See also Land Records and St. Ives
[The document measures 570x740mm and is of three skins of parchment joined by tape threaded through holes at the bottom and sealed with wax. The outer (first page) is indentured at the top.]
the back of the unfolded document]
Dated 20th March 1854.
Mrs. Jane Bennett In Trust |
Conveyance (by way of Mortgage) of 2/5th parts (undivided) of Grist Mills and Premises near the West Bridge in St. Ives Cornwall, for securing £168 and Interest at £5 pr. cent. |
This Indenture made the twentieth
of March in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
fifty four Between Jane Bennett of
Saint Ives in the County of Cornwall Widow of the first part
William Hichens the younger of the same place Gentleman and
Harriet Catherine his Wife of the second part and George
Blaxland of Crosby Square in the City of London Gentleman and
The Reverend Richard Hichens of Bideford in the County of Devon
Clerk of the third part Whereas
John Chellew the elder late of Saint Ives aforesaid Miller
deceased (the father of the said Jane Bennett) being in his
lifetime and up to and until the day of his death hereinafter
mentioned seized to him and his Heirs in fee simple in
possession of the Mills and Hereditaments hereinafter described
by his last Will and Testament in writing leaving late on or
about the nineteenth day of November one thousand eight hundred
and thirty five and duly executed and attested for the devise
of real Estates after bequeathing unto his Wife Martha Chellew
since deceased a Legacy of ten Pounds and giving to her the use
during her life of his Dwelling House and three Rooms adjoining
and of certain Household Furniture and other Effects gave
devised and bequeathed all the residue and remainder of his
Property consisting of Freehold and Leasehold Messuages Mills
Lands Tenements and Hereditaments and all his residuary
personal Estate unto John Nicholas Richards Millet (by the name
of John Richards Nicholas Millet) Thomas Matthews Wearne and
James Young all therein described their Heirs Executors
Administrators and Assigns Upon trust in the first place from
and out of the said Testator's Leasehold Estate called Trenwith
to provide for and pay into his said Wife Martha Chellew during
her natural life one Annuity of twenty Pounds in quarterly
payments and the said Testator declared that the provision
thereby made for his said Wife was in Case of Dower And upon
further trust to pay unto his son Samuel Chellew (who is still
living) during his natural life or so much thereof as the said
Testator's Property aforesaid (for the time being) would enable
the said Trustees so to do one Annuity of eight Pounds in
quarterly payments the first thereof to be made at the end of
three calendar months after the said Testator's decease and
also to pay unto Elizabeth Rosewall (who is still living)
during her natural life for her separate use (but subject to
the like contingency as last aforesaid) one Annuity of five
Pounds the first thereof to be paid at the end of one year next
after the said Testator's decease And upon further trust that
they the said Trustees and Trustee for the time being should
according to their his or her own discretion and at such time
or times as they he or she should in their his or her like
discretion deem fit by sale or mortgage or demise or other
disposition of the said several Estates and premises or of a
competent part or parts thereof or by with and out of the rents
issues and profits to arise therefrom in the meantime or by all
or any of the aforesaid or by such other ways and means as to
them him or her should seem meet raise and levy such sum or
sums of money as should be sufficient to make good the
deficiency of the said Testator's real or personal Estate in
answering and satisfying his debts legacies annuities and
funeral and testamentary charges And upon further Trust that
(subject as aforesaid and to the due payment of his said debts
with the interest thereof accrued and to grow due for the same)
they the said Trustees and Trustee (for the time being) in the
meantime and until a sale or disposition (if any) should be so
made should stand seized and be possessed of and interested in
his the said Testator's Estates and Effects as well real as
personal with the surplus of the yearly rents and other produce
thereof to and for the only proper use and benefit of his
several sons and daughters and grand-children thereinafter
named and their several and respective Heirs Executors
Administrators and Assigns and should apply or pay the same
accordingly in the several shares and proportions and in manner
following (that is to say) unto his son Richard Chellew his
Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns one full fifth part
or share thereof unto his son Arthur Chellew his Heirs
Executors Administrators and Assigns one other like fifth part
or share thereof unto his daughter the said Jane Bennett her
Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns one other like fifth
part or share thereof unto daughter Charlotte then the wife of
James Richards the younger Carpenter her Heirs Executors
Administrators and Assigns one other like fifth part or share
thereof and unto James Chellew John Chellew Thomas Henry
Chellew Jane Chellew and Mary Chellew respectively sons and
daughters of his then late son James Chellew deceased and their
respective Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns the
remaining like fifth part or share thereof equally between them
as joint tenants and to be applied or paid for their use and
benefit during the minority, that is to say, under the age of
twenty one years of the youngest (for the time being) of the
said Testator's said Grand-children with the benefit of
survivorship or accruer between and amongst them in the
meantime and afterwards for their respective right Heirs
Executors Administrators and Assigns absolutely for ever or for
such other estates terms and interests as he had therein
respectively And Whereas the said
John Chellew the testator died on or about the [blank] day of
November one thousand eight hundred and thirty five without
having altered or revoked his said Will as made to the effect
hereinbefore recited so far as the same Will affected the said
Hereditaments hereinafter described and the said Will was with
a Codicil thereto annexed duly proved on or about the [blank]
day of [blank] one thousand eight hundred and [blank] in the
[blank] Court of [blank] by the said John Nicholas Richards
Millet and James Young two of the Executors thereof the said
Thomas Matthews Wearne, the other Executor, having renounced
Probate of such Will and Codicil and refused to act in or to
accept the trust thereof And
Whereas the said James Young died on or about the
[blank] day of [blank] one thousand eight hundred and [blank]
and the said John Nicholas Richards Millet, who is now living,
is the only surviving acting trustee under the said Will of the
said John Chellew deceased And
Whereas the said Charlotte Richards one of the said
daughters of the said John Chellew named in his said Will
having survived her Father died on or about the [blank] day of
[blank] one thousand eight hundred and [blank] intestate
leaving the said James Richards, her husband, and the said
William Richards her eldest son and Heir-at-law her surviving
And Whereas the said James Richards
died on or about the [blank] day of [blank] one thousand eight
hundred and [blank] And Whereas by
an Indenture dated the twentieth day of April one thousand
eight hundred and fifty three and made between the said William
Hichens of the first part William Jones therein described of
the second part Harriet Catherine Jones Spinster (now the Wife
of the said William Hichens) of the third part and the said
George Blaxland and Richard Hichens of the fourth part (being
or purporting to be a Settlement made on the marriage of the
said William Hichens with the said Harriet Catherine his Wife)
after reciting that in consideration of the said then intended
marriage the said William Jones had ||
to the said George Blaxland and Richard Hichens a certain sum
of money therein mentioned It is by the said Indenture agreed
and declared that the said George Blaxland and Richard Hichens
and the survivor of them his Executors or Administrators should
from thenceforth stand possessed of the said sum and of the
Annual Income of the Investments thereof to be made as
thereinafter mentioned upon trust after the solemnisation of
the said intended marriage that the Trustees or Trustee for the
time being under the said Settlement should lay out and invest
the same sum in their or his names or name in some or one of
the public Stocks or Funds of Great Britain or at Interest upon
Government Securities or on the Security of any Freehold or
Leasehold Estates held for terms of years absolute on for lives
or for terms of years determinable on the dropping of lives to
be situate in England or Wales but not in Ireland with full
power for the Trustees or Trustee, for the time being, from
time to time to alter or vary all or any of such Investments
for others of a like nature as often as they or he should think
fit But so nevertheless that during the joint lives of the said
William Hichens and Harriet Catherine his Wife and during the
life of the survivor of them every such laying out or
investment alteration or variation be made with their his or
her consent in writing And Whereas
the said sum of money so paid by the said William Jones to the
said George Blaxland and Richard Hichens as aforesaid hath been
invested by them in the purchase of the sum of [blank] three
and a quarter per cent annuities and the same sum is now
standing in the joint names of the said George Blaxland and
Richard Hichens in the Books of the Governor and Company of the
Bank of England And Whereas by an
Indenture dated the eighteenth day of March one thousand eight
hundred and fifty four and made between the said William
Richards of the one part and the said Jane Bennett of the other
part in consideration of the sum of one hundred and fifty
Pounds in hand paid by the said Jane Bennett to the said
William Richards the said William Richards did by the Indenture
now in recital grant bargain sell convey ratify and confirm
unto the said Jane Bennett and her Heirs All his the said
William Richards one fifth part or share undivided (to which he
was then entitled as the Heir-at-Law of the said Charlotte
Richards deceased) of and in the Water Grist Mills with the
Garden and other appurtenances thereunto belonging therein and
hereinafter mentioned and described To hold the same with the
appurtenances (subject as in the said Will of the said John
Chellew deceased is mentioned) unto and to the use of the said
Jane Bennett her Heirs and Assigns for ever And Whereas the said Jane Bennett having
occasion for the sum of one hundred and sixty eight Pounds the
said George Blaxland and Richard Hichens in pursuance of the
power in the hereinbefore in part recited Indenture of
Settlement contained and with the privity and consent of the
said William Hichens and Harriet Catherine his Wife testified
by their severally executing these Presents have agreed to lend
her the same on her securing the repayment thereof with
interest in the manner hereinafter mentioned Now this Indenture witnesseth that in consideration of the sum of
one hundred and sixty eight Pounds Sterling to the said Jane
Bennett in hand paid by the said George Blaxland and Richard
Hichens with the privity consent and approbation of the said
William Hichens and Harriet Catherine his Wife testified as
aforesaid the receipt of which said sum the said Jane Bennett
doth hereby acknowledge and therefrom and form every part
thereof doth acquit release and discharge the said George
Blaxland and Richard Hichens and each of them and their
respective Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns and every
of them for ever by these Presents the said Jane Bennett Doth
by these Presents grant bargain sell convey ratify and confirm
unto the said George Blaxland and Richard Hichens their Heirs
and Assigns All her the said Jane
Bennett's two fifths parts or shares undivided of and in All
these two Water Grist Mills with the Garden Stables Outhouses
and Appurtenances thereunto belonging situate near the West
Bridge in Saint Ives aforesaid and for many years last past in
the occupation of Mr John Chellew (Son of the said John Chellew
deceased) as tenant thereof And of and in all houses outhouses
ways easements waters watercourses leats mill-streams profits
commodities advantages emoluments rights members and
appurtenances whatsoever to the said Mills and other
Hereditaments belonging or in anywise appertaining And the
reversion and reversions remainder and remainders yearly and
other rents issues and profits of the said two fifth parts and
hereditaments hereby conveyed And all the estate right title
interest use trust inheritance property possession benefit
claim and demand whatsoever both at law and in Equity of her
the said Jane Bennett of in to or out of the said two fifth
parts and Hereditaments hereinbefore described and all and
singular other the premises expressed to be hereby conveyed
(subject as in the said Will of the said John Chellew deceased
is mentioned) unto and to the use of the said George Blaxland
and Richard Hichens their Heirs and Assigns but nevertheless
upon the trusts and for the ends intents and purposes and with
under and subject to the powers provisoes conditions and
limitations in or by the said hereinbefore in part recited
Indenture of Settlement declared or such of them as are now in
being and capable of taking effect subject nevertheless to the
proviso or condition or redemption thereinafter contained (that
is to say) Provided Always that if
the said Jane Bennett her Heirs Executors Administrators and
Assigns shall pay or cause to be paid unto the said George
Blaxland and Richard Hichens or the survivor of them his
Executors Administrators and Assigns or other the Trustees or
Trustee for the time being of the said Indenture of Settlement
the said sum of one hundred and sixty eight Pounds Sterling
with Interest for the same after the rate of Five Pounds per
centum per annum on the twentieth day of March next without any
deduction or abatement whatsoever then these Presents shall
cease and determine and thereupon be and become absolutely null
and void to all intents and purposes anything herein contained
to the contrary not withstanding And the said Jane Bennett doth hereby for
herself her Heirs Executors ||
Administrators covenant with the said George Blaxland and
Richard Hichens and their respective Executors Administrators
and Assigns that the said Jane Bennett her Heirs Executors or
Administrators shall and will pay or cause to be paid unto the
said George Blaxland and Richard Hichens or the Survivor of
them his Executors Administrators or Assigns or other the
Trustees or Trustee for the time being of the said Settlement
the said Principal sum of one hundred and sixty eight Pounds
and Interest at the rate aforesaid at the time and in manner
hereinbefore appointed for payment thereof And that for and notwithstanding any act deed
matter or thing made done or permitted to the contrary by her
or the said John Chellew (the Testator) deceased she the said
Jane Bennett now hath in herself good right and lawful and
absolute authority to grant bargain sell and convey the said
two fifth parts or shares of and in the said Mills
Hereditaments and Premises (subject as aforesaid) unto and to
the use of the said George Blaxland and Richard Hichens their
Heirs and Assigns in manner aforesaid And also that it shall be lawful for the said
George Blaxland and Richard Hichens and the survivor of them
his Heirs or Assigns or other the Trustees or Trustee for the
time being of the said Settlement at any time after default in
payment of the said sum of one hundred and sixty eight Pounds
and Interest or any part thereof contrary to the proviso or
condition hereinbefore contained peaceably and quietly to enter
into and have hold use occupy possess and enjoy the said two
fifth parts of and in the said Mills and Hereditaments hereby
conveyed or intended so to be and to receive and take rents and
profits thereof without any hindrance eviction interruption or
denial whatsoever of from or by the said Jane Bennett or any
other person or persons whomsoever rightfully claiming any
estate right title or interest at Law or in equity of in to or
out of the said two fifth parts and Hereditaments by from who
or under her or the said John Chellew (the testator) deceased
(except the several persons claiming in respect of but only in
respect of any charges thereon under the said Will of the said
John Chellew deceased [)] and that free and clear and freely
clearly and absolutely acquitted exonerated and discharged or
otherwise by the said Jane Bennett her Heirs Executors or
Administrators or some or one of them effectually indemnified
from and against all and all manner of former and other gifts
charges and incumbrances whatsoever had made occasioned or
suffered by the said Jane Bennett or the said John Chellew the
testator, deceased except the charges thereon under his said
Will as aforesaid ||Provided also
that if the said sum of one hundred and sixty eight Pounds or
the interest thereof or any part thereof shall not be paid at
the time hereinbefore appointed for that purpose it shall be
lawful for the said George Blaxland and Richard Hichens and the
survivor of them his Heirs Executors or Administrators or other
the Trustees or Trustee for the time being of the said
Settlement at any time hereafter without any further authority
than these Presents to sell and absolutely dispose of the said
two fifth parts of and in the said Mills and other
Hereditaments hereby conveyed either by Public Auction or
private contract and to convey and assure the same to the
purchaser or purchasers thereof and out of the proceeds of such
sale or sales after deducting and retaining the expenses
thereof or incident thereto in the first place to retain pay
and satisfy unto the said George Blaxland and Richard Hichens
or the survivor or them his Heirs Executors or Administrators
or other the Trustees or Trustee for the time being of the said
Settlement the said sum of one hundred and sixty eight Pounds
and Interest or so much thereof as shall then be due and owing
by virtue of this Security and the residue (of any) to pay unto
the said Jane Bennett her Heirs Executors Administrators or
Assigns or as she or they may direct and what (if any) the said
mortgaged Hereditaments shall then remain unsold shall be
reconveyed unto the said Jane Bennett her Heirs or Assigns
||And moreover that she the said
Jane Bennett and her Heirs and every other person whatsoever
lawfully or rightfully claiming any Estate right title trust or
interest at Law or in Equity of in to out of or upon the said
two fifth parts or shares of and in the said Mills
Hereditaments and Premises intended to be hereby granted and
conveyed by from through under or In trust for her or the said
John Chellew deceased except the several persons claiming in
respect of but only in respect of the aforesaid excepted
charges shall and will at all times hereafter upon the request
of the said George Blaxland and Richard Hichens or the survivor
of them his Heirs Executors or Administrators or other the
Trustees or Trustee for the time being of the said Settlement
but at the costs and charges of the said Jane Bennett her Heirs
Executors or Administrators make do acknowledge and execute or
cause to made done acknowledged and executed all such further
and other lawful and reasonable acts deeds conveyances and
assurances in the Law for the more effectually and
satisfactorily conveying and assuring the said two fifth parts
and Hereditaments hereby conveyed or intended so to be unto and
to the use of the said George Blaxland and Richard Hichens
their Heirs or Assigns or other the Trustees or Trustee of the
said Settlement their his or her Heirs and Assigns upon the
Trusts hereinbefore expressed or referred to or such of them as
shall be there in being and capable of taking effect in such
manner and form as the person or persons making such request or
his her or their or any or either of their Counsel in the Law
shall advise or require In Witness
thereof the said ies to the Presents have hereunto set
their hands and seals the day and year first before written
Harriet Catherine Hichens @ | William Hichens @ | Jane @ Bennett
[The seal impressions are all the same “h”, probably for Hichens the solicitor.]
[On the back]
Received on the day and year first within written of and from the within named George Blaxland and Richard Hichens the full sum of one hundred and sixty eight Pounds being the Consideration money within mentioned to be by them paid to me Jane Bennett Witness Martin Dunn jr |
£168:0:0 |
[On the back]
Signed Sealed and Delivered by the within named Jane Bennett in the presence of
Martin Dunn jr
Clerk to Messrs Hichens and Son
Solrs St. Ives
Signed Sealed and Delivered by the within named William Hichens and Harriet Catherine his Wife in the presence of
Wm. Hichens
Solicitor St Ives
[I trust this was a different Wm. Hichens]