Transcribed and gratefully received from Jean Hosking - 9 Aug 2001
OPENING OF THE NEW WESLEYAN CHAPEL. - The opening services of the new Wesleyan chapel, St. Levan Cross, commenced on Friday, 8th inst., when a sermon was preached, at 3p.m., by the Rev. James Osborne, of Devonport. At 5 o'clock, about 180 persons took tea in the Bottoms day-school room, tickets 1s each. The meeting afterwards adjourned to the new chapel, where addresses were delivered by H. Hodge, Esq., who presided, the Revs. A. Wilkinson and G. Smith, circuit ministers, and the Rev. J. Osborne. The report read at the meeting showed the total cost of the building (including the site valued at £20,) somewhat to exceed £600. Towards this the sum of £325 8s 9½d has been promised in cash and labour, including, however, the site, and £325 2s 9½d has been actually received. The services were continued on Sunday, the 10th inst., when two excellent sermons were preached in the morning and evening by the Rev. James Osborne. The weather was beautifully fine, and all the services were very well attended. The total proceeds for the two days were £17 2s 1d. Two more sermons will be preached on Sunday, the 17th inst., (Feast Sunday,) by the Rev. R. M. Wilcox, of Penzance, chairman of the Cornwall District. H. Hodge, Esq., of Bosistow, St. Levan, has been the most liberal donor to the undertaking, and the most energetic worker in it - £50 money, the site (which includes a burial ground) and a great deal of team-work were given by him, and his care and oversight have been incessant. It is clear that nearly £400 could not have been raised in so thinly peopled a locality, without praiseworthy liberality on the part of all. Many friends, also, in the circuit and neighbourhood have given generous assistance to the work.
THE CONCLUDING SERVICES in connection with the opening of the new Wesleyan chapel, St. Levan, were held on Sunday, the 17th inst., when two excellent sermons were preached by the Rev. R. M. Wilcox, of Penzance, chairman of the district, to large congregations, the chapel being in the evening much crowded. The total amount raised at the whole of the services is £55, which makes £380 received and promised, out of rather more than £600, the cost of the chapel and appendages when completed. The building, designed by Mr. J. Trounson, of Penzance, is in the plain Italian style, 48ft. by 30ft. exterior dimensions, and 20ft. from floor to ceiling. The material is granite from the neighbourhood, stuccoed, and pitch-pine fittings; and the whole work reflects credit on both architect and builders.
At this ceremony, Oct. 8th, the following report was read:—St. Levan New Chapel, Oct. 8th, 1869.
The want of a new chapel, to substitute Sowa Chapel, which is in a weak, and Bottoms Chapel, which is in a dilapidated, condition, has been felt for several years; but some difference of opinion as to the most desirable site delayed action in the matter til about 18 months ago. The present site was then fixed upon, as being central not only to the congregations of Sowa and Bottoms but also convenient for those worshipping at Treen.
The building as commenced about 16 months ago, and, by God's blessing has now, with the exception of some fittings, been brought to completion. With gratitude to God's good providence, we this day record that no accident to life or limb has occurred during its erection, and we fervently pray that the spiritual blessing and presence of our Heavenly Father may this day descend and evermore abide upon this house, so that it may be the spiritual birthplace of many hundred.
The cost of such a chapel has, of course, been considerable. It will, altogether, somewhat exceed £600.
Towards this sum there has been promised, in contributions and team-work, £325 8s 9½d. Of this there has been actually received £287 2s 9½d, including £20, the worth of the site, and £54 8s, the team-work.
The total expenditure to this time has been £312 0s 1d. While our financial circumstances thus oblige us to solicit the continued generosity of our friends through the opening services, we would gratefully acknowledge the liberality already shown by them.
The subscriptions promised or received, have been - sums of £10 and upwards, seven subscribers, £115; five pounds, twelve subscribers, £60: one pound, and less than five, thirty eight subscribers, £80 0s 9½d. with smaller sums.
I feel that I should omit a part of my duty, as secretary to the Chapel Building Committee, did I not acknowledge the zeal and well-directed energy of Mr. Hodge, form the beginning even until now; and I am sure that the subscribers will unanimously agree with me that that gentleman, besides being the greatest subscriber, has also been in labours more abundant. - G. F. GASSON, Sec.