Transcribed and gratefully recieved from Jean Hosking—9 Aug 2001
To the Editor of the Wesleyan-Methodist Magazine.
1. Nanquidno.—This chapel is 34 by 23 feet without; all the stones and carriage of materials, besides a great deal of labour, were cheerfully given. It is on a lease of 999 years: ground-rent, 2s. 6d. per annum. The building cost 60; towards which, by subscription and public collections, we raised upwards of 50. It was opened on Monday, Nov. 5th, 1832, a very cold and stormy day; yet more than three hundred people crowded within its walls; and surely the presence of our Redeeming Lord consecrated the temple. Joy and gratitude filled the hearts and gladdened the countenances of our worthy friends in this place, on this interesting occasion. Various circumstances and recollections connected with this neighbourhood tend to render it peculiarly interesting: the magnificence of its convulsed scenery, the occasional roar of the ocean, combine to awaken sensations of awe and admiration. It was near this place that Stephen landed on his first arrival in England, as did King John on his return from Ireland. About a mile south, on the rocks called the Long Ships, is a light-house; and about two miles on the north is a promontory, 229 feet above the level of the sea, called Cape Cornwall. It is in the parish of St. Just, and two miles south of St. Just Church town. It was in this place that the congregation was obliged, during the last spring, to hold the prayer-meeting out of doors by moon-light. Our members here have increased from twenty-three to seventy; we have divided them into three classes; and I believe nearly every member, if not indeed every one, can give a sound and scriptural reason for the hope that is in them. The youngest member in this society is more than twenty years old; so much for the truth of the “Christian Observer’s” insinuation, that they were young people that were led out to the prayer-meeting. I believe they were nearly all married. The chapel is a strong, well-built edifice; and is likely to stand for centuries; and I doubt not be generations yet unborn will praise God for its erection.
2. Treeve, in the parish of St. Buryan, at the foot of the Chapel Carn-Vìeh [Vean], a bold, stupendous, and rocky hill, on the summit of which are exhibited the vestiges of Druidical worship.—This chapel is 31 by 21 feet without. Most of the building-materials, excepting timber, besides all the carriage, were gladly given: we have a lease of 999 years, and the ground-rent is only 1s. per year. The [p520b] cost of the building was about 60; and the sum of 50, by subscriptions and public collections, was raised towards it. It was opened by the Rev. B. Carvosso, on the Lord’s day, November 25th last; and though the day was unfriendly, yet the congregation was overflowing. This chapel continues to be crowded, even at the prayer-meetings. We have commenced a Sunday-school, which, with the regular means of grace, is likely to be a permanent blessing to the neighbourhood.
3. Newlyn-Town…
4. Halse-Town…
5. Treen, or Treryn.—On Friday, 22d of March, we opened our new chapel in this place. This building is 36 by 22 feet without; and has a neat gallery at one end. The stones and carriage of materials for this building were given. This chapel, without the gallery, cost upwards of 80; and this sum was most cheerfully paid by Mr. and Miss Richards, two aged friends, who were not even members of our society at the time; and the expense of the gallery is nearly paid for by a few other friends; so that there will be no debt on this chapel: the proceeds of the pews will be devoted to the interests of the Circuit. Two sermons were preasched on the occasion: that in the afternoon by the Rev. B. Carvosso. The chapel was crowded during the services nearly to suffocation; and surely the congregations had not in the language of doubt to ask, “Is the Lord among us, or not?” They experimentally sang, “Lo, God is here! let us adore!” Many [p521b] were powerfully awakened this day and at night, on returning home, after the evening service, we overtook a number of the hearers, among whom was one person in the deepest agony crying for mercy. This person had been awakened at the chapel, and was supported by two persons, who were anxiously pointing the penitent to “the Lamb of God who taketh away the sin of the world.” On the following Lord’s day, six others joined the class in this place; and since then as many more. I believe more than one-half of the adult population in this neighbourhood are converted to God, and meet in class: and among the rest of our new members are our generous friends, Mr. and Miss Richards. Treen is in the parish of St. Leven, about three miles from Land’s End, and not far form the celebrated Loggan Stone. This stone is an immense block of granite, upon the summit of three distinct piles of rocks, one above another, rising from the sea; it is estimated to weigh nearly ninety tons: yet this enormous mass is so balanced upon its supporters, the pile of rocks before mentioned, that it may be easily logged (rocked) to and fro, or set in a vibratory motion.
Methodism was introduced into this village in the year 1785, when Messrs. Green, P. Walker, and R. Gamble were in this Circuit; and in the year 1787 the labours of the Rev. Joseph Sutcliffe were greatly blessed to this people. They preached in the house of Mr. Joseph Richards. Mr. and Mrs. Richards became decidedly pious; and having glorified God by a holy life, they died in the Lord. But at length, the old members being removed by death, and the remaining few by other means scattered abroad, the society became extinct. In 1799 another class was formed; and Thomas Taskey, with five other friends of Mousehole, walked to Treen, a distance of six miles, over very rough and rocky downs, each of them once in six weeks, and re-established the class and other means of grace in the same house. Some pleasing facts, connected with its inhabitants, deserve to be recorded. The first family, Mr. and Mrs. Richards became decidedly pious, and three of the daughters: the son, who succeeded the parents as tenant, also joined our society, and is now a Leader in the same place. On the son’s leaving the house, he let it to a Mr. Prouse, on condition that he should take in the Preachers. Shortly after Mr. Prouse entered the house, his wife obtained the pardon of sin, and continued an ornament to the society till she triumphantly went to glory; and about nine [p522a] months ago, Mr. Prouse, and two of his sons, daughter, daughter-in-law, and servant-maid, joined our society, and are now exceedingly happy in the love of God. The preaching continued in this house until the opening of the chapel; and every succeeding family received, in return, the best blessing of the Lord, the salvation of their souls.
6. Mousehole
7. St. Buryan.—This village lies five miles west of Penzance; and was anciently a town of great importance, the seat of a College of Prebendaries, founded by King Athelstan, after his return from the conquest of the Scilly Islands.
Mr. Wesley’s first visit to this place was August 7, 1766. He observes, “I went to Buryan church, and as soon as the service was ended, presched near the churchyard, to a numerous congregation. Just after I began, I saw a gentleman before me, shaking his whip, and vehemently striving to say something; but he was abundantly too warm to say any thing intelligibly: so, after walking a while to and fro, he wisely took horse and rode away.” After this Mr. Westley renewed his visits to St. Buryan. In 1783, while Mr. Joseph Taylor, sen., was in the Circuit, the friends built a small chapel, which needed no enlargement for the following thirty years. During this period, the society was generally stationary as to its numbers; and at one time it was very low. In 1813 the friends spent 114 on the enlargement of the old chapel; but in the course of last year, our hearers so mightily increased, that our chapel would not always contain our week-night congregations: hence the absolute necessity [p523a] of “enlarging the place of our tent.” A beautiful plot of land, in the very best situation, belonging to Mr. Hodge, was kindly ceded to us on a very reasonable ground-rent for the term of 999 years; on which we have built a very neat chapel, 49 by 3 feet; with a neat gallery at one end, and two at the sides. Our old chapel we sold for 100, and raised, by subscriptions and public collections, 180 more. This and Treeve chapel are settled upon the same Trustees. The united debts of both chapels are nearly £400: this they have borrowed at four per cent. The interest and ground-rent will be £17 per annum, and their income is £50 a year. This chapel was opened on Good Friday, April 5th, when three sermons were preached on the occasion; one by the Rev. Benjamin Carvosso, and another by the Rev. R. Moody. The congregations were overflowing, and the collections £60; twice as much as we expected. It was a day of great joy and gladness; and I have no doubt but that it will long live in the grateful remembrance of our hundred and eighty members, who compose our society in St. Buryan.