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Grenfell, William, St. Just in Penwith, 1752
Admon for William Grenfell, Blacksmith of the parish of St.Just in Penwith. Dated 28th.July 1752
To Joan Grenfell of St.Just. (Widow of William). William John of Penzance, Gent.. John Rennals Blacksmith of the same.Edward Jackson of Penryn, Yeoman.
Inventory taken the 27th. day of July 1752, of all the Goods and Chattels, Rights and Credits of William Grenfell late of the Parish of St.Just in the County of Cornwall Deceased and is under.
- One Redd Nagg 07 07 00
- One young Mule 01 16 00
- Two Milk Cows, One acre and three quarters of Barley standing in the fields out of which there is rent to pay 05 00 00
- One new Bellows 03 10 00
- One of do 00 10 06
- Two Anvils 04 00 00
- One Beak----[?] 00 07 001/2
- Two Sledges and five hammers 00 09 03
- Small Tools severall sorts 00 13 00
- One bundle iron hoops,eleven iron do 01 13 00
- Flat iron bars 00 19 05
- Small square iron 00 06 09
- Five round bars 00 09 061/2
- More small tools 00 04 00
- One large stone trough 01 16 00
- One pair of ---- and beam ---- of stone and a pare of stone weights 00 07 06
- One thirty one part adventure and imolements in John Osborn and partners work. One thirty one part adventure and implements in Nicholas Tresise and partners work. One twenty fourth do in Phillip Harvey and partners work. One do in Edward Grenfells and partners work. 13/31 parts do in Wm.Penrose and partners work. ALL 4 ABOVE LISTED AS CASUALTIES [?]
- One Bedstead,Feather Bed and Furniture of the same 02 00 00
- One large sheet, one small do 00 07 06
- One brass pann 01 16 00
- Wearing apparel and ready money 02 10 00
- Sundry small goods 01 00 00
- Sundry Debts Due on the ----[?] Book of which we judge to be paid. 15 00 00
------------- 52 04 00
By us J.Bonetto
Grenfield, Thomas, St. Just in Penwith, 1757
Admon for Thomas Grenfield, Tinner, of St.Just in Penwith who died about 1743.
To Thomas Oates, Tinner , of St.Just. John Batten, Merchant, of the Town of Penzance and William Reseigh, Yeoman, of St.Just.
Obligation on Jane Oates, wife of the above named Thomas Oates and widow of the late Thomas Grenfield.
Admon dated 9th.May 1757
Grenfell, John, St. Just in Penwith, 1760
Admon for John Grenfell of St.Just in Penwith dated 1st. of May 1761.
To his widow Elizabeth, James White,Tinner and William Reseigh,Schoolmaster all of the parish of St.Just.
[No will made]
Grenfell, Cordelia, St. Just in Penwith, 27 Feb 1801
Admon for Cordelia Grenfell (Nee Giles, Widow of Pascow Grenfell) dated 27/02/1801 of St.Just in Penwith
To William Grenfell of St.Just (Son) Samuel Richards of St.Just, Yeoman. Daniel Mitchell of Zennor,Yeoman.
Oath by son William that his Mother had not made any will. dated 17/02/1801
Grenfell, Charity, St. Just in Penwith, 8 Jun 1836
Admon for Charity Grenfell, widow of Edward Grenfell. Who died February 1st.1836 at St.Just in Penwith. Granted to John Grenfell of the same parish (Son), Miner. George Borlase of the same parish(Son in Law) ,Yeoman.Richard grenfell of the same parish (Son),Miner.
Date of admon 8th. June 1836
Grenfell, William, St. Just in Penwith, 9 Mar 1838
Admon for William Grenfell. Tin dresser of Saint Just in Penwith. Died 10th.Feb.1833.
To Mary Angwin, wife of Justice Angwin, Tin dresser of
St.Just. ( Daughter of William Grenfell).
Edward Williams , Joiner of St.Just.
John Lawry, Schoolmaster of St.Just.
Bond stating that William Grenfell died Intestate, by Daughter Mary Angwin. dated 09/03/1838
Grenfell, Nicholas, St. Just in Penwith, 16 Jun 1843
Admon for Nicholas Grenfell Jnr. Mine Agent, Deceased. Dated 7th.June 1843.
To Jane Grenfell, widow of the above,of St.Just in Penwith. John Ellis , Builder, of the Borough of Penzance.Joseph Wallis, Builder of Penzance.
Died Intestate.
Grenfell, Ann, Zennor, 21 Jun 1843
This is the last Will and Testament of me Ann Grenfell wife of John Grenfell of the Parish of Zennor in the County of Cornwall.
I give and bequeath unto my Son in Law William Grenfell a Silver Table Spoon having the letters E.S. stamped thereon.
Also. I give and bequeath unto my Nephew John Lugg my Clock.
Also. I give devise and bequeath unto Ann Jelbart Eddy (Daughter of my Niece Elizabeth Leggoe ) my Bureau, my Silver Tea Spoons and Sugar Tongs having the initials A.S. stamped on them. Also after the decease of my husband John Grenfell my Dwelling House with all the appurtenances thereto belonging situate at Saint Buryan Church Town.
Also. I give devise and bequeath unto Elizabeth Leggoe (Daughter of my said Niece Elizabeth Leggoe) my Large Gold Ring.
Also. I give devise and bequeath unto Thomas Jennings Leggoe son of my said Niece Elizabeth Leggoe my Silver Tea Spoons and a table spoon having the initials T.S. stamped on them.
Also. I give devise and bequeath unto my Brother Thomas Jelbart my Mahogany dining table.
Also. I give devise and bequeath unto my Brother John Jelbart my Mahogany Pillar and Claw Table.
Also after the decease of my husband John Grenfell I give devise and bequeath unto my Brothers Thomas Jelbart and John Jelbart and my half sister Mary Williams my two Dwelling Houses with all that pertain thereto situate in Camborne Church Town.
All the Rest Residue and Remainder of my Goods personal and Testamentary Whatsoever and Wheresoever or of what nature or kind soever I shall die possessed of or entitled unto I hereby give and bequeath unto my beloved Husband John Grenfell whom I nominate and appoint Whole and Sole Executor of this my Will. And I hereby Revoke all former and other Will or Wills by me at any time heretofore made and declare this and no other to bemy last Will and Testament.In Witness whereof I the said Ann Grenfell the Testatrix have to this my Last Will set my Name and affixed my Seal this the sixth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty one.
Ann Grenfell
Signed Sealed Published and declared by the Testatrix Ann
Grenfell as and for her last Will and Testament in the presence
of us who at her request in her presence and in the presence of
each other have subscribed our names as Witness hereto.
Sarah Bennetts
Elizabeth Bennetts or Elizabeth Bartle
Willm. Shakerley
Grenfell, Thomas, Morvah, 1 Jun 1847
In the name of God Amen
I Thomas Grenfell Farmer, of the Parish of Sancreed in the county of Cornwall being in perfect mind memory and understanding do make and ordain this my last will and Testament in the following manner and form. first I give and bequeath unto my Grandson Thomas Grenfell the sum of One Pound. Also I give and bequeath unto my Grandson Thomas Tresise the sum of One Pound also I give unto my Daughter Elizabeth Kirgeek rhe sum of Ten Shillings Also I give and bequeath unto my son Richard Grenfell my Interest in Trevorian to hold the same during the Term, and to have four cows and two hiffers and he is also to have five horses a waggon and two carts and he is to have a bed a clock six chairs and a table Also I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife my Interest in Lesbew with two horses and three cows and two hiffers. The resideu and Remainder of my Property the House in Bile croft in St.Just and sixty pounds I give unto my wife during her natural life and after her decease the 60£ to fall equally between my son Richard and my son Edward and my daughter Margery I also make my wife my Executor to pay all my Just Debts and funeral expenses and all legesas to be paid twelve months after my Decease as Witness our hands this 3rd. day of January one thousand eight hundred and forty seven.
Witness Thomas Grenfell Jnr.
Wm.[?] Bosence
Thomas Grenfell
Grenfell, Nicholas, St. Just in Penwith, 15 Aug 1855
This is the last Will and Testament of me Nicholas Grenfell of the parish of Saint Just in Penwith, in the County of Cornwall, Gentleman.
I direct that all my just debts be paid so soon after my death as conveniently may be.
I give and Devise unto my god friends Samuel Harvey of Trevear in the parish of Sennen and Richard Wellington of the Borough of Penzance Gentlemen ( subject to the annuity of Forty Pounds hereinafter mentioned) All those my several Freehold Estates Tenements Lands Hereditaments and premises called Carlartha, Trease, Boscaswell, and Bosean situate respectively in the said parish of Saint Just And also all those my several Tin Stamping Mills and premises situate in Chyrose, Bojewyan, Trewellard and Bosean in Saint Just aforesaid. To hold the same respectively unto the said Samuel Harvey and Richard Wellington and the survivor of them and the heirs and assigns of such survivor upon the Trusts nevertheless and to and for the several uses ends intents and purposes hereinafter expressed and declared of and concerning the same (That is to say) Upon Trust to pay apply and dispose of the rents issues and profits thereof to and for the use and benefit of my Grandson Henry Grenfell the only son of my late son Henry Grenfell deceased until he shall attain the age of twenty one years and when and so soon as he shall attain that age Then as to for and concerning the said several Estates Tenements Lands Stamping Mills Hereditaments and premises Upon Trust to and for the only proper use benefit and behoof of my said Grandson Henry Grenfell his heirs and assigns thenceforth for ever, subject to the payment of the Annuity of Forty Pounds hereinafter charged thereon. And in case my said Grandson shall happen to die before he shall attian the age of twenty one years but leaving issue him surviving Then as to for and concerning all my said Freehold Estates Tenements Lands Stamping Mills Hereditaments and premises Upon Trust to and for the sole use benefit and behoof of such issue their his and her heirs and assigns for ever, And should my said Grandson die before attaining the age of twenty one years with no issue him surviving, Then as to for and concerning All my said several Freehold Estates Tenements Lands Stamping Mills Hereditaments and premises Upon Trust to and for the sole use benefit and behoof of All my Grandchildren which shall be living at the time of my death their several and respective Heirs and Assigns for ever sahre and share alike as Tenants in Common and not as joint Tenants, subject nevertheless ineither case to the said Annuity of Forty Pounds.
I give devise and bequeath unto my daughter in law Eliza Grenfell the Widow of my said son Henry Grenfell during hte term of her natural life or so long thereof as she shall continue his Widow but no longer One Annuity or Yearly sum of Forty Pounds to be Issuing and payable out of all my said several Freehold Estates Tenements Lands Stamping Mills Hereditaments and premises and which I hereby charge therewith, the said annuity to be paid by four equall quarterly payments at Lady Day, Midsummer, Michaelmas and Christmas day in every year the first payment thereof to be made on such of the said days as shall next happen after my death and I do hereby give full power and authority to the said Eliza Grenfell to distrain the said several Hereditaments or either of them for payment of the said annuity or any part thereof in case the same shall be in arrear and unpaid for the space of twentyone days.
Also I give devise and bequeath unto my Granddaughter Eliza Trezise the wife of George Trezise during the term of her natural life one Annuity or yearly sum of Ten Pounds to be issuing and payable out of all that my Freehold Estate Lands Hereditaments and premises called Trigaseal in the said parish of Saint Just and which I charge therewith the said last mentioned annuity to be also paid by quarterly payments on the days hereinbefore mentioned the first payment thereof to be made on such of the said days as shall first happen after my death And I hereby give the like power and authority to distrain for payment of the said last mentioned annuity or any part thereof in case the same shall be in arrears and unpaid for the space of twentyone days as is given in respect of the said annuity of Forty Pounds.
I give and Devise unto my Grandson Nicholas Grenfell Williams All that my said Freehold Estate Lands Hereditaments and premises in or called Trigaseal aforesaid To Hold the same unto my said Grandson Nicholas Grenfell Williams His Heirs and Assigns for ever subject to the payment of the said Annuity of Ten Pounds charged thereon as aforesaid.
I also give and bequeath unto and to the use of the said Eliza Trezise her Executors Administrators and Assigns All that my Leasehold Dwelling House and premises being No.7, situate in Lafrowda Terrace in the Church Town of the said parish of Saint Just.
I also give and bequeath unto and to the use of my Granddaughter Eliza Grenfell the only daughter of my said son Henry Grenfell her Executors Administrators and Assigns All that my Leasehold Dwelling House No.6, situate in Lafrowda Terrace aforesaid with the premises thereto belonging.
I also give and bequeath unto and to the use of my Grandson Humphry Williams his Executors Administrators and Assigns All that my Leasehold Dwelling House and premises being No.4, situate in Lafrowda Terrace aforesaid.
I also give and bequaeth ubto and to the use of my Grandson John Williams his Executors Administrators and Assigns All that my Leasehold Dwelling House and premises being No.5, situate in Lafrowda Terrace aforesaid.
I also give and bequaeth unto and to the use of my said two Grandsons Humphrey Williams and John Williams their respective Executors Administrators and Assigns as Tenants in Common and not as joint tenants All those my eight several Dwelling Houses and premises now occupied by Matthew Giles and others and commonly known as the Chapel Street Lease situate in Chapel Street in the Church Town of Saint Just aforesaid.
All my Money Securities for money And all the rest residue and remainder of my Leasehold premises Goods Chattels rights credits property and Effects whatsoever and wheresoever that I shall die possessed of or entitled unto and not hereinbefore given or disposed of I do hereby give and bequeath the same and every of them and every part and parcel thereof unto the said Samuel Harvey and Richard Wellington their Executors Administrators and Assigns But On Trust nevertheless and to and for the several uses ends intents and purposes hereinafter mentioned expressed and declared of and concernimg the same, that is to say, Upon Trust thereout in the first place to pay the several sums following. Viz. unto my six several Grandchildren hereinbefore naemd and called Nicholas Grenfell Williams, Eliza Trezise, John Williams, Humphrey Williams, Eliza Grenfell and Henry Grenfell the sum of Three Hundred Pounds each and to my other Grandson Henry Williams the sum of One Hundred Pounds to whom I give and bequeath the same, one moiety of each such sums respevtively shall be paid at the expiration of six months aftre my death and the other moiety twelve months after my decease, and unto my servant Jane Trembath in case she shall be living with me at the time of my death the sum of Ten Pounds three months after my decease to whom I give and bequeath the same and also unto the Wesleyan Missionary Society the sum of Ten Pounds to whom I give and bequeath the same one moiety thereof to be paid at the first Missionary meeting to be held at Saint Just next after my death, and the other moiety thereof at the Missionary meeting to be held there in the following year And also that my said Trustees shall be at full liberty to retain or pay themselves thereout the sum of Ten Pounds apiece as a remuneration for the trouble they may be at in the Execution of the Trusts hereby imposed on them , And as to for and concerning all the residue or surplus of my said money securities for money and Residuary Estate and Effects aftre the several payments aforesaid and the payment of my just debts and Funeral and all other expenses, Upon Trust to and for the sole and only use and benefit of my said six firstnamed Grandchildren their several and respective Executors Administrators and Assigns as Tenants in Common to whom I give and bequeath the same but nevertheless to be divided and apportioned amongst them in such parts shares manner and form as my said Trustees shall in their discretion deem just and reasonable save and except as to my said Grandson Nicholas Grenfell Willimas it being my Will and devise that in such Division the Lease of the premises in which I live shall be apportioned to him. And I hereby nominate and appoint the said Samuel Harvey and Richard Wellington Executors in Trust of this my Will hereby revoking all former and other will and wills by me at any time heretofore made, In Witness whereof I the said Testator Nichols Grenfell have to this my Last Will and Testament contained in four sheets of paper, set my hand to the first, second. and third sheets, and my hand and seal to this fourth sheet thereof the twentyseventh day of March in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and fifty five, (1855)
The mark or sign of Nicholas Grenfell the Testator.
Signes Sealed Published and Declared by the said Testator
Nicholas Grenfell as and for his last Will and Testament in
presence of us present at the same time who at his request in
his presence and in the presence of each other, have subscribed
our names as Witnesses thereto, the same having been previously
read over to the Testator in our presence.
John Pollard
John Tryhall both of Penzance
Admon for Nicholas Grenfell, dated 3rd. August 1856.
To Samuel Harvey and Richard Wellington
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