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Remfry, John, Fowey, 4 Feb 1644–5 AP/R703
Admon for the goods of John Remfry of Fowey who died about 1644.
Granted to Jane Remfry, widow of the deceased. Dated 4th.February 1644
February the 2nd.1644
An Inventorye of the goods and chattells of John Renfrey of fowe in the County of Cornwall Mason deceased ---- and taken by Thomas Penwarne and Marke Collins all of fowe afor sayd.
- Imprimis his purse and girdell and wearing apparrell 01 13 04
- one half bed 2 ---- bolsters 2 coverletes in the chamber over the hall 00 14 00
- one old bedsteede now over the hall and one ---- chest 00 02 00
- one bedsteede in the parler with one fether bed one
fether bolster 2 pilos one coverlet 02 00 00 - in the parler --- 1 ----- bed and 1 coverlet 00 05 00
- one tabell board 6 ---- ---- 2 chayres in the parler
- now in the parler 1 cobart 2 chests and 2 small ----- 01 06 00
- 6 pewter dishes 00 10 00
- in brasse 01 00 00
- other househould goods and other ------- 00 06 00
- one chattell lease of a house in ff--- 02 00 00
--------------- 08 10 ---
Mark Collins
syne of Thomas Penwarne
[NOTE. the total does not appear to add up.Some values altered and the edge of the document missing.]
Remfry, Richard, Redruth, 14 Sep 1647 AP/R758
In the name of god Amen, I Richard Remfry of Uny Redruth in the County of Cornwall Tynner, sicke in body but of sound and perfect mind memory and remembrance do make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and forme following: Item I give and bequeath my Soule to the mercy of Allmighty God my Creator and Jesus Christ my saviour and my body to Christian buriall.
Item I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Jane one hundred pounds of lawfull money to be paid at the end of three yeeres after my decease. But if thee will live in the house with my son Richard during the three yeeres my will is that he shall give her maintaynance as formerly she had in my life tyme otherwise that she shall have ffower pounds the yeere during the three yeeres And yf it please God to call her out of this life before she be married then I give the said hundred pounds Equally betweene my son Richard and my Daughter Elizabeth.
Item, I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeth three scoore pounds of lawfull money to be paid at the end of three yeeres after my decease. And her maintaynance during the three yeeres yf she live in the house with my son Richard otherwise shee shall have three pounds yeerely during the three yeeres. And if it be the will of God to call her out of this life unmarried then I give the said three scoore pounds Equally betweene my son Richard and my Daughter Jane. But if it please God to call them both out of this life unmarried then I give and bequeath all the foresaid sume of sevenscoore pounds unto my son Richard or his Assigns, leaving the other ten pounds to every of them out of the ---- ---- at their owne disposing.
Item I give and bequeath unto my Brother John Remfry Twenty shillings yeerely during his life, to be paid 5s. quarterly: Item I give and bequeath unto my Grandson William Carpenter five pounds to be paid when he coms in the age of 21 yeeres.Item All the rest of my Goods and Chattells I give and bequeath unto my son Richard whom I make and Ordaine my full whole and joynt Executor. Witness my hand and seale the 15th. day of ffebruary Anno Dom 1646.
Richard Remfry
In pr.sence of us
Ma West
Anthony Cock
Jone Raw
An Inventory of the goods and Chattells of Richard Remfry of the pish of Uny Redruth late deceased: taken and praised by Thomas -----. David ----- and ----- Harris of the same pish the 9th. of May Ano Dom 1647
- Imprimis his weringe clothes 03 00 00
- Item 4 Oxen 4 steeres 21 00 00
- Item 11 kine, all hefers, one bull and 7 calves 36 00 00
- Item 4 steeres and 3 hefers of 3 yeere ould 14 00 00
- Item 7 bullocks of 2 yeeres 09 06 08
- Item 5 bullocks of ------- ould 05 00 00
- Item one mare and colte 02 00 00
- Item one stone coulte one nagge 04 00 00
- Item one mare coult of 2 yeere ould 01 06 08
- Item 13 sheepe and3 lambs 03 18 00
- Item 3 piggs 00 09 00
- Item one goose 7 goslins 00 01 06
- Item in the parler one bed furnished, one table bord and 2 chests 06 00 00
- Item in the chamber one bed furnished and a trendle bed 02 00 00
- Item In the hale one table bord one chest one forme one cobard 01 06 08
- Item 3 paire of sheets 00 15 00
- Item 2 bord cloths and napkens one carpet 00 10 00
- Item more in the hale 2 cheres 00 02 06
- Item one ould chest 00 02 00
- Item 10 pewter dishes 01 00 00
- Item one quarte one pinte of pewter 00 02 06
- Item one bason and ---- 00 05 00
- Item one brass candlesticke 00 02 00
- Item 3 tinnye candlestickes 00 03 00
- Item one sillver salt and 2 spoones 00 02 08
- Item five yards of gray cloth 01 04 00
- Item in the kichinge 2 grete pans 02 10 00
- Item more 4 leetle pans 01 06 08
- Item one brewinge ---- and other timber stuff in
the kichinge and clominge pots 00 10 00 - Item one plowe and plow stuff 01 00 00
- Item one ---- and 4 ---- ----- 00 06 00
- Item ould iron about the house 00 02 06
[NOTE, the second page does not exist. So there may be further items and the total is not known.]
Remfry, John, Kea, 30 Apr 1713 (1718?)
In the name of God Amen
I John Renfree Being weake of Boddie but of a pfect minde and memorie Doo make this my last Will and testament in manar and forme following.
Impris. I Beqeath my soul in the hands of Allmighty God and my Boddy to Christain Buriall.
Item I give and bequeath unto my wife Elizabeth one Chest Bed and the best feather bed in the house with one paire of Blankets one paire of sheets one Boultstar and pillow and the best quilt and six platters six plates one Brass crock one Bellme---- scillet and six pound a yeere during her Widdowhood, but if at any time after my Death shee happen to marry Christophur Harris my will and plesure is that shee shall have nothing but the above mentioned things, but if shee doo marry any other man my will and plesure is that shee shall have one hundred pound, paid her marrid day by my Executor hereaftre named.
Item I give unto my Cousen and Nefue Thomas Renfree five pound.
All the rest of my Goods and Chattells movable and unmovable I give and bequeath unto my Brother Richard Renfree whome I doo make my sole Executor of this my last will and testament hee paying all my debts and legasies. Witness my hand and seall the Eighteenth Day of March 1712/13.
the signe of John Renfree
Signed Sealled publist and declared in presents of us
John Renfree [NOTE,not the Testator]
William Webb
John Daniell
A True and pfect Inventory of all and singular the goods chattells and credits of John Remfry of the Pish of Kea in the County of Cornwall lately Decd. taken and appraised by John Hodge and John Daniell this 27th. Day of Aprill 1713.
- Impris. his wearing apparell and money in his chest 25 00 00
- Item the goods in the hall 01 00 00
- Item the goods in the Kitchen 03 00 00
- Item the goods in the Hall Chamber 05 00 00
- Item the goods in the Kitchen Chamber 03 00 00
- Item one old mare and two colts 04 00 00
- Item the goods in the Buttery 01 00 00
- Item the corn in the ground and in the Mowhay 05 00 00
- Item one cow and yearling 03 00 00
- Item seven sheep and five lambs 01 05 00
- Item for Geese and Pullen 00 03 00
- Item for husbandry implements 01 00 00
- Item for the estate in land 20 00 00
- Item for the money due on goods 107 00 00
- Item for Bees 01 10 00
- Item for unknown goods 00 10 00
----------------- 181 08 00
the sign of
John Hodge
John Daniell
Renfree, William, Perranuthnoe, 27 Apr 1727
In the Name of God Amen I William Renfree of the parish of Perranuthnoe in the County of Cornwall Yeoman being Six and Weake in Body But of Sound Disposing Mind and Memory thanks be to God for the same considering the ffrailty and uncertainty of this Mortall Life do hereby make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in Manner and fforme ffollowing.
Impris. I Commend my Soule into the Hands of Allmighty God my Creator hopeing and Stedfastly believing I shall Receive full and ffree pardon of all my sins and transgressions through the mediation of my Blessed Savioure and Redeemer Jesus Christ My body I committ to the Earth fromwhence it was taken to be decently buryed at the Discretion of my Executors hereafter named.
Item, I give and bequeath unto my son William The New House and the two Chambers over the same and the Hale situate lying and being in Goldsithney within the parish of Perranuthnoe in the County of Cornwall for and during all the rest and residue of my Estate and Terme therein yet to come and Determine and also the Lower side of the Garden thereunto belonging and also halfe of the Trees throughin and throughout the said Garden to be taked and drawn at any time before Christmas which shall be in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and twenty seven.
Item, I Give Devise and bequeath unto my son John The halfe of the Orchard situate lying and being in Goldsithney aforesaid belonging to the said New House there for all my Estate and Terme therein yet to come and Determine. My Cow. The Round Table Board and the Bed and Bedding ffurniture and Cloaths thereunto belonging in the -aner [?] Chamber in the said new house and also three pounds in money to be paid him when and as soone as the severall debts now due to me and my severall Goods and Chattells may be sold and turned into money after my death can be received (not herein given and bequeathed).
I Give Devise and bequeath unto my son Thomas halfe of the trees in the above said garden to be taken away and drawn at any time before Christmas which shall be in the yeare of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and twenty and seven And also three pounds in money to be paid him when and as soone as the severall debts now due to me and my severall Goods and Chattells may be sold and turned into money after my death can be received ( which are not herein given and bequeathed)
I give devise and bequeath unto my son Ffrancis The Hale the Kitchen The Milk House and halfe the garden now lying and being in Goldsithney aforesaid with all the ----- waies easements and appurtenances thereunto belonging being part and parcell of the said premises with the new house herein before mentioned for and during all my Estate and Terme therein yett to come and Determine. Viz. the Higher side of the said Garden and I do also give and bequeath unto my said son Ffrancis halfe the aforesaid Orchard , My Horse and the bed and bedding ffurniture and Cloaths thereunto belonging whereon I now Useualy Lye in the outside chamber And also ffour pounds and ffive shillings to be paid him when money can be raised out of my Effects for payment of the same ( not herein before given and bequeathed).
Item, I Give Devise and bequeath unto all my Grandchildren five shillings each to be paid them by my Executors hereinafter named at the end of one year after my death. Item, I Will Devise and bequeath all the rest of my Goods Chattells Ready Money and Effects whatsoever for the payment of my debts and ffuneral charges unto my sons William, John, Thomas and Ffrancis who I do hereby make and ordaine my whole and sole Executors Jointly And if any overplus therebe I do Desire that my son John may be paid Seven and Twenty shillings and six pence which he hath formerly paid by his Mothers request and the residue thereof to be equally divided between them And I do hereby revoke disannul and make voide all fformer wills by me at any time heretofore made. In Witness whereof I have hereunto Sett My Hand and Seale being written upon a single sheete of paper this Sixth day of Aprill in the yeare of our Lord One thousand seven hundred Twenty six (Anno Dom 1726)
The signe of William Renfry
Signed Sealed Published and Declared in presence of us who
writt our names as witnesses hereunto in the presence of the
---- ----[?]
Ralph Ffreethy
Renfree, John, St. Columb Major, 17 Jan 1728
Admon for the goods of John Renfry of Cullomb Major who died about 1728.
Granted to Elizabeth renfry, Widow of the deceased.
William Bone
John Gass
dated 17th.January 1728.
An Inventory of the Goods and Chattells of John Renfry of the Parish of Cullomb Major Lately deceased taken and appraised by John Ffrancis and John Cundy and is as followeth.
- Impris. Purse Girdle and Wearing Apparrell 01 00 00
- Item two cows 06 00 00
- Item two steers 04 10 00
- Item one calfe 00 15 00
- Itemone old nagg 04 00 00
- Item one meadow of barley in the ground 05 00 00
- Item four beds 08 10 00
- Item two little brass potts and a little iron pott 01 00 00
- Item two little brass panns and a kettle 02 00 00
- Item Pewter 01 05 00
- Item Table boards and Chaires and Shelves 02 05 00
- Item Malt 05 00 00
- Item old keives and barrells 00 12 06
- Item things forgotten and unappraised 00 05 00
--------------- Tot 42 02 06
Renfree, William, Perranuthnoe, 12 Feb 1735
Admon for the goods of William Renfree, Tiner, of Perranuthnoe. Died 1735
Granted to Honour Renfree, widow of above.
John King of Marazion, Yeoman.
Richard Bawden of Perranuthnoe, Tinner
Dated 12th.February 1735
An Inventory of all singular the goods Chattells and Credtt of William Renfree of the parish of Perranuthnoe in the County of Cornwall, Tiner late deceased Taken and Apraisd by us whose names are hereunto subscribed this 11th. day of February 1735.
- his purse girdle and wearing aparel 02 00 00
- to houshold goods 11 03 06
- to -uirkstock 08 00 00
- to corn in the mowhay and in the ground 09 00 00
- to husbandry implements 00 10 00
- to sume small Chattel Estate 117 00 00
- to debts sperat and desperat 01 00 00
- to things forgote 00 05 00
-------------- 148 18 06
Signed by us
John King
John Davies
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