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Marble and other monuments in the church have the following inscriptions:—
Memoriæ Sacrum
Clarissimnus vir Johannes Davills, Armiger, 5 Julii
Anno Ætatis 87, et Christi 1627 fato cessit
Sacrum Deo Sanctisq. reliquiis integerrimi vereque venerabilis
Viri Arthuri Harris do Haine, Armigeri, Et Montis Sancti Michaelis
Præfecti; 16 die Mail, ao. ætatis 71, & gratiæ 1628 vita functi
Hic Socerum Generunique vides Spectator utrisque
Unum cor pariter mores & concordia fata
Et Domus & Tumulus res & spes una Superstes
Quorum fama, fides, pietas, & gloria virtus
Candor & intinctum generoso pectus honesto.
Durabunt donec resupina Cadavera Surgant.Apostrophe.
Vos Gulvalenses vestris hæc nomina fastis
Inserite et fastas signet rubica tabellas.
Anagr. { Arthurns Harriseius } Ephes. 1. 14. {Tu ruris Arrha Jesus } Tu mea vis mea spes Arrha sed tu ruris Jesus
Ista mei fidei fulcra sed ipsa salusChronogram’a
MeVs est DUX non nIsI ChristVs Dux ego sub Christo
MeVs est DUX non nIsI ChristVs Me Duce flagra fero
To Duce Victor.
Johannes Harris de Haine, Armiger, Patri Avoque ex unigenita
Margareta Hæres Monumentum hoc mærens posuit
Consegravitque Aprill MDCXXXVQuorum Memoriæ
Christopherus Harris, Armiger
Ipsorum Hæres et Cognatus Hoc
recondidit eisdem gratissime
dedicavit 1mo Januarii, Anno Christi 172½Et beatæ resurrectionis fide
Hic etiam depositus.
In Memory of William Harris, of Madern, Esqr. Third son of Christopher Harris, of Kenegey, Esqr. Who Died the 25th day of June, 1766; Aged 74; and is interr’d by his Father and Mother under the Family Pew in this Church.
Sacred to the memory of the Reverend John Penneck, late Vicar of this Parish, who died the 11th of March, 1789, & whose Remains (together with those of his Father and Mother) are interred in a Vault near this place.
The many amiable Qualities which composed the Character of this virtuous Man are too deeply impressed on the minds of an extensive Acquaintance to need any Comment.
This Memorial of Fraternal Regard is placed here by his affectionate Brother, Charles Penneck, Esqr.
Tendimus hue omnes
Serius ant citius sedem properamus ad unam.
Sacred to the Memory of William Arundell Harris, Esqr., of Kenegie, in this parish, who died on the 4th day of Decr., about ten O’clock in the Morning, 1792. Was buried in this Vault on the Eleventh day of the same Month and Year. This Monument is erected by his Remaining Family.
The virt’ous actions of our Father’s days,
Should in his Children Shine, their merit raise;
If from the dead we copy virtuous deeds,
In Heav’n a lasting Sure reward Succeeds.
Juxta requiescit venerabilis vir Gulielmus Arundel Harris, de Kenegie, clericus, ob pietatem clarus. In variis studiis eruditus, elegantioribus præcipue ornatus; diu, dicique amicis lugendus, obiit A : D : 1798; ætatis, suæ 38.
Immo etiam in eodem tumulo quiescit, conjux amantissima et superstes, Maria; Johannis Beard, armigeri, filia natu secunda. Cum ob morum comitatem, tum ob. eximias animi virtutes, amabilis, et heu! quam din flebilis!! Morti, non sibi, sed amicis immaturæ. Et infelici perillustris pietatis epitome succubuit A : D : 1812; ætatis suæ 41.
In quorum memoriam Gulielmus Arundel Harris Arundel, eorum filius et Hæres hunc lapidem sepuleralem extrui curavit, 1826.
M.S. Revd. Robt. Darley Waddilove, B.A., late of St. John’s Colle. Cambridge, and youngest son of the Dean of Ripon. Died at Penzance July iii, MDCCCXIII; in the xxiv year of his age. And his remains are deposited in a vault beneath.
Sacred to the memory of James Pascoe, Esqr., who departed this life, 20th February, 1827; aged 80. Also to the memory of Catherine his wife, who died Novr. 11th, 1813; aged 59 This Tablet has been erected by their surviving children in token of affectionate respect.
Vainly we watch’d with fond and aching eyes;
With prayer assail’d in vain fair mercy’s throne,
“To keep, at least one parent from the skies;”
But that is past:—and heaven hath claim’d its own.
Near this spot are also deposited the remains of their daughter Catherine, wife of George Dennis John, Esq., who was snatch’d from earth in the full bloom of youth and beauty, October 7th, 1825; leaving two infant daughters.
Arms,—Or five estoiles and a bordure sable. Crest,— a Fox.
In memory of Philothea Perronet Thompson, the wife of Thomas Thompson, of Cottingham Castle, near Hull, Esq. She was the daughter of William Briggs, Esq., of an ancient family in Norfolk, by Elizabeth, the daughter of th[e] Rev. Vincent Perronet, M.A., vicar of Shoreham in Kent.
In affectionate attention to the health of her only Daughter, Philothea Thomson, she visited Penzance in the year 1822; and died there on the 2nd. of February, 1823; ætatis suæ 69. The Dau. was not long separated from the Mother, and died on the 16th of May, 1823; aged 32 years. And both are interred in the same vault in this Church Yard.
The two sick strangers will now feel pain and sorrow no more; and are blessed with the dead that die in the Lord.
Spe Beatæ Resurrectionis Johannes Macculloch, M.D., R.G.L.S.S. Obit. 21. die mens: Aug. 1835. Ætat. 62. Dci Optimi Maximi Creatoris Parentis Gubernatoris Protectoris Omnipotentiam Benignitatem Institiam & Vigilantiam Ingenio Scientiâ & Literis probavit & illustravit. (BRASS.)
Sacred to the memory of Philippa, wife of William Bolitho, Esqr., of Chyandour, who died on the 4th day of March, 1845; in the 76th year of her age.
Sacred to the memory of Catherine Johns, wife of John Sargent Bedford, (of Pendrea, in this parish,) Banker, and only daughter of William Bolitho, Esqre. of Ponsondane. Born 29th August, 1806; Died 7th February, 1855.
Sacred to the memory of John Sargent Bedford, (of Pendrea, in this parish,) Banker, eldest son of the late Captain John Bedford, RN., and of Sarah his wife. Born 19th May, 1803; Died 2nd March, 1856.
In memory of George John, Esq., of Penzance and Rosemorran, in this parish, who died October 28th, 1847; in the 89th year of his age. And of Jane his wife, eldest daughter of William Arundell Harris, Esq., of Kenegie, who died August 4th, 1850; in the 89th year of her age. Also of their sons, George-Dennis, who died September 21st, 1847; in his 54th year; and William, Lieut. R.N., who died at St. Lucia in the West Indies, March 29th, 1836; aged 37.
Nora Cator, died Decr. 10, 1863; aged 4 years.
On a tomb in the churchyard:—
Under this Marble lyeth ye Body of the Revd. John Penhellick, 31 years Vicar of this Parish, who departed this Life for a better ye 18th day of Febry., 1730; in ye 71 year of his age.
He was the son of John Penhellick, of ye Borough of Helstone, Gent. He married Grace, an affectionate & tender Wife, the Daughter of Willm. Pearce, of ye Town of Penzance, Merchant, to whose memory as above, this stone is erected.
From another tomb:—
As a simple Memorial of tender Affection and unfeigned Sorrow, Lady Knightley inscribes this Marble to the Memory of her much loved Niece, Lydia Baines, Eldest Daughter of Cuthbert Baines, Esqr., of Penzance; whose lingering sufferings ended on the 3d of March, 1799; at the early Age of 21 years.
Tis finished—Life’s eventful dream is o’er.
And thy poor troubled bosom beats no more.
That voice, which all in Earth and Heaven obey,
Has call’d thee early from this scene away;
Yet hopes divine my glowing fancy warm,
Peek’d with new charms I view thy angel form.
Awake my Lydia, lift thy raptur’d sight
To yon blest realms of everlasting light.
Upborne on seraph’s wings I see thee rise
In blissful triumph to thy kindred skies;
There pain and grief, and sighs and tears will cease
And those shall meet in joy, who part in peace.Firm in this glorious faith I kiss the rod,
And not to Earth resign thee, but to God.
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