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Monuments of marble, slate, and brass bear the following epitaphs:—
Here lieth the Body of John the sonne of John Maddern, Gentleman, who departed this life in the fear of God the XX day of August, Anno Domini 1621.
If teares the dead again to life could call,
thou hadst not slept with in this earthly ball,
If holy vertues could aransome bine,
Soe sone corrupcion had not wrapt thee in.
But thou were ripe for god and god didst crave;
Soe gavest agladsome wellcome to the grave.
Assuring still that thou with god dost dwell;
Thy end soe good; they life was lead soe well.Ætatis Sue Ætatis Sue 25.
Kneeling figures of a man and woman are carved on the slate; also the following arms,—A Chevron between 14 ermine spots. On a fess between 2 chevrons 3 escallops. On a chevron between 3 stags 3 mullets.
Here lyeth ye Bodyes of Thomas Fleming, Gent. who was buried ye 14th day of June, 1631. Thomas Cock, Gent. was buried ye 9th day of December, 1601. Alice his wife was buried ye 5th day of January, 1610.
(Husbands, wives, and ten children, carved on the slate, every one marked with initials. On an adjoining slate tablet is the following epitaph.)
An epitaph to ye memorye of ye deceased Thomas Fleming Gent.
Fleming, ye ayde to neighbours poore opprest,
interred here beneath that tomb doth rest.
His wydowes teres, nor Phisicks helpe could save,
nor childrens cries, his body from ye grave.
But that from greved hearts the sigh and saye,
lamentinge oft, they wante their only staye.
His sonnis and daughters and his wife withal,
even syde by syde doe with one funerall.
His neighbours, soldiers, kinsman, and ech one,
doe deck his herse with sadness mourneful mone;
Sayinge, hees gon whome we must needs commend,
a true peace maker, and a faithfull freind.
Beloved of all, not hated once, whose pure
and good report for ever shall endure,
Concludinge thus, his soule to heaven did fly;
that well did live, and ended gloriously.
Here lieth buried the body of John Clies, merchant, twice mayor of Penzance who had to wife Blanch the only daughter of Hugh Trevanion, Esq., by whome he had issue one sonnne and five daughters, and left this life for A better upon ye 27 day of November, in ye yere of our Lord God 1623; when he had lived to ye full age of 55 yeares.
Here underneath this marble stone doth rest,
The corpes of him whom God in goodnes blest.
In whose faire courses we may freely find,
The lively pattorne of a vertuous mind;
As Penzour well approves when he was found
Unto that towne a stay both sure and sounde.
Where he had place and creddit with the best;
Till death him of his life had dispossest.
So Blanche his wife, this monument prepar’d
In love to him, for love to her declar’d.
God hath his soul, her heart his love still keepes;
The odds betwixt them breath, thus all flesh sleapes.
Here lyeth the body of Francis Arundell, of Trengwainton, who departed this life the 10th day of August, Anno Domini 1697; and was buried the 13th day of the same month; who married Dorothy the daughter of John Saffin, of Sutton, in the county of Devon, Esq., by whom he had one son and two daughters.
Near this Place, in the Grave of his Fathers, whom He Honour’d, lyes Interr’d the body of John Nioholls, of Trereife, Esquire, Who being born in the Year of our Lord 1663, was sent to London in the year l680, and having served a laborious Clerkship, was in 1688 sworn one of the Clerks of the high court of Chancery; And having with great Industry and Integrity increased the Paternal Estate of his Family, was in the Year 1705 called to the Bar by the Society of the Middle Temple, where having for some Years practiced with Success He retired to the Seat of his Ancestors, and having made many improvements, departed this Life the 3d Day of August, 1714; in the 51st Year of his Life, leaving three Sons and one Daughter, of whom Jael, his Daughter, and Samuel his youngest Son (by whose Order this Monument is erected) lye here likewise interr’d.
Et cum Christus, Qui est vita nostra apparebitt,
Nos etiam cum illo Apparebimus in Gloria.
Juxta hic jacent corpora Reverendi Duke Pearse, qui obiit die decimo septimo Novembris, A.D. 1712; Ætatis suæ 34; necnon Reverendi Thomæ Rowe, hujus parochie annos prope sexdecem Vicarii. qui hos Cancessos anno 1702, propriis sumptibus erexit; obiit Vigesimo octavo die mensis Augusti et tricesimo primo sepultus erat A.D. 1716; ætatis suæ 40. E[l]izabetha Rowe Vidua, in memoriam mariti et fratris hoc monumentum mærens posuit A.D. 1720.
Siste pedem, lacrymisque solum perfunde Victor,
Durius hoc saxo tu nisi pectus habesNobile par fratrum jacet heic ea terra recondit
Quœ peperit Studiis ingenioque pares.Alter adhuc juvenis, Musas Veneratur amænâ
Qua, tu, Came Pater, litora lambis aquâ.Nec mora; divulsum petit alter anhelus amicum
Hospitioque ambos excipit una domus.Ast ubi promerita redimiti tempora Lauro,
Visere jam patrios gestit Uterque Lares.Heic Utriusque sacros complectitur Infulacrines
Hic pueros monitis erudit ille Viros,Heic magis ardenti tandem ferventia motu
Pectora fraterno fædere junxit amor,Patria quos, eademque domus, quos cura, Venusque,
Uniit, hos tumulus non Sinit esse duos.
Memoriæ Sacrum. Lydia Borlase, Christopher Harris de Hayne, Arm. Natæ Johan. Borlase de Pendeen, Arm. Uxoris. Bis duos filios in Ecclesia de St. Just Sepultos posuit; Quinque filii et quatuor filia Supersunt Piissiman ejus et bene præparatam animam Mors non abripuit Sed Cælo reddidit Julii 28, Anno Salutis 1725; Ætatis vero Suæ 54. Amans, amabilis, amatata tam formosissima quam dilectissima Sui generis Viduum reliquit charissimum viventis, hic laborantem et Suam dissolutionem expectantem, nullo modo post mortem dividendum, sed volente Deo, Sub hac Sede adjungendum cineribus Suis. Animam fugientem curet Jeus.
John Borlsse, gent., son of John Borlase, of Pendeen Esq., died in 1775; aged 71.
Dorothy his wife, daughter of James Keigwyn Esq., died in 1788; aged 86.
Our birth not mean, our age unsullied ebb’d;
Content our bliss, eternity our care.Te digna, sequere.
Here lie the remains of Walter Borlase, LL.D., Vice-warden of the Stannaries of Cornwall, Justice of the Peace, and for upwards of fifty Years Vicar of this Parish, The Duties of which several Stations he discharged to the Close of a long-extended Life with unwearied Attention and approved Ability. A devout, upright, liberal Demeanour distinguished his whole Conduct, and rendered him a Pattern worthy of the most reverent Observance. He died April 26th, 1776; aged 81 Years and 6 Months.
Here likewise lieth interred, his amiable and affectionate Wife, Margaret, only Daughter of Henry Pendarves, Vicar of Paul; She died April 8th, 1743; aged 42 Years, leaving a very numerous and for the most Part young Offspring, to lament the untimely Loss of a virtuous and accomplish’d mother
Near this place lie the remains of Elizabeth, the wife of John Beard, of the town of Penzance, gent., who departed this life at Exeter, on the 18th day of November, 1778; aged 37 years; leaving behind her a much afflicted husband and four small children to mourn her untimely death. She bore a painful disorder with the greatest fortitude and truly Christian resignation. In grateful remembrance of a virtuous and most affectionate wife, tender mother, and sincere friend, her husband hath caused this monument to be erected. This lady was the daughter of Richard Pearce, of Kerris, Esq., by Maria his wife, daughter of general John Jones, an officer of distinguished bravery, and son of Hugh Jones, of Penrose, Esq., in the parish of Sennen, in this county.
To the memory of George Treweeke, Esq., late of Penzance, who departed this life Dec. 5th, 1785; aged 61.
Of Mary Treweeke, relict of the above, who died Oct. 11th, 1819; aged 77.
Of their children, Charles aged 4; and Mary Sandys 2 years. Also of their grandaughter Marianne Napleton Treweeke, who died at Castle Horneck September 6th 1820; aged 3 years.
Their remains are deposited in the family vault near the north door of this church.
Sacred to the memory of Lydia the wife of Mr. Hamline, of Camelford, and sister of Mr. Tremenheere, of Penzance. Born Nov. 15, 1735; married Oct. 21, 1755; died April 22,1795.
An amiable, friendly and pious woman.
Erected by her dutiful & affectionate nephew Wm. Tremenheere, vicar of this parish. Madron. 1836.
Also of her good and exemplary daughter Lydia, who died May 10, 1837; aged 67.
“Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.”
Sacred to the memory of Matthew Inglett Brickdale, second Son of John Brickdale, Esquire, of Stoodleigh, Devon, who died May 1st, 1812, after a very short illness; aged 21 years.
The remains of Sir William (Henry) Langham, Bart of Cottesbrooke, in the county of Northampton, are deposited near this place. He died at Penzance 12th May, 1812; aged 15 years.
Died on the 5th July, 1812; aged 45, Mary Oxnam, wife of Richard Oxnam, Esqr., of Rosehill, who exemplarily fulfilled the duties of her station, and whose loss is most deeply lamented by those who best knew her worth.
In memory of the Revd. William Borlase, A. M., 36 years vicar of this parish; the duties of which station he performed with unremitting assiduity and attention. He was the last surviving son of the Revd. Wa1ter Borlase LL.D., formerly of Castle Horneck in this parish, and departed this life on the 15th of November, 1812; aged 71 years.
His only Daughtr. consecrates this tablet to the remembrance of her affectionate parent.
Sacred to the memory of William John Godolphin Nicholls, Esq. of Trereife, in this parish, who died a bachelor the 9th day of May, 1815; in the Twenty-seventh year of his age.
Also to the memory of his affectionate mother, Mary, relict of William Nicholls, who afterwards became the beloved wife of the Revd. Charles Valentine Le Grice, M.A.; and died the 22nd day of Novr., 1821.
A suffering child was sent by heaven
A mother’s ceaseless care to prove;
Affliction’s solace too was given,
The child’s and parent’s blended love.Their remains are deposited in the family vault beneath, where they rest in humble hope through Christ of a blessed resurrection.
Near this spot lie interred the remains of the Revd. Anthony Williams, A. M. of Treneere House, in this parish, and vicar of St. Keverne, who died on the 2nd day of September, 1816; aged 78 years.
Also of Deborah, his wife, who departed this life the 15th of October, in the same Year; aged 79 years.
They were exemplary in their lives, and died beloved, respected, and lamented.
Sacred to the memory of Thomas Pascoe, Esqr., of Lariggan, in this parish. For many years an active and useful magistrate; a strict observer of religious and moral duties; eminent for his public worth; distinguished for his private virtues; beloved, respected, and regretted, he died 30th April, 1818; aged 74 years.
In memory of Harriet Frances, youngest daughter of Robert Vyner, of Gautby, in the county of Lincoln.
And of Lady Theodosia Vyner, born Jany. 2nd, 1804; died at Penzance Jany. 3lst, 1820.
Sacred to the memory of John Tremenheere, Esqr., of Roscadshill, in this parish, who in the hopes of heaven there piously resigned his soul to him who gave it March 4, 1825; in the 67th year of his age. Dying the death of the righteous.
Also of Caroline, his amiable, beloved, and loving wife, who died June 14, 1837; in the 62nd year of her age.
Sacred to the memory of Rose Lambart Price, Esqre., eldest son of Sir Rose Price, of Trengwainton, Bart., who died on the 15th day of January, 1826; aged 26 years; and whose remains are deposited in the family vault.
This tablet was erected by his afflicted widow, Catharine, Countess of Desart.
Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth, daughter of Charles Lambart, Esqre., of Beau Parc, in the county of Meath, in Ireland. Born April 12th, 1782, who became the wife of [
of] Rose Price, Esqre., August 6th, 1798; and departed this life December 2nd, 1826; in the 45th year of her age.Also to the memory of the abovenamed Rose Price, Esqre., of Trengwainton, in this parish, and Worthy Park, in the Island of Jamaica. Born November 21st, 1768; who was created a baronet by a revival of the title May 30th, 1815; and departed this life September 29th, 1834; in the 66th year of his age.
Their remains are deposited in the family vault in this churchyard.
Gulielmo. Armstrong. pio. caro. jucundo. hunc. lapidem. posuerunt. suo. indulgentes. desiderio. parentes. moestissimi. Decessit. IV. Idus. Februarius. Anno. salutis. MDCCCXXXII. Ætatis. XIX.
Sacred to the memory of Deborah, the eldest daughter of the late Reverend Anthony Williams, A.M., and for nearly twenty-nine years the beloved and affectionate wife of Henry Pendarves Tremenheere, of Treneere House in this parish.
Pious without pretence; charitable without ostentation; mild and benevolent in her disposition, and exemplary in every relation of life in which it pleased the Almighty to place her. She yielded up her soul with the most perfect tranquility, and composure, unto Him who gave it, on the 17th, day of June, A.D. 1832.
Her remains are deposited in the vault of her husband’s family, in St. Mary’s chapel, Penzance.
“Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.”
Sacred to the memory of John Armstrong, son of Warneford and Frances Armstrong of Ballycumber, King’s County, Ireland; who full of patient resi[
n]gnation to the will of God, and of humble trust in his mercies, through the merits and mediation of his Redeemer, departed this life at Alverne Hill, Penzance, May 20th, 1835; aged 69 years.This memorial is erected by his widow and children, in testimony of their affection and reverence for him; and of their deep sense of the loss they have sustained by his death. “The memory of the just is blessed”
Sacred to Elizabeth, widow of Alexander Longlands, Esqre., of Clifton, Gloucestershire, who died 25th December, 1835; aged 86.
In grateful memory of their mother’s worth; her “gentleness” and “goodness”; her “faith” and “meekness;” her “patient continuance” in all that is “lovely and of good report,”—this tablet is erected by her children.
“He that believeth in me saith the Lord, though he were dead yet shall he live.” St. John 11. 25.
Sacred to the memory of Susanna Peyton, widow of Admiral John Peyton, who departed this life on the 11th day of February, A.D. 1836.
It pleased Almighty God, in whom through the merits of her Redeemer, she ever firmly yet humbly trusted, to spare her gentle spirit in a sudden departure from the body, the sorrows and the pain of death.
“Blessed are those servants whom the Lord when he cometh shall find watching.”
This memorial of grateful affection was placed here by her only child and her grandchildren.
M. S. Gulielmi. Tremenheere. A. M. Qui. reverendi. admodum. Gualteri. Borlase, LL.D. nepos. (hic. juxtim inhumati.) et. hujus. parochiæ. vicarius. non. vecors. a. decimo. septimo. calendas. Decembres. MDCCCXII. usque. ad. VI. Id. Jul. MDCCCXXXVIII. Vitæ discedentis. mortis. adventuræ. æternitatis. expectandæ. Haud. immemor. octogenarius. lapidem. Sepulchralem. ipse. poni. curavit. A. S. MDCCCXXXVII. Momonto. Mori.
Sacred to the memory of Lieutenant Charles Hockin of H.M. Royal Marine forces, who fell in the assault of the town and castles of Sidon in Syria, on the 29th day of September, A.D. 1840. Although he received three wounds during the attack he continued intrepidly leading his men until he died from exhaustion in the moment of victory. His remains were interred with military honours in the British Camp at Djouni near Beirout.
He had been employed nearly four years in the operations in the north of Spain, and had received from the Queen regent the cross of a cavalier of the first class of the National and Military order of San Fernando.
His conduct as an officer obtained for him the esteem and regard of those with whom he served; and his amiable disposition greatly endeared him to his family and friends, by all of whom, and by those who knew him well in every rank of life, he is deeply lamented.
He was the fifth son of the Revd. William Hockin, LL.B., rector of Phillack and Gwithian, by Peggy his wife, the youngest daughter of the Revd. Anthony Williams, A.M., of Treneere House, in this parish.
His afflicted uncle, with whom he passed many of his early years, has erected this tablet to the memory of his gallant nephew, thus suddenly cut off in the 27th year of his age.
Sacred to the memory of John Vigurs, of Rosehill, in this parish, Esquire. Born at Penzance Febry. 24th 1779. Died at Rosehill June 11th, 1848. Requiescat in pace.
(Brass.) Nicholina, relict of James Pascoe, Esq., Captain R. C. L. I., and youngest daughter of Acheson Crozier, Esq., Capt. R. M., died Sep. 23, 1852; aged 59.
James Pascoe, Esq. Solicitor of Penzance, their eldest son, died at Lower Poltair, in this parish, August 3, 1861; aged 46.
Arms,—Argent, within a bordure sable 5 estoiles 3 and 2; impaling Gules, a cross or between 4 butterflies.
In memory of Samuel Phillips, of this parish, who departed this life April 3rd, 1858; aged 60 years.
In the office of churchwarden or guardian of the poor, his attentions were exemplary; and in all his public duties he was zealous and useful. Through faith in Christ his end was peace.
To the memory of the Reverend Charles Valentine Le Grice, M.A., of Trereife, in this parish, son of the Reverend Charles Le Grice, M.A., rector of Thwaite and Wickhampton, in the county of Norfolk, who died 24th December, 1858; aged 86.
For twenty-five years he faithfully discharged the duties of incumbent of St. Mary’s Church, Penzance.
Also of Arabella Mary, the beloved wife of Day Perry Le Grice Esq., of Trereife, and daughter of the Reverend C. D. Tuthill, of Webbville, in the county of Cork, Ireland. She died 6th March, 1847; aged 37.
Sacred to the memory of Lauretta Williams, who departed this life January 15th, 1860; aged 85 Years.
Sole survivor af Samuel Remnant, Esq., of Woolwich and Westerham, Kent, and Great Marlow, Buckinghamshire.
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