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Remfry, Thomas, Bodmin, 1601 AP/R5
The Inventorye of all the goods and chattells unmoveable of Thomas Rempherye of Bodmin taken --- and prysed by Thomas All---- ---- --- Robyns the 20th daye of Marche 1601
- Imprimis his wearinge apparell
- Item olde brassen pannes
- Item one brassen crock
- Item one Dosen and halfe ----
- Item Some poggers
- Item one Dosen of platters
- Item six candelsticks of brass
- Item one old chymming potte one quart some sallte two pyntes and one chymming ------
- Item one cubbord
- Item one barrell one chayre fre---
- Item other ----- chayre
- Item one ----- one ---- and -----
- Item wodden dishes two ----
- Item one brandish one stommyng ----
- Item one pike for the -----
- Item one bed one ---- coverlet one old coverlett one bedstedd two small ----- sheette ----
- Item one old bedsteed two coffers one tubb ----
- Item one ---- and ---- one other brass ----
- Item fower old ----- ---- ----- ----
- Item one sword and dagger
Sume Totale
[NOTE, edges missing, some items smudged, all values in Latin]
Remfry, Robert, St. Austell, 22 Oct 1605 AP/R73
In the name of god amen the 15th. daye of October in the yeare of our lord god 1605: I Robert Remfrey of the pishe of St.Austill in the Countye of Cornwall beying sicke in bodye yet not withstanding of good and perfect remembrance thanks be unto almightie god Do ---- make this my last will and testament in maner and forme following.
ffirst and before all thinges I give and bequeath my soule unto almightie god and my bodye to Christian buriall. Item I give and bequeath to the poore mens boxe of the pishe of St.Austill 3s 4d . Item I give and bequeath to the poore mens boxe of Perranuthnoe 3s 4d. Item I give and bequeath to Maye Hamblye my God daughter 5s.Item I give and bequeath to Eme (?) Hoskyn my god daughter 2s. Item I give and bequeath to John Bandon my sone in Lawe my beste breeches, my beste dublett, my best horse, my ---- breeches and dublett. Item I give and bequeath to Thomas Brandon my sone in lawe a horse: Item I give and bequeath to Thomasyn my wife my cloke and 20 pounds in money. Item I give to Elizabeth my Daughter my best hatt and 10 pounds in money. All the reste of my goods, debts and chattells not before given nor bequeathed my debts paied and my legacies performed I give and bequeath to Joane the wife of John Hamblye and she I make my sole and full Executrix: In the presence of William Vyvian, Thomas Taylor and others.
An Inventorye of the goods and chattells of Roberte Remfrey of the pishe of St.Austill in the Countie of Cornwall deceased praised by William Vyvian and Thomas Taylor the 22nd.(?) daye of October 1605.
- Imprs. his weringe apparrell purse and girdle
- Item his sworde and dager
- Item a picke
- Item a litle ------
- Item ------ blacke tyn
- Item ------- Tyn stuffe
- Debts due the estate
- Item of Pascoe Crappe
- Item of John ----- of Bosroppa
- Item of Michaell ----
- Item of John ---- for his charge
Sume total £13-12-01
[Note, all values in Latin. This total appears to be correct.]
Renfry, Richard, Perranuthnoe, 26 Feb 1605 AP/R72
Admon for the goods of Richard Renfree, Husbandman, of Perranuthnoe.Died 1605.
Granted to Katherin Renfree widow of the above.
Dated 25th.February 1605/1606
A trewe Inventorye of all the goods and chattells of Richard Renfree late of Perranuthnoe in the Countye of Cornwall deceased taken and prysed by Richar Renfrye thelder, John Ffreethye and William Laytye the 14th. day of October in the yeer of our lord god 1605 as foloweth.
- Imprimis 5 pannes and 2 candrons (?)
- Itm. 2 brass crocks
- Itm. 24 platters and podengers
- Itm. a table bord a forme a cubbard and 2 coffers
- Itm. 2 pear of sheets. 2 pear of blanketts
- Itm. two coverletts and one bolster
- Itm. two brandissts and a ----
- Itm. a ----- ----- ----- ----- and cheeses
- Itm. a racke for cheeses and 2 gallons of butter
- Itm. two ----- of ----
- Itm. 2 bedsteeds
- Itm. a ral---r furnished
- Itm. 8 dishes and trenchers
- Itm. 7 Oxon
- Itm. 2 -----
- Itm. 3 younge bullocks and 3 yearlings
- Itm. 20 sheepe
- Itm. one nagge a mare and a colte
- Itm. the corne in the mowhaye
- Itm. a harrowe a shovell and two harkinge mattocks
- Itm. 7 piggs, 5 geese, 5 hennes and a cocke
- Itm. his apparrell
- Itm. one --- sold to Richard Laytye bye the deceased for
- Itm. one ----- --- bye ---- ----- to the deceased for 2 years --- ----
- Itm. one ---- and halfe a ----- --- bye Richard ----- ---- for 2 yeers to --- to the deceased -----
Suma Totalis ? [all figures in Latin.]
Renfry, Richard, Gwinear, 23 Jan 1607-8 AP/R117
In the name of God Amen the 27th. day of December 1607 I Richard Renfry of Gwinnear being of pfect.memory do make my last will and testament in manner folowing.
first I bequeath to James Renfry my sonne in lewe of ---- psion (?) --- tynny platters or pewter dishes.
Secondly my will is that ------ marry ------ and ----- ---- to make the lease according to the true meaning of the Draft
Thirdly my will is that the children of my wife that she hath by her first husband Mychell Thomas shall have the goods of the sayd Mychell Thomas hath ---- them.
fourthly I give to Thomas Samson my man one yearling of twelmonths old and one bull calfe of twelmonths old.
Witness hear unto Thomas Rosewarne
and Thomas Samson with others.
The Inventorie of the goods and cattalls of Richard Remphra of the pish of Gwinnear in the County of Cornwall yeoman Deceased made and prsed by William ----- and Thomas Erasmus the first daie o ffebruarie in the yeere of our Sovraigne Lord James by the grace of God king of England ffrance and Ireland -- the faith and of Scotland the --- 1607
- Imprimis one Cloke prysed at
- Item one old Cloke prysed at
- Item his best Dublett and one old Dublett at
- Item two paire of hose and one ----- at
- Item two paire of Stockines
- Item one old peticotte and a girdell
- Item one hatt and a band
- Item one bolster and a rugge
- Item one old coverlet and a little old pillow
- Item two paire of -----
- Item one paire of ------ sheetes and a bordcloth
- Item one old shirt and 3 old band
- Item one Saddle one paire of pannyers and one -eate axe
- Item two keeves and a baskett
- Item one old hooke and one hand saw
- Item one hempen sheete and a bridle
- Item 8 platters one clomen saucer and one candlesticke
- Item 2 Salte 2 dishes and 5 trenchers
- Item one chaire and halfe a paire of ropes(?)
- Item 4 bows one sticking iron one buckett and a perke(?)
- Item one ladder and half hundred of pilchards
- Item onepigg and one old hog
- Item five acres of wheat prysed at
- Item one mowe of corn and a ladder at
- Item two colts
- Item one calf two harrowes a bord and ----- at
- Item two paire of ---- pots a barrow 2 plowyng beams a ---- a bord a saddle and whippe
- Item one table bord his forme a chest and a little -----
- Item 6 tinnen dishes one quart and one stone poddinger
- Item swords and muskett and one old sword
- Item 3 pannes one little skillett and a crocke
- Item two brandirons a spitt and one handiron
- Item 3 pancrocks two stooles a ---- and 3 ---- and a ---
- Item a bed steede a coffer two ----- one perke and a little forme
- Item a little old clock some old boxes a ----- and a pitcher
- Item a chyre and a bord
- Item two piggs a plough a yoke a culter and two chaines
- Item three acres of wheat prysed at
Sum tot £22-08-00
[Note all values including the total are in Latin.]
Thomas Erasmus
William --------(?)
Remfry, Michael, Kenwyn, May 1616 AP/R465
26th. of February Ano.Dom 1615
In the name of god amen I Michaell Renfry of the pysh of
Kenwen sicke in body yett whole and pfett of remembrance god I
give him thanks Do make and ordayne this my last will and
testament in manner and forme followinge first I give and
bequeath my Soule unto the almightie god and my bodye to
Christian buriall Item I give and bequeath to the poore people
of Kenwen 3s - 4d. Item I give to ------ my Daughter on(e)
Crown. Item I give to Bonyface my Sonne my beste Brazen crokk.
Item I give to Nichollas my sonne 20 s. Item I give to Edward
my sonne 20s. Item I give to Alice my Daughter 3 pounds (?).
Item I give to Katheren my Daughter 3 pounds (?). Item I give
to Marie (?) my Daughter 3 Pounds (?).Item I give to the poore
people of Rid----- 12d.. All the reste of my goods moveable and
unmoveable and not before given nor bequeathed my debts and
---- payd I do give and bequeath to Anne my wife and her I doo
make my full and whole Executrix Witnesses hereunto
John --------(?)
Bonyface Renfry
An Inventory of all the goods and chattells of Michaell Renfry of the pysh of Kenwen late deceased praised by Richard Renfreye and John ------ of the same pish the ---- daye of Maye 1615.
- Imprimis his purse and gyrdell his apparell and his ----
- Item ? -----
- Item ---- brassen panns
- Item 12 platters 2 podgers 2 sausers
- Item one ould table board and one cubbard
- Item a brandiron a ---- and a ---iron
- Item a ----- 2 ----- and -----
- Item one ---- and 2 ----- ----
- Item one ----- one ----- coverlett five blanketts
- Item 3 ould bedsteeds one wimmynge one coffer and a ----- barrell
- Item 3 ould boards one ---- and ----
- Item 13 ? of woole
- Item 3 yards and halfe of newe cloth
- Item one harrow one pike one ladder
- Item for corne in the mowhay
- Item for corne in the grounde
- Item 13 sheepe six lambs
- Item 2 kyne and three younge bolloks
- Item 2 ----
- Item 2 piggs
- Item Dishes spooned trenchers and -----
Suma totalis 27-08-03
[Note, all prices are in Latin. This appears to be the total. Individual prices hard to read.]
Remfry, John, Mawgan in Meneage, Apr 1623 AP/R255
Admon for the goods of John Remphry of Mawgan dated 21st.April 1623
Granted to Thomas Remphry, son of the deceased.
An Inventory of the goods cattle ----- and debts of John Remphry late of Mawgan ----- praised and valowed by Burnard ------ and John ----- the 20th. day of February 1622
- Imprimis one yereling
- Item a ----- of ------
- Item his wearinge aparell
- Item in ---- one old tymber ---- of small valow
- Item two acres of wheate now growing in the ffeilds
- Item debts sperate and desperate
[Note all values in Latin and not readable.]
Remfry, Nicholas, Kenwyn, 30 May 1627 AP/R382
In the name of God Amen I Nicholas Remfry of the parish of Kenwyn in the County of Cornwall being sick in body but of pfect mynd and memory Doe make and declare this my last will and testament in Manner and forme following revoking hereby all formir wills by me made and declaring them to be of none effect.
ffirst I bequeath my soule unto Allmighty God and my body to be buryed within the Parish Churchyard of Kenwyn. Item I give unto the sayd pish of Kenwyn towards the Church ----- one ewe sheepe. Item I give unto the ---- of the poore of the sayd parish of Kenwyn ten shillings. Item I give unto Catheryne Remfry my sister ten shillings. Item I give unto Guido Remfry son of Boniface Remfry my brother one hogett and one lambe.Item I give unto John the son of John Cock of ----- my brother in law one young ewe.Item I give unto my God daughter A--inell Remfry one young ewe sheepe desiring hir ---- ---- it to increase for hir.Item I give unto my God sonne John -------(missing edge) twelve pence.Item I give unto my God Daughter at ------ twelve pence. Item I give unto Richard the son of Allexander Danyell of Cardinack twelve pence. Item I give unto his son Thomas Danyell twelve pence. Item I give unto Thomas the son of John Gindra als ------ twelve pence.Item I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Margery Remfry all my right and interest in whele Pennance and whele Disgentle.Item I give hir the sum of ffifty pounds to be forthwith employed for hir benefit as behovse ---- way my Executors shall think best Unto whose custody I comitt and bequeath hir while my Executor shall remayne a Widdow and unmarryed, but if my Executor shall herafter be marryed againe then my will is that the sayd sum of ffifty pounds togeither with the interest thereof (if any there be ) shall pass into the hands of Roger Hambly of Kenwyn aforsayd and Robert Husband my brother in law my espetiall good frynds herewith with the care and education of my sayd Daughter Margery, they giving ------ to pay for the same with the benefit thereof (if any be) unto my sayd Daughter Margery Remfry when she shall accomplish the age of sixteeme yeares or if she dye before that age my will is that the sayd sum of ffifty pounds shalbe payd unto my wife Ffrancis Remfry hir Executors and Assigns.
Item , I give unto my brother Boniface Remfry my second best breeches.
Item I give unto my sister Allice the wife of John Cock one halfe --- of wood.
Item I give unto my brother Edward Remfry one kyne three (torn page)
Item I give unto my sister Jone six pence.
Item I give unto my sister Maude Remfry twelve pence.
All the rest of my goods and chattells debts and all other my estate w.soever not herin mentyoned and expressed not formerly given and bequeathed I give and bequeath unto Ffrancis Remfry my wife whome I ordayne nominate and appoint my whole and onely Executor : Moreover I appoint my foresayd good frynds Roger Hambly and Robert Husband to be overseers of this my last will and testament praying them to doe their best endevour for the perfourmance thereof in mannor and forme aforsayd. In Witness whereof I have hereunto made my signe and added my seale upon the Eleventh day of Aprill.1627
the signe of Nicholas Remfry
Signed Sealled and acknowledged to be his last will and
testament in presence of us ---
Jacob Danyell
the signe of Richard Danyell the son of Alex.Danyell
the signe of Phillip ----
the signe of Jone Penwarne
the signe of Kate Remfry
A trew Inventory of the gooddes and chattells of Nicholas Remphry late of Kenwen deceased and in the County of Cornwall yeoman praysed and valued by Thomas Cornishe and Digory Lamerton the 26th. day of May Ann Dom.1627
- Imprimis 6 kine
- Item 4 Steres
- Item two horses two mares and a ----- coult
- Item --- sheepe
- Item a ----- ----
- Item 16 lambs
- Item 3 piges
- Item one gander and 3 young geese
- Item one henne and a Cock
- Item the Corne in the mowhaye
- Item the woode in the mowhaye
- Item the Corne in the ground
- Item his purse gerdell and wearing clothes
- Item ---- coverlets a paire of blankets a bedstede and a canvas sheatt
- Item one cheyre and two ----
- Item 7 yards of canvas
- Item 4 yards of -----
- Item one gallon of Tine
- Item 4 ----- of malte
- Item unreadable
- Item unreadable
- Item a table borde and frame
- Item a bordclothe
- Item a cubbortt
- Item two brazen candell stickes
- Item 10 pewter dishes a pogger and a saucer and pewter pott and a pewter co------
- Item iron panns
- Item one brazen croke
- Item two keves a tubb and a boll
- Item thouls ------ a axe and other emplaments
- Item a muskett ------
- Item erthen vessels
- Item a parsaddell a pere of panyers
- Item a harra and whippe
- Item woude and tember
- Item in the lader a ----- some apples and other implaments
- Item a spoon dishes trenchers ----- and a ----- brandes
- Item a peare of ----- and a peare of -----
- Item a lease in ------ ----- of Boniface Remfry is a tenement or chattell
- Item a tenement -- ----- ---- as chattell for one yere and halfe yett for to come
- Item 4 littell glassen bottells two stoles and other implaments
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