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Rowe, John, Madron, 12 Jan 1629 AP/R496
Admon for the goods of John Row of Madron, died 1629.
Granted to Joane Row, his widow and William James, yeoman,
Rowe, Bernard, St. Buryan, Jul 1643 DSB10
Admon for the goods of Bernard Rowe of the parish of St.Buryan died 1643.
Granted to Richard Rowe, brother of the deceased.Yeoman.
An Inventorie of all and singular the goods and chattells of Bernard Rowe late of Burian deceased Appraised the tenth day of July 1643 by John Jeffrys gent and Richard ----- ------
- Imprimis one chattle lease of one tenement in ----- with
---- ---- ---- estimate in ----- Mr. ----
gent. ----- eight ---- and thereof £ 00 00 00 [?] - Item 18 pewter dishes and two saucers 01 03 04
- Item ------ wheate barley oats theregrowing 08 00 00
- Item 4 kine now or late in the custodie of John ----- 08 00 00
- Item one brass panne 02 13 00
- Item one brass pott and one old candlesticke 00 13 04
- Item ---- from Robert ------ 01 00 00
- Item 2 ---- of twelve months old and the ------- 01 06 08
- Item 2 litle mares and one coult 03 00 00
- Item certaine other goods in the hands of the
Wydowe and John ------ we cannott value 00 00 00
Sum is £ 25 16 04
Rowe, William, St. Buryan, Jan 1662 DSB23
The fowerteenth day of December 1656
In the name of God amen, I William Rowe of the Pish of Buryan in the Countey of Cornwall yeoman, beinge sick and weake in bodey but perfect in memorie thanks bee unto Allmightey God doe constitute and ordayne this my last will and testament in manner and forme followinge. ffirst and above all I bequeath my Soule unto Allmighty God my maker and redeemer and my bodey unto Christian buryall where it shall please my good friends.
Item I give and bequeath unto the Pish of Buryan tenn shillings.
Item I give unto my Sister Jane Rowe a hoggett of two yeares ould.
Item I give unto Ann Richard a hoggett of two yeares ould.
Item I give unto my Sister Grace Dennis twelve pence.
Item I give unto George Dennis and Zenobia Dennis Sonn and Daughter of Peter Dennis twelve pence to each of them.
Item I give unto Thomas Jervis[?] twelve pence.
Item I give unto Charlie Jervis[?] twelve pence.
All the rest of my goods and Chattells reall and Personall my Legasies beinge paid and my debts satisfied I give and bequeath and devise unto my two Kinsmen John and Mathew Rowe whome I Constitute and ordayne to bee my full and whole Executors revokinge and disanullinge all former wills and bequeathes by me made witness my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written.
Signed Sealed and Delivered In the presence of us
Ffrancis Noye
the signe of Richard Treweeke
The signe of William Rowe
Dated the last day of Jnuary 1656
A true note or Invyntorye of what goods William Rowe of the Pish of Buryan had when hee dyed all his legasies being paid.
- Ffirst his wearing apparrel being prized 00 08 00
- 2, one pan and one crock in prized of 01 10 00
- more two platters in prizee of 00 01 00
- more one heifer being prized in 02 00 00
- more one ould mare being prized 01 00 00
- more one ould Cubbord prized 00 03 00
- more one ould tubb prized 00 01 00
- more 4 dishes prized 00 00 04
- more one brandize 00 01 00
- more 4 sheepe prized in 00 12 00
- more one table bord prizzed in 00 03 08
So the whole some prized for said goods of Will.Row came unto 06 10 00
Rowe, Richard, St. Buryan, 16 Jan 1665 DSB32
Dated the 12th Daye of January 1663
In the name of god amen, I Richard Row, of the Prish of Burain in the Countie of Cornwall Yeoman being sick in Body but of Pfect and Disposing memory Praysed be god Doe make and Ordaine this to be my Last Will and Testament in mannor and forme foloweth.
ffirst I bequeath my Soule to you that gave it and my Body for the Christian Burioell.
Item I Doo give to my Grand Children Barnard Rowe, Richard Rowe and Elener Rowe ffive pounds appeece to be payd at the doine of 6 monthes after my decease.
Item I Doo give to my Grand Sonn Barnard Rowe my great Pan when hee commeth to the age of fifteene yeares.
Item I Doo give to my Grand Sonn Richard Rowe my great Crock when hee commeth to the age of fifteen yeares like wise my will is that if or in of these my Grand Children shall happen to die before they com to the age of Twentie and one yeares that then that portion shall be betweene the other too or one of the sayd children.
Item I Doo give to my Daughter Christian Nicoll the wife of Richard Nicoll five shillings
Item I Doo give to my Grand Daughter Brigget Nicoll five shillings
Item I Doo give to my Grand Children John Nicoll and Ann Nicoll two shillings and six pence apeece.
Item I Doo give and bequeath unto my Daughter in law Elizabeth Roe 5 shillings.
Item I doo give to my Grand Sonn Richard Nicoll ----[?]
All the rest of my Goods and Chattells Moveable and unmoveable not formerly given nor bequeathed I doo hereby give and bequeath unto my Daughter Jane Rowe whome I doo nominate and apoint to bee my full and sole Executor. In Witnes hereof I have hereto put my hand and seale the daye and yeare first above written.
Signes and sealed as my last will and testament in presents
John Pearce[?] Witnes
Richard Nicoll
Nicolas ------[?]
the signe and seale of Richard Rowe
I doo like wise institute and ordaine upon this my last will and testament that the legacye or portion which I have given to my three Grand Children Barnard Row, Richard Row, and Elenor Row beinge 5 shillings apeece shall be payd to the overseers or gardians of the sayd children and that the sayd overseers or gardians shall Imploye the same for the Benifit of the sayd children till they com to age.
Like wise my will is that sayd overseers or gardians of the sayd children shall receive the sayd goods, for or in the behalfe of the sayd children that then my Executor whome I have ordained and apointed to paye the same shall demand and have sufficient honistie to give and aquite her of the sayd portions when these children comes to age.
A parfit inventory of the goods and Chattels of Richard Rowe desesed taken the seventh of May in the yeare of our Lord 1664.
- for his wearinge aparell wolling and lining 02 00 00
- one fither bed furnished in the middle chamber 03 00 00
- one fith bed and ------- bed of rugs with thire
and one other ------ 02 00 00 - in the halle two tabell bords one forme two Chayres 01 10 00
- two ------- keeves two barels two furkins fower
two ---- one ould caske and one other keeve one forme
one chist 01 00 00 - nine pewter dishes one masardish [?] foure silver
two brasen Candellsticks 02 00 00 - three brasen crockes three braspans and one littell
two brandisis two spits one payre of ---- and one ------- 02 00 00 - one plowe one harow two yoackes and chaines one
chaine with all hir materials belonging unto husbandry 01 10 00 - Corne in the mohaye 01 10 00
- two acars and halfe of whet in the ground and two
and halfe of Oats and of Rye one acae and halfe pease and
quarter [THE LAST THREE WORDS DELETED] 05 00 00 - twenty two sheepe and thirtene lams 14 00 00
- foure cows and foure oxsen foure younge bollocks
and two calves 20 00 00 - three nags three mares and one littell coulte and
three coults of two yeares old 07 00 00 - six pan crocks with other Cloming Visells 00 01 06
- two bord clothes one carpitt ten bord napkins
ten dishes Dozen and halfe of Ironware ten lining spons 01 00 00 - foure swines foure geese three hins and one ----
and a sadell and bridell 01 00 00 - for two white ----- and one payre of pannards 00 05 00
- for goods left unpraysed and forgotten 00 05 00
-------------------- The sume totall 65 11 06
Praysed the day and yeare above said by us
Jo. Pearowe
Philip Shutford
Rowe, John, St. Buryan, 18 Jan 1698 DSB94
In the name of god Amen
The twelth day of May one thousand six hundred ninety six.
I John Row of ye Parish of Buryan in ye County of Cornwall Husbandmann being of Perf. Memory blessed be to god. Doe make and ordaine this my Last will and testament in manner and form foloing.
ffirst I give and bequeath my soule into the hands of Allmighty god my maker hoping that through ye meritorous Death and ---ation of Jesus Christ my only saviour and redeemer to reseve free pardon and forrgivenes of all my sins and as for my body to be buried in Christian burial at the Descretion of my Executrix heare after to be mentioned.
Itm.I give and bequeath unto ye Parish Church of Buryan to shilings and six pence.
Itm.I give and bequeath unto Will.Row to shilings and six pence.
Itm.I give and bequeath uto Mary wife of Constanro Row to shillings and six pence.
Itm.I give and bequeath unto Mathy Row to shilings and six pence.
Itm.I give and bequeath unto Marten Gye one shiling.
Itm.I give and bequeath unto Mary Daughter of Constanro Row one shiling.
Itm.I give and bequeath all ye rest of my goods and chatells movabell and unmovabell that is not given nor bequeathed unto my wife Charety WhomeI doe nomenate and appoint to be my full and hole Executrix revoking all former wills and testaments. In Witnes whereof I have here unto set my hand and seall.
Signed Seald and Delivered in Pressents of us
Richard Gross
the signe of Jane Jarka [?]
the signe of John Jarke [?]
the signe of John Rowe
A true Inventory of all the goods and Chattels of John Row late deceased in the Pish of Buryan taken and appraysed by us whose names are underwritten the 7th day of August 1697 as followeth.
- Impr. his wearing apparrell 00 18 00
- Item one six part of the Land in Alsa upon one ould life 09 00 00
- Item one house and garden in Burian Churche town upon one ould life 03 00 00
- Item one pan and a small kittle 00 08 00
- Item one Iron Crocke 00 02 00
- Item five small platters 00 02 06
- Item one Candlesticke and one flaggon 00 01 06
- Item two small keeves and one tub 00 03 00
- Item one table bord and a forme 00 01 06
- Item one bead and bead clothes 00 15 00
- Item for Cloming things 00 01 00
- Item one Chest 00 01 06
- Item Dishes and spoons and trenchers 00 01 00
- Item one brandes 00 00 06
- Item husbandry Implements 00 05 00
- Item two Cows two young bollocks and one Calfe 06 07 06
- Item one mare and one horse 02 15 00
- Item the halfe of the Corne in the Ground 02 10 00
- Item three sheepe and two lambs 00 10 06
- Item three pigs 00 07 00
- Item five geese and two hens 00 03 06
- Item one winding sheete and two ----- 00 02 06
- Item forgotten things 00 02 00
The totall sum 27 18 02
Sampson Dennes
John Nicolas
Hall, Bernard, St. Buryan, 1698 DSB93
Admon for Bernard Hall of St.Buryan in Penwith. Died 1698. Dated 10th.January 1698.
To Richard Gross, Gent and David Kensarn [?],
Mary Hall, Relict of Bernard Hall.
Admon dated 18th. January 1698
A true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the goods of Bernard Hall late of Buryan Deceased Viewed taken and Appraised by John Wills and David Kensarn both of Buryan -----[?] the second daye of June Anno Domi 1698
- Imp. his wearinge apparell 00 15 00
- ffower pewter dishes 00 04 00
- one Cubbard 00 10 00
- one old bedsteed with appurtenances 00 05 00
- one Iron pott 00 02 00
- on account in money/debts deducted 10 00 00
- one small table board and forme 00 02 06
- old Lumber and things forgotten 00 01 06
---------------- 12 00 00
John Wills
David Kensarn
Botterell, John, Sennen, 29 Sep 1660 DSB420
Nuncupative Will
January the 18th. 1658
The last Will and Testament Nuncupative of John Bottrell as he did then declare in presence of William Bodenar, William Badcock and others as followeth.
Ffirst he bequeathed his Soule to God and his Body to Christian buriall and his wordly goods as followeth.
Item he gave and bequeathed all his goods and Chattels unto Rebecka his wife, whome he appointed to be his full Executrix.
Item he gave unto Richard his Sonne five pounds to be paid him out of the lands that his mother did holde after her decease.
Item he gave and bequeathed unto Katherine his Daughter fifteen pounds to be paid out of the lands that his mother did holde after her decease.
William Bodenar
William Badcock
An Inventorie taken the 24th. day of March in the Yeare of our Lord God. 1659. of all and singular the goods and Chattels --- late --- John Bottrell of Sennen in the County of Cornwall husbandman deceased praysed the daye and yeare below written by William Bodenar and Arthur Beryman as men independent.
- Item. all his Apparrell valued at 01 00 00
- Item. a lttle Steare and a Heafer at 02 10 00
- Item. one Cow at 02 05 00
- Item. one ould Mare at 02 00 00
- Item. Three Sheepe at 00 08 00
- Item. three panns at 01 00 00
- Item. two brasse crockes 00 10 00
- Item. five pewter dishes two sowsers and one pewter
flagon and one candelsticke at 00 05 00 - Item.three Siver spoons at 00 10 00
- Item. one Cubbard and one ould cubbard and an ould crosse 00 12 00
- Item. one Bedd and bedd cloaths at 01 00 00
- Item. one keeve and a tubb and two little Barrells 00 04 00
- Item. a little table board and a forme at 00 02 00
- Item. a Brander and all other Iron Stuff at 00 03 00
- Item. all the chomen [?] Stuff at 00 02 00
------------ Sume it 12 11 00
The signe of William Bodenar
Arthur Berman
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