland added to prompts
- v1.2.01—13Jun2002 Remove debugging
“STOP” inadvertently left in last time
- v1.2.0—09Jun2002 add sub
“fixfilename” to work 8+3 format filenames
- v1.1.01—03Apr2002 \wkg changed to \tmp
- v1.1.0—29Mar2002 altered to allow changeable
drive IDs
- v1.0—Initial release.
C2D — Current version 1.3.0
- v1.3.0—03Sep2002 revised to rebuild .VLD
- v1.2.0—09Jun2002 sub “fixfilename”
added to work 8+3 format filenames
- v1.1.01—03Apr2002 <Esc> taken out
- v1.1.0—29Mar2002 drives.dat records variable
drive ID letters
<Esc> to Quit
- v1.0.01—21Mar2002 Add Q to Quit at “Select
Drive” (Page4)
- v1.0—Initial release.
D2C — Current version 1.3.01
- v1.3.01—15Sep2002 intro pages revised with regard
to permitted input files. Reference to file-type .VAL now
- v1.3.0—03Sep2002 altered to be able to process
*.VLD files
- v1.2.0—09Jun2002 sub “fixfilename”
added to work 8+3 format filenames; routine renames "short"
filenames in \fctwkg\ to 8+3
- v1.1.01—03Apr2002 <Esc> taken out
- v1.1.0—29Mar2002 altered to accept changeable
Drive IDs
<Esc> to Quit added
- v1.0.01—Q to Quit added at "select Drive"
- v1.0—Initial release.
FIXPARMS(.BAS) — Current version
- v1.1.01—03Apr2002 <Esc> taken out
- v1.1.0—29Mar2002 altered to accept changeable
drive IDs
<Esc> to Quit added
- v1.0—Initial release.
ZIPIT — Current version 1.2.01
- v1.2.01—24Jan2004 Scotland added to prompts
- v1.2—08Sep2002 revised to handle .VLD (validated)
- v1.1.04—01Jun2002 bug removed (namefiles2: in
makezip$ routine was not including
‘newfile$’—the .CHE file!!)
- v1.1.03—16Apr2002 bug removed to allow
filnam3$="" for Transcr files
- v1.1.02—14Apr2002 namefiles(1/2/3) revised to
test name of file entered. now accepts filename less than 8
- v1.1.01—03Apr2002 <Esc> taken out
- v1.1.0—29Mar2002 altered to accept changeable
Drive IDs
Esc to Quit added
- v1.0—Initial release.
HOWTO — Current version 1.2.0
- v1.2.0—14Sep2002 options list revised for .VLD
- v1.1.01—30Mar2002 options table and Browser
location amendments
- v1.1.0—29Mar2002 altered to accept changeable
drive IDs
- v1.0—Initial release.
FCT.BAT — Current version 1.1.0
- v1.1.0—03Apr2002 \tmp\ sub-dir was previously
- v1.0—Initial release.
CSVCHECK.EXE — Current version 2.3.1
Written by Peter Cox and used with permission. The version
number is in the title bar.
Conversion programs
These are the C programs that do the work. The version number
is at the top of each source file and also in the error log
output on each run.
Current version 4.11.2
- v4.11.2—Allow non numeric book numbers (actual format
not checked).
- v4.11.1—Report if 1841 book numbers is used on other
years or SCT pieces.
- v4.11.0—Check that all input is in the subset of
ISO8859-1 as required. Fix 4.10.9 no longer necessary.
- v4.10.9—Problem with library detecting 3/4 and 1/2
characters as digits.
- v4.10.8—Don”t set flags for relationship
warnings as they could easily be valid but unusual.
- v4.10.7—Bug in reading some CSV files. Needed to
strip leading spaces before quotes.
- v4.10.6—Uprate an invalid sex to an Error because
WinCC complains.
- v4.10.5—Change a non numeric age into a dummy 999y so
that Valdrev doesn't complain.
- v4.10.4—Correct a bug in the handling of 1841 book
numbers in non validated files.
- v4.10.3—Correct the case of the Chapman codes aux
file name.
- v4.10.2—Add comma to the reasonable character
- v4.10.1—Add extra information to the “Field too
long” error message.
- v4.10.0—Add unsupported feature - check relationship
codes against a master list. relcodes.txt (one per line, with
initial capital) and use -r switch.
- v4.9.2—Add & to the reasonable character set
because it is common in the disability column.
- v4.9.1—Check for a reasonable character set for many
fields and warn if any cells stray from this - particularly
- v4.9.0—Implement the 1841 Book Number facility using
Cell B1 for the starting value, incrementing each time the
folio numbers reset. There is an override in Column AC for
validated files only.
- v4.8.12—Change terminology from Eccl. Parish to Eccl.
- v4.8.11—Version 4.4.5 was wrong to remove Eccl.
parishes from 1851.
- v4.8.10—Supress consecutive spaces in fields (mostly
in Notes)
- v4.8.9—Ignore Z deletion markers. See dat2csv edit
- v4.8.8—Implement the Gaelic question.
- v4.8.7—Raise severity of "Fields too long" to an
- v4.8.6—The Welsh language question applies from 1881
and the field can contain ‘-’ but should not be
blank. Determine Welsh pieces by the presence of the language
flag on the first record. For English pieces (and Scottish for
the moment) this field should be blank
- v4.8.5—Allow for the SCT prefix in A1 (as output by
- v4.8.4—Supress warning about excessive gap before
folios at start of part pieces.
- v4.8.3—ENG/WLS 1841 whole pieces can have ED numbers
out of order.
- v4.8.2—The path length check was a little too
- v4.8.1—Improve the understandability of the fatal
- v4.8.0—Allow for ho4 for 1841 ENG/WLS.
- v4.7.5—Check for zero age values.
- v4.7.4—Open the aux file from the same directory as
the binary (rather than the CWD as before). This is generally
correct but fixes a specific problem when called from
- v4.7.3—Allow up to 128 character paths and check the
bounds. This is to cater for XP which is particularly
- v4.7.2—Remove spurious warning if aux file failes to
- v4.7.1—Add “book” to the folio messages
for our Scottish readers.
- v4.7.0—Allow for accented characters according to ISO
- v4.6.6—Remove the word “Error” from the
flag names to remove confusion about their purpose.
- v4.6.5—Check for and flag any “?” that
occur in data.
- v4.6.4—Don’t do county code check for
- v4.6.3—Correct spurious warning if cell A1 is too
long (allow more space).
- v4.6.2—Correct spurious warnings if ED only contains
one page.
- v4.6.1—Make more warnings set the corresponding
- v4.6.0—Check county codes are valid.
- v4.5.3—Extend married age check to widows.
- v4.5.2—Extend the birth place flag to cover
- v4.5.1—Detect 999y and set detail flag so it gets
- v4.5.0—Sort out “?” removal and report it
- v4.4.13—Allow for files which don’t end
properly with a newline character (e.g. those from Macs and
- v4.4.12—Tidy up the SCT position. No years have
folios but some checks re-instated for book numbers which use
the same field.
- v4.4.11—Allow “!” coding for schedule
numbers > 999
- v4.4.10—Properly check the length of the ED, folio
and house number fields.
- v4.4.9—Allow schedule numbers to exceed 999 (special
- v4.4.8—Allow notes in b/u/v/n records
- v4.4.7—4.4.5 was wrong, the disability field does
occur in 1851 census.
- v4.4.6—Uprate the “Employed status
doesn’t fit” message to an error.
- v4.4.5—No Eccl. parish or Disability in 1851
- v4.4.4—Allow for 1851 split pieces
- v4.4.3—Fix a bug in extracting fields from CSV which
should have created havoc (but didn't?)
- v4.4.2—Check for fields ending in “?” and
remove them, set the flag and issue a warning.
- v4.4.1—Add todays date to the error log (there is no
where to put it in the data file).
- v4.4.0—Ignore CSV lines with no content.
- v4.3.10—A bug in the propagation of the
ecclesiastical parish name created misleading results in
- v4.3.9—Edit 4.3.2 over did it a bit. Restore the
propagation of folio numbers even for SCT 1841, but make the
default zero.
- v4.3.8—Uprate the invalid flag messages to
- v4.3.7—Partially check cell A1 for a valid piece
number and uprate the message to a Warning.
- v4.3.6—Supress warning about address changing in the
middle of a household if it is just a dash. Also warn if house
number changes.
- v4.3.5—Uprate age not numeric to an Error.
- v4.3.4—Uprate ED not sequential message to a
- v4.3.3—(forgotten what this was)
- v4.3.2—Supress folio errors for SCT 1841 because they
don’t have them.
- v4.3.1—Correctly insert an employment status without
the trailing “)” if required.
- v4.3.0—Add a check for consecutive schedules numbers
the same (if inhabited and not zero)
- v4.2.0—The “DELETED” marker in the Notes
field is interpreted correctly and generates a warning.
- v4.1.8—Supress some warnings for shipping because
they tend not to conform to the normal layout.
- v4.1.7—"fix" the error when a new household after an
uninhabited did not have a schedule number and mark the record
in error.
- v4.1.6—Improve the error reporting to ensure that as
many errors as possible, even Fatal, get to the error file and
that it is always closed properly before exiting.
- v4.1.5—Check that the file type switch corresponds to
the number of columns of data in BRIEF mode (not possible in
ALL mode). Also don’t open the output file until all the
fatal errors are out of the way. This avoids generating an
empty file.
- v4.1.4—Detect address changes in the middle of a
- v4.1.3—Detect when the first record after an
uninhabited building is not a new household.
- v4.1.2—Relax the message about uninhabited building
not new household, but now fix the output.
- v4.1.1—Soften the message about too many lines on a
- v4.1.0—Restructure program to better detect household
- v4.0.6—Make the age warnings the same as the IN-CENS
- v4.0.5—Escalate “uninhabited in the middle of a
schedule” warning to an error because it creates an
invalid output file.
- v4.0.4—Warn about changes to parish and folio in the
middle of a page.
- v4.0.3—Supress first page and first schedule warnings
for institutional ED changes.
- v4.0.2—Supress non sequentioal schedule number
messages for merchant shipping.
- v4.0.1—The ecclesiastical parish is not being
propagated down the column correctly.
- v4.0.0—Program adapted to support the new VALD-REV
file format (in addition to the existing IN-CENS, CHECK-CENS
and SS-CENS formats). Note—version number 3 was never
used to restore harmony with dat2csv.
- v2.2.2—Check that the head of household is the first
entry in a schedule and issue a warning if not (but not
vice-versa as that is legitimate).
- v2.2.1—Yet another bug fix in the SCT file name
- v2.2.0—Allow for csv files from other architectures.
PC ends \r\n, MAC ends \r, UNIX ends \n.
- v2.1.2—Info message if cell A1 is blank.
- v2.1.1—Final rework now all census file names have
been decided.
- v2.1.0—Rework the extraction of information from the
file name to cater for Scottish census etc.
- v2.0.27—Allow for RG09 for 1861
- v2.0.26—The message regarding schedule change in the
middle of a household is up-rated to Error.
- v2.0.25—The non-numeric household member number
message is split into blank (warning) and other non-numeric
(error) messages.
- v2.0.24—Fix wrong (removed).
- v2.0.23—Only put out the missing registration
district message once and change it to missing parish number
for 1841.
- v2.0.22—Corrected usage message & deprecated -b
switch. BRIEF mode changed to SS-CENS mode.
- v2.0.21—Changed name of error file to .erc to keep
them separate.
- v2.0.20—Counting of pages per folio corrected.
- v2.0.19—Check cell A1 matches file name.
- v2.0.18—Report QUIET mode in the error log.
- v2.0.17—Made version suitable for unix.
- v2.0.0—Added spreadsheet data entry facilities (-b
BRIEF mode), considerably expanded error and warning messages
and made it suitable for public release. Compiled with gnu C
compiler under MINGW.
- v1.0.0—Cornwall only version for my own use compiled
with Borland Turbo C++ 4.5
Current version 4.7.4
- v4.7.4—Allow non numeric book numbers.
- v4.7.3—Problem with library detecting 3/4 and 1/2
characters as digits.
- v4.7.2—Correct the case of the Chapman codes aux file
- v4.7.1—Removed spurious </a> from HTML
(continued) lines.
- v4.7.0—Implement the 1841 Book Number facility.
- v4.6.15—Change terminology from Eccl. Parish to Eccl.
- v4.6.14—Version 4.4.4 was wrong to remove Eccl.
parishes from 1851.
- v4.6.13—Allow for consecutive EDs the same number but
different parishes in 1841.
- v4.6.12—1841 can have house numbers, why did we think
- v4.6.11—Supress the trailing space on the id
- v4.6.10—Allow for many more occasions when a spurious
comma can leak through to the CSV format output.
- v4.6.9—Remove the id attributes from 1841 HTML ED
headers. Duplicates are possible which would be invalid HTML
- v4.6.8—In ALL mode, change blank deletion markers to
‘Z’. This is to stop spreadsheet programs from
deleting blank columns from the left edge of a file.
- v4.6.7—Implement the Gaelic question.
- v4.6.6—The Welsh language question applies from 1881
and the field can contain ‘-’ but should not be
blank. Determine Welsh pieces by the presence of the language
flag on the first record. For English pieces (and Scottish for
the moment) this field should be blank
- v4.6.5—Output id attributes on the HTML ED headers
for reference by the index.
- v4.6.4—The path length check was a little too
- v4.6.3—Improve the understandability of the fatal
- v4.6.2—Include the parish name in the header of all
partial pieces for web output.
- v4.6.1—Report output file name in messages file.
- v4.6.0—Allow for ho4 for 1841 ENG/WLS.
- v4.5.4—Open the aux files from the same directory as
the binary (rather than the CWD as before).
- v4.5.3—Allow up to 128 character paths and check the
bounds. This is to cater for XP which is particularly
- v4.5.2—Correct the detection of truncated files (so
it works).
- v4.5.1—Allow for accented characters according to ISO
- v4.5.0—Correct the reporting of non-printable
- v4.4.10—Remove the word “Error” from the
flag names to remove confusion about their purpose.
- v4.4.9—Check the number of counties in the aux
- v4.4.8—Allow “!” coding for schedule
numbers > 999
- v4.4.7—4.4.4 was wrong, the disability field does
occur in 1851 census.
- v4.4.6—Spurious </p> in output HTML.
- v4.4.5—Bug in 1841 template handling
- v4.4.4—No Eccl. parish or Disability in 1851
- v4.4.3—Allow for 1851 split pieces
- v4.4.2—Include notes field onto web page (thus
removing private feature)
- v4.4.1—Add (todays) date to output in various
- v4.4.0—Highlight flagged fields in web output using
- v4.3.4—Add a private feature for my own web
- v4.3.3—Supress the folio number if it is blank.
- v4.3.2—Interchange Folio and Page number on Web
output (because it was daft the other way around)
- v4.3.1—Allow for more mis-spellings of the employee
status codes and upper/lower case errors.
- v4.3.0—Don’t clear the remainder of uninhabited
records in case the stuff is needed due to other errors.
- v4.2.2—Correct the message saying where the error
file is on web output.
- v4.2.1—Include #9 Schools in the list of special
institutions which had been forgotten.
- v4.2.0—The handling of deleted records has been
improved and the -Z switch added.
- v4.1.4—Uprate the ED not numeric message to a
- v4.1.3—Reduce the severity of “household member
number = 0” to Info.
- v4.1.2—Improve the error reporting to ensure that as
many errors as possible, even Fatal, get to the error file and
that it is always closed properly before exiting.
- v4.1.1—In BRIEF mode trigger full record output if
the parish changes.
- v4.1.0—Restructure the program to make the code
easier to follow.
- v4.0.2—Note if an ED is continued and say so on the
WEB output.
- v4.0.1—For WEB output, use the correct version of
Birth County and Place values if they had been changed during
- v4.0.0—Program adapted to support the new VALD-REV
file format (in addition to the existing IN-CENS, CHECK-CENS
and SS-CENS formats).
- v3.3.5—Restrict warning below to years after
- v3.3.4—Put out a warning if the schedule number is
blank and change it to zero.
- v3.3.3—Yet another bug fix in the SCT file name
- v3.3.2—Final rework now all census file names have
been decided.
- v3.3.1—Put “deleted record” message out
in ALL mode as well as BRIEF mode.
- v3.3.0—Rework the extraction of information from the
file name to cater for Scottish census etc.
- v3.2.22—Omit Welsh language marker if blank. This
preserves English pages as they were.
- v3.2.21—Allow for RG09 for 1861
- v3.2.20—Print Welsh/English language marker onto web
- v3.2.19—The warning about the first household not
being number 1 is up-rated to an Error.
- v3.2.18—1851 didn't have an uninhabited field. Allow
for this in WEB output.
- v3.2.17—Corrected usage message & deprecated -b
switch. BRIEF mode changed to SS-CENS mode.
- v3.2.16—File name wrong in Template file failed to
open message. It also doesn't pause to allow you to read the
message but I haven't found a way to fix that.
- v3.2.15—Deleted records failing to be marked
- v3.2.14—When a <CR> is detected, just blank out
that character instead of the remainder of the record in the
hope that something may be salvagable.
- v3.2.13—Stiil a problem with the ED buffer. Need to
reset the end point on each iteration in case it is
- v3.2.12—With a sufficiently corrupted data file the
buffer for ED can overflow causing later problems in the file.
Allow sufficient space.
- v3.2.11—Change the name of error file to .erd to keep
them separate.
- v3.2.10—remembered why I left them out. Partially
reverted the code.
- v3.2.9—Re-instate the wordy “Uninhabited”
type legends removed from WEB mode by an earlier decision.
- v3.2.8—Ignore address flags in WEB mode.
- v3.2.7—Substitution of text in web footer
- v3.2.6—Output piece name in cell A1 in capitals.
- v3.2.5—Report QUIET & VERBOSE mode in the error
- v3.2.4—Segmentation fault if data file empty caused
by closing the output file when it hadn't been opened.
- v3.2.3—Made version suitable for unix.
- v3.2.2—Removed obsolete -f (FINAL) mode.
- v3.0.0—Rewrote the resynchronisation routines to make
it better at re-aligning records and included synchronisation
support for checked data files as well as transcribed
- v2.0.0—Added spreadsheet data entry facilities (-b
BRIEF mode), considerably expanded error and warning messages
and made it suitable for public release. Compiled with gnu C
compiler under MINGW.
- v1.0.0—Cornwall only version for my own use compiled
with Borland Turbo C++ 4.5
Current version 1.3.1
- v1.3.1—Corrected usage message & deprecated -i
- v1.3.0—Add feature to allow transcriber id and name
to be changed.
- v1.2.3—Made version suitable for unix.
- v1.2.0—Made it suitable for public release. Compiled
with gnu C compiler under MINGW.
- v1.1.0—Added -a List All function.
- v1.0.0—Cornwall only version for my own use compiled
with Borland Turbo C++ 4.5
Back to introduction

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©2002–06 (last updated 18 Sep 2006) Rick Parsons,
Bristol, England