See also Burials which includes details of where other records can be found.

See the first page for an introduction and description.

More about St. Ives

This is a transcript done by one person and will, inevitably, contain errors. Researchers are always advised to consult the original registers.


Thomas Allen
Mary wife of Richard Morrish
Roger Wallish
Barbary wife of Henry Garrian
Richard Harris
John Perkyn senior
Mary Toman widow
Richard Morrish senior
Thomas son of Richard Giles
Thamsin wife of William Penberthy
Elizabeth Francis
Symon Lawrie
Jone daughter of Robert Hayne
Perscilla Williams
Thomas Thomas
Edward son of Symon Peeter
Jane wife of Mr George Hammond
Percilla Tregose widow
Steephen son of Steephen Hicks junior


Jane Thomas widow
John son of Henry Hichens
Honor wife of William Robinson
Steephen Henry
Elizabeth wife of John Carrow
John son of Reginald German
Mr John Button minister
Ann Richards widow
Ann Denham? widow
Thomas Bonithon
Katherine Hary widow
Mary wife of Reginald Creed
Margaret daughter of Mr John Hicks
Margery Bonython widow
Elizabeth Trysack widow
Chesten wife of Henry Varrian
Frances wife of James Fabius
Katherine May widow
John Coager mason
Thomas Pollard
Elizabeth Gibbs widow
Mary? daughter of Mr Thomas Sise
Peternell Luke
Barbary Harvy widow
Thomas Nuttle
John Richards
Johan wife of John Rawlings
Ann Steephens
Anne Hollow widow
Mr Hugh Harris mayor
Mary Pearse als Thomas
John Vallett
Thomas Way mariner
Ann wife of Ralfe Jenkinge
Jane daughter of Hugh Rosemenewas
John son of Henry Hambly


Enidor son of Andrew Jobe
Katherine wife of Symon Peeter
Thomas Hicks
William Harvy
William son of Mr John
Ruth daughter of Peeter Steevens & Margarett Purefoy
Alce Richards widow
John son of Anne Stevens
Elizabeth wife of Mr Francis Hammond
Peter son of John Reseigh
Steephen Tregerthen
Richard Allen junior
Jacob son of John Gonew
William Rowe
Mrs Grace Diggens
William Bussow
Elenor Foster
Jone Hichens widow
John son of John Noall junior
Elizabeth wife of Robert Hicks
John Player
Ann Trery
Margery wife of Mr Richard Hicks
Symon son of Symon Peeter
Edward Hicks
Grace Clise widow


William Coager
Honor daughter of William Hichens
Steephen Hoskyn
Mr William Hichins
Jone wife of Richard Pearse
Richard Allen
Abigall the widow of Richard Allen
Elizabeth wife of Thomas Allen
Elizius Tonkyn
Ann daughter of William Jennings
Thomas son of Thomas Trery
Elizabeth wife of Richard Nicholas
Katherine Harris widow
Jane Champernell widow
Mrs Mary Arundell widow
Dolphin White
George Morracke
John son of Arthur Tripcot
Percilla daughter of Francis Stevens
Jonas Murphey
Margarit Richards
Ann Steevens widow
Judith Moyses? widow
Christian wife of Lewise Foger
George Stedden
Robert Haine
Ann Richards spinster
Jone Richards widow
Jane Ann


Ann Donythorne
John Hext gent
John Cooke
Katherine Rosewall
Elizabeth Harris
Margarett Richard
George Paynter
Elizabeth Hockinge
Hugh son of Thomas Harvy
Willmot daughter of Mr John Hichens
Danniell Bosithioe
John Owens
Howell Williams
Janor daughter of Mr John Tregose
William son of Anthony Creed
Blanch Taylor
Ephraim Harry
Elizabeth daughter of Mathew Giles
Robert Boddy
Ralph son of Richard Couch
John son of Mr Thomas Sise
Mary daughter of Thomas Stevens als Gonew
Thomas Noall
Katherine daughter of Thomas Luddra
John Roberts


Cheston daughter of John Roberts
John Tregose gent
Wilmot daughter of Mr John Hichens
Katherine Cocke
Robert Harry
David Pentiere
Mary Noall
Thomas Harris
Richard Luddra
Thomas Harvy
Elizabeth base daughter of Mary Steevens
John Richards als Corninny
Walter Udy
Jane Bosithiow widow
John son of Thomas Trenwith gent
Willmot Beriman widow
John son of John Roach
Jeremiah Bottrall
Mary Luke widow
Flourance wife of Rise James
Michaell Quint mariner
Robert Hicks


Avice Launder widow
Mary Hichins widow
Melchisedeck Hoskyn
Thomas Coger
Richard son of Mr John Hichens
Ann daughter of Thomas Harvy
Jane wife of John Gery
John son of John Ninnis
Rachell base child of Mary Steevens
James son of Mr Richard Pollard
Elizabeth wife of Mr John Hicks
Elizabeth Rosewall widow
Grace wife of Henry White
John Cocke
Margaret daughter of Dolphine Donnithorne
Mary wife of John Nance senior
Henry Thomas
Jone James widow
Thomas Toman
Nathaniell Williams
Leonard Luke
Peeter son of Edward Barber
Katherine Pentecost
Sarah daughter of Ephraim Tackaberry
Ann daughter of Thomas Cooke


Elizabeth daughter of John Cogar
Alce Brothers
John son of William Rawlinge
Mary Hichens widow
Honor Bussow
Prudence wife of Mr William Diggens
Peeter son of Henry Cussens
Ruth base daughter of Ann Creed
Joseph son of John Nance junior
Mary Lereby widow
Maurice son of Thomas Floyd
Robert Steevens
Honor wife of Ralph Couch
William son of Mr William Pearse
Margaret Luke? widow
Nicholas Allen
Cheston Rundall
Mary daughter of Nathaniell Williams
William son of Francis Gonew
Elinor Kittow widow
John son of Allexander Norton
Elizabeth daughter of William Thomas
Blanch daughter of Hector Tayler?
Margery Bennats widow
Philip son of John Perkyn
William son of William Jennings
Alexander Norton
Richard son of William Jennings
Margery Caple widow
Robert son of William Jennings
Lewis son of Lawrence Cubert
Mr Richard Hicks
Ralph son of Charles Couch
George son of William Jennings


Mr Henry Hicks
Mrs Margery Hicks
Mary Creed
Elizabeth daughter of John Hodge
Mrs Ann Prigg
Anthony son of Anthony Creed
John Major
Sarah daughter of Francis Jennings
John son of John Hodge
Anthony son of Andrew Jobe
John son of Mordecay Mackenny
Grace Harvy als Bennetts
Elenor daughter of John Dolphyn
Alce Steevens spinster
Thamsin wife of William Coram
Mrs Mary James widow
Mary daughter of Ephraim Richards
Margery daughter of Richard Couch
Edward Hicks son of Edward Hicks deceased
Dorothy daughter of John Dolphyn
Lettice daughter of Mr Francis Hammond
Jane daughter of Richard Barber
Mary daughter of Alexander Taylor
Diana daughter of Phillip Noall
Alce daughter of William Dorman
Mary daughter of John Nance junior
Edward Richards
Jone daughter of Thomas Trenwith gent
Renatus son of Thomas Trenwith gent
Grace daughter of Thomas James
William Osborne
Steephen son of Ephraim Richards
John son of Francis Jennings
Bridget wife of Phillip Thomas
Mr Richard Pollard
Florence daughter of Symon Uren
Christian Toman pauper
Katherine daughter of Mathew Giles
John White senior
Lewes son of William Clarke
Richard Barber senior
Elizabeth wife of Hugh Barber
William Williams
Bathsheba Rice widow
John Pryor
Phillep Tonken widow
Jane wife of John Roach
Joane wife of Renatus Trenwith esq
John Kehellan als Richards
John Holman son of John Holman
Scible Nance spinster


Jane Richards widow
Jane Cocke widow
John Dolphyn the younger
Charles Nance
Thomas son of Ephraim Pearse als Dyer
Sampson son of Alexander Taylor
Rice James
Elizabeth wife of Richard Cockyn junior
Mr William Treshwell
Henry Rosemenewas
Hugh son of Mr Christopher Harris
Jone wife of Alexander Richards
William Richards son of William Richards
Thomas son of Edward Toman
Phillep Geatch widow late of Perranuthno
William Woolcocke aged about 94 years
Mary daughter of John Coggar deceased
Richard son of Richard Barbar
Jane Kellington spinster
Mary daughter of Edward Pryor
Elizabeth Woolcocke widow


Elizabeth wife of Thomas Dayow
Richard Rosemenewas
John son of William Bussow
Joane daughter of Ephraim Pearse
Elizabeth wife of William Toman
Margery daughter of Thomas Michell
William Mathew
Margery wife of Morrice Dyer
Deborah wife of Richard Morrish
Mary Richards widow
Jane daughter of William Paynter
Thomas Pound of Lanlivery
James Fabius
Middleton Thomas
Katherine daughter of Andrew Noale
Jane Thomas widow
Anne Paynter widow
Elizabeth Tackaberry junior
John Allen
Elizabeth wife of John Couch
Elizabeth daughter of John Couch
Christian Gregor widow
George son of Thomas Leddra
Edward son of John Nance junior
Alexander son of Richard Stevens
John son of Gerrance John
Mary Penteer widow
John son of Phillip Noall


Blanch Saunders spinster
Elizabeth wife of Richard Morrish
William son of Nicholas Candy
Margaret daughter of Ennoder Cocke
Margaret Berryman widow
Grace wife of Lewis Cogar senior
Henry Teage
William son of John Gonew als Stevens
Thomas Cubert
Wilmot wife of Mr Robert Beere
John son of Ephraim Tonkyn junior
John son of Francis Jennings
Alexander son of Charles Couch
Chestion daughter of Thomas Sise?
Jane wife of Thomas Allen
Anne daughter of Philip Dayow
Margery daughter of William Thomas
Sybill Foger? widow
Phillep Blazey? spinster
Thomas son of Thomas Trery als Morrish
Mr Thomas Kent
Anne Ougee widow
Elizabeth Foresee widow
John son of Peter Delalande
Jane Arivve? spinster
Mary Charpentere spinster


Jane Pinnart wife of John Lambert
Susanna Polteer
        Those seven last mentioned all French protestants landed lately at St Ives
Margery Carniner widow
Jone Major widow
Elizabeth daughter of Richard Couch
Alse Michell spinster
Mr Thomas Sprigge the elder
Francis son of Henry Williams
Elizabeth White widow
Alse Walter widow
John Treweeke senior
Blanch Pryor widow
Francis son of Henry Anthony
Alexander Candy
Elizabeth daughter of Edward Grease als
Thomas son of Richard Stephens
David Bussow
Anne Browne widow
Elizabeth daughter of John Lanyon gent
Mr John Maske of Penzance
Catherine daughter of Peter Ceely gent
Cordelia wife of Mr John Hammond
Julian Candy widow
Alice wife of Edward Richards
William son of Edward Purchase
Cicely wife of Thomas Stevens als Gonew
Anne Edmonds widow
Margery wife of Henry Goodall
Avis Hoskyn widow
Christian wife of Gabriel Williams
John son of John Vernum of Devon
Stephen Hicks senior
Mr John Hawking
Margaret wife of Robert Purchase
Anne daughter of Henry Cossens
Avise daughter of Nicholas Candy
Thomas son of John Ninnis
William son of Thomas Clearke
Robert son of Mr William Snelgrove


John son of John Richards
Mary wife of Stephen Major
John Bantly mariner
Thomas Crafton mariner or ship boy
Peter Carwen merchant
Henry Ashton mariner
        These four last mentioned were lately drowned within the bay of St Ives
William son of Mr William Snelgrove
Elianor Nuttle widow
Honer daughter of John Player deceased
Catherine Stukley spinster
Henry Cossens
Phillep daughter of Peter Nuttle
Avis daughter of Thomas Launder
Honor wife of John Richards als Grease
Anne Pollard widow
John son of William Bussow
Francis son of Francis Major
Grace wife of Thomas Tregertha
Mary daughter of Mr Richard Pollard
Francis Jennings
Thomas Richards
Elizabeth Wescoat spinster
Hugh son of Hugh Geene
Abet Luddra widow
Elizabeth daughter of John James junior
Lowis Cogar widow
Henry Treweeke
Mary daughter of Thomas Luddra
Lewis son of Robert Hichens
Alice wife of Stephen Cossens
William son of William Cogar


Henry Leonard als Goodall widower
Christian daughter of John Wall
Simon Noall
Elizabeth Rosewall widow
Margery wife of William Berryman
Thomas Stevens als Gonew senior
Elizabeth daughter of Henry James
Margaret Harvy als Bennets widow
Ralph Jenkyn
Mr George Greenlaw late of Wapping in the
                county of Middlesex
John son of John Sincocke
Margaret Vine widow
Elizabeth daughter of Richard Oates
Elizabeth wife of Richard Tackabery
Margaret daughter of Phillip Roach
Elizabeth wife of Thomas James
Wearn Rosewall
Grace Fabius spinster
Elizabeth Tompkin spinster
Elizabeth wife of Thomas Bone
Emblem Phillips spinster
Avis wife of William Cogar
Mary wife of Richard Cowch
Robert son of Robert Hichens
Henry son of Ennoder Cock


Ann Coggar widow
Honor Harris widow
Prudence daughter of John Noall
Henry base son of Katherine Wall
Lawrence son of Lawrence Cubert
John Cogar
Christian Candroe widow
Mary daughter of Thomas Bone
Margery daughter of Samuel Rice
Mrs Margery Hichens widow
Edward son of Phillip Noall
Michael son of Mr Thomas Purefoy junior
John Barbar innkeeper
Simon son of Simon Geen
John Goate als Dolphyn
Mary Cubert widow
John Roberts
Ann daughter of John Thomas als Middleton
Pearse son of John Grenfield
Richard son of Richard Barbar
Grace ----------
Mary daughter of Hector Taylor
Mary daughter of Melchisedeck Hoskyn deceased
Jane Boze widow
Elizabeth Bennets als Harvy widow
Mary wife of William Hichens
James Sincock
Josias Sincock
Honor wife of Mr Peter Ceely


John son of Robert Hichens
Richard son of Gregory Jenkyn
Phillip son of Phillip Carlyen
------- son of Richard Kehellan senior
Thomas son of Richard Stevens
---- son of Richard Oats
---- daughter of Gregory Jenkyn
John son of Thomas Michell
Sampson son of John Treweek
Thomas son of Mr John Hopkins
Mary daughter of Stephen Major
William son of Mr Thomas Purefoy
Christian daughter of Hugh Geen
Elizabeth daughter of John Hodge
Catherine wife of Ephraim Tonkyn senior
Mary daughter of John May
Thomas son of Thomas James junior
William son of Richard Kehellan junior
John son of Thomas Wedge
Honor Thomas widow
Elizabeth wife of Henry Lock
Elizabeth daughter of Thomas Launder
Honor daughter of Richard Kehellan senior
Mary wife of Mr Thomas Purefoy senior
Ephraim Pearse als Dyer
William Clark junior
Elizabeth daughter of Gerrance John
Elizabeth Dolphyn widow
Elizabeth daughter of Francis Cowch
John son of John Grenfield
Jane daughter of Gerrance John
Alexander son of Alexander Grease junior
Charles Paynter
Ann Chappell widow
William Shapland
Robert son of Mr Robert Beer
Thomas son of Richard Barbar
Stephen Cossens
John Rosewarn
Margaret daughter of Richard Tonkyn
Richard Cole
Thomas Guill?
William Holla
John Hichens junior
Henry Barbar
John Stevens als Gonew
William Wall
Elizabeth daughter of Israel Quick
John son of John Treweeke


Mrs Prudence Stevens
--------- son of James Rosewall
Constance Fox
Mr Nicholas Prigge
Jane Hicks widow
Jane wife of Mr John James
Elizabeth Trethwall widow
----- daughter of John Hodge
John son of John Trevascus junior
Joshua son of Mr Edward Goode
Thomas son of Michael Cicera
Samuel son of Thomas Bennets als Harvy
Richard Clark
Wilmet daughter of Bennet Varyan
Hugh Hicks
Phyllep wife of John James the elder
Richard Quick
William White
Margery daughter of Mr Christopher Harris
Mr Henry Sterry
Edward Candroe
Christian wife of Thomas Kehellan
Alice Hall widow
Lettice daughter of Ephraim Richards
Anne wife of John Heiphat? als Watty
Richard Richards senior
David son of Richard Oates
Jane wife of William Hawking


Thomas son of Thomas Candy deceased
Henry Varyan
Mr William Pearse
Alexander son of Thomas Candy
Amey Nicholas als Nance widow
Mrs Katherine Greggor
Katherine daughter of Samuel Rice
Henry Williams
Margery daughter of William Berryman
Mary Greaze widow
Mrs Jone Ceely
Key wife of Richard Cockyn senior
Mary daughter of Hector Taylor
Jane White widow
Thomasin wife of Nicholas Davies
Mr Thomas Purefoy senior
Christian wife of John Griggor
Grace Phyllips
Elizabeth daughter of Samuel Noall
Elizabeth George widow
Ann wife of Richard Morrish
Stephen Hicks


Elizabeth Davies als Crowhall
John son of Mr Richard Hichens
Alice wife of William Jeoffry
Dinah Noall widow
Jane Holla widow
Mary daughter of George Leddra
Elizabeth daughter of John Hall
Richard son of George Leddra
Gabriel Williams
Scisley wife of Pascoe Hodge
Edward son of Mr Edward Coode
Dorothy wife of Francis Cowch
Thomas son of Richard Cowch
Francis son of Francis Major
Elizabeth daughter of Henry Williams deceased
James son of Robert Hichens deceased
Richard and Mary son and daughter of Simon
Alice Brown
Marian Bodye
James Rosewall
Jane Tucker widow
Jane wife of John Caple
Mary Richards als Hecca
Margery Richards spinster
Margery daughter of William Thomas junior
Mathew Jennings
Margaret Wedge widow
John son of William Thomas junior
Ann Syncock widow
Alice Nuttle widow
William James
Christian wife of Mathew Grenfield


Thomas son of Thomas Edmonds
Mrs Anne Penrose widow
Thomas son of Mr Thomas Collins
Priscilla Allen widow
Anne daughter of Thomas Purefoy
Thomas son of Mr Richard Pollard
Anne Cossens spinster
Jane daughter of Mr John Stevens junior
John son of John White
Alexander Richards als Greaze
Charity daughter of John James junior
Elizabeth Winnoll widow
Alice Rosemenewas widow
Jane Stevens widow
Elizabeth daughter of John Jeffery
John James fisherman
Ruth Richards als Goodage?
Elizabeth wife of Mr Richard Pollard
Mr Thomas Stephens senior
Susanna base daughter of Mary Hodge
Bettrice or Beatrice wife of Thomas Allen
Anne Parrington widow
Francis son of Francis James
Jane Coall
Christopher Bone
Elenor Dyer spinster
John Anthony
Phillip Thomas als Daddow
Henry White
Grace wife of Lewes Thomas
Thomas Paynter
Dolphin Donithorn
Thomas son of Thomas James fisherman
Phillip wife of Richard Bolithoe
James son of Edward Coad
William Harris miller
John son of John Noale junior
Elizabeth daughter of Frances Thomas


Scicilia wife of Paul Tremearne
Mrs Mary Hichens spinster
Hugh Rosemenewas
Jane daughter of Hugh Gregor
Marke son of John Bussow
Grace Cockyn widow
John Rawling
Mary wife of Maurice Dyer
Jane Tackaberry widow
Thomas Allen als Angall?
Hugh son of William Coggar
Robert Purchase
Petronell Saunders widow
William Bone late of Redruth
Cheston wife of Thomas Wedge
Jane Rowe spinster
Jane wife of John Treweeke
Katherine Dennis spinster
Margaret Murth late of Helston widow
Nathaniel Anthony junior
Grace wife of John Trevascus senior


Susanna Stevens wife of Mr John Stevens junior
Alice Cossens spinster
Mathew Grenfield
Joan Parsons widow
Joane Holman widow
Thomas Clarke
John Morrish als Try junior
Alice daughter of William Thomas 2nd?
John Trevascus senior
Elizabeth Pearse widow
Emanuell Clearke
Margaret Rosemenewas widow
John Harvy pauper
Hector Barbar
Dorcas Harvy widow
Margaret Tonken widow
Richard son of Richard Barbar
Hector Taylor
Phillep Thomas
Margaret Richards als Greaze widow
Elizabeth Cockin infant
Richard Bolithoe
Nicholas Davies senior
John Jeffery
Phillip Noale junior
Thomas infant son of Edward Paul
Renatus Trenwith gent
Thomas Major
Mr Charles Worth
William Goram
Mary wife of Gregory George
Margaret Paynter widow
Christian Geen infant
Mr George Hammond
Nathaniell Tonken infant
William Brown


Henry Cocke
Anne Clarke widow
Anne Richardson widow
Thomas James Taylor
Christopher Hickes junior
Katherine Bonython widow
Elizabeth wife of John Foster
Welmott Toman widow
William Penrose gent
Elizabeth wife of John Grenfell senior
Robert son of Mr William Clerke
John Hodge
Anne Cussens widow
Jone Cussens spinster
Margaret Hodge spinster
Alice Harry widow
Benedict Varryan junior
Avis Hooker widow
John White
Isaac infant son of Thomas Curnow
Richard Nicholas als Nance
Phillip Carlyon junior
Benjamin Couch infant
Reginald Bottrell the elder
Henry infant son of Francis Major
Elizabeth Harry infant
Thomas Morrish als Try
Jone James widow
Elizabeth Treweeke widow


William Bottrell
Elizabeth wife of Thomas Launder
Christable White widow
Susanna Marracke widow
Elizabeth Penrose infant
Grace Michell widow
George son of John Treweeke
Alice Couch widow
Elizabeth Coggar widow
Anne Penrose spinster
Mary Hendra widow
Mary daughter of William Coale
Robert Thomas als Truall
Anne Jenkyn infant
Henry Morrish infant
Henry James
Mary Holla infant
John Robins infant
Jane Ambrose infant
Elizabeth Paynter widow
George Purefoy infant
Robert Giles infant
John Hichens the youngest
Elizabeth daughter of Sampson Westcott
Mary Robbins widow
Thomas Allen
Honour Walter
John Rose
Mary daughter of Samuell Pratt
Alice wife of Francis Stevens als Gonew
Mary daughter of John Stephens junior merchant
Jane Paynter spinster

More about St. Ives