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Renfree, Thomas, Kea, 20 Jun 1747 (1737?)
In the name of God Amen I Thomas Renfree of the Parish of Perranuthnoe being in good health and perfect Memory/ Blessed be God therefore/ Do this Ninth day of May Anno Dom 1736 make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and forme following/ that is to say/.
Impris. I commend my soul into the Hands of Almighty God who gave it me, and my body to the Earth from whence it came in hopes of a joyfull Resurrection through the Merritts of my Saviour Jesus Christ, and as for the Wordly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me I dispose thereof as follows.
First I give my Wife a Groundroom and Chamber in the House where I now liveth or Thirty shillings per annum to rent one and a ffeather bed and bedding for her use and two Doz. of ffurse yearly out of the Croft belonging to my Estate and a Hogshead of Cyder yearly for her life if there shall so much Apples growyearly on my Estate as to make one.To hold to her during her natural life the said Groungroom Chamber or Thirty shillings per annum the two Doz. of ffurse and the Hogshead of Cyder yearly if the life or lives now on my Estate shall so long continue and she remain a Widdow but if she shall happen to marry or the life or lives now on my Estate shall die before her then tis my will that she shall have but one guinea of Gold and the said Groundroom and Chamber or thirty shillings ----- and two Doz. of ffurse and Hogshead of cyder shall redound to my Executor hereafter named.
Item, I give to my Brother Ffrancis Renfry the sum of Ten pounds to be paid him within three months aftre my decease. Item, I give to my Brother William Renfrys son William the sum of five pounds to be paid him as soon as he shall arrive to the age of twenty one years.
Item, all the rest and residue of my Goods Chattells and Personall Estate whatsoever I give to my Brother John Renfry whome I make my whole and sole Executor of this my last will and testament . In Witness whereof I the said Thoams Renfry have to this my last will and testament sett my hand and seale the day and year first above written.
Thomas Renfree
Signed Sealed and Delivered by the testator as and for his
last will and testament in presence of us who were present at
the signing and sealing thereof.
Will Gardan
Eliza Milldrum
Geo. Blewett
Admon for the goods of Thomas Renfree, dated 23rd. May 1737 Granted to John Renfree, Brother of the deceased.
Renfree, Richard, Kea, 12 May 1738
I Richard Renfrey being weak of boddy But of parfict mind and memrey Blissed and Praised be the Lord for the same and under due consideration of the unsertintey of tome Doe make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and forme following revokind and making voide all wills testments and decklerations hear to foar i had made or intended to be made hear to foar whar soe ever or in whose hand soever they may liye or hear aftarfound.
first I Commett my soul to God my Crator and Redemer whare I hope to rest forever moar, And my Boddy to a Desant and Christan Buriel by my Exsecutrex hear aftar namd. Imprimes. I give and bequieth unto Christuer Haries and his wife Elizabeth one shilling of lafull money of great Brattin each of them. Iteme I allsoe give to thair Daughtar Ann Harries two pounds and ten shillings like lawfull money as aforsaid.
Item I give to Mary Trewin one shilling as aforsd. money.
Item I give to the children of William Webb being six in all one shilling each of them.
Item I give to Ann Ronalds five shillings.
All the rest of my goods chattils Bonds Noats bids and accounts whare soe ever may appaer aftar my deth I give to my dear and loving wife whome I make and ordain my hole and sole Exsecuttrex to apy all my depts and A foarsaid Ligeses to all or as maney of them as shall be living att my deth and this I declair to be my last will and testament. In ye presents of those whose names are here subscribd as wittness first seled with my seal and sined with my signe this eighth day of June 1735
The sign of Richard Renfrey
Wittness hear to
Thos. Constable
John Rowe
the signe of Ann Ronalds
Aprill the 7th.1738 the goods that was in the possion of Richard Renfry of the Pish of Kea and County of Cornwall lately deceased are as followeth.
- Purse, Girdle and Wearing apparrell 00 10 00
- the goods in the hall chamber being two old bed---s
bolsters and pillows and old chests and boxes and 2 old bedsteeds 03 00 00 - Goods in the Hall an old board and frame and an old
cubbart and
a form and grinding stone and tubbs of little value 00 12 00 - Goods in the kitchen chamber valued 00 05 00
- goods in the milk house 00 02 00
- 4 pewter dishes 6 plates 3 poringers one candlestick
flagon one quarte all tin old and poor 00 14 00 - one brass crock 00 06 08
- 2 small pans and skillett 00 12 00
- small iron pott and kittle 00 03 06
- --- of hand irons brandis and spit 00 02 00
- for old timber plates and other old lumber 00 02 06
- an old horse between twenty and thirty years old 00 05 00
- a little heifer 01 07 00
- for things forgotten and not seen 00 01 04
----------------- Tot 08 03 00
the above goods was seen and appraised by us
the sign of Gidgeon Bohenna
This is a true and pfect.Inventory witness hereto Ann
Renfree, John, Perranuthnoe, 2 May 1745
In the name of God Amen I John Renfree of the parish of Perranuthnoe in the County of Cornwall Yeoman being in good health of Body and of Sound and Disposing Mind Memory and Understanding praised be God for the same considering the ffrailty and uncertainty of this Mortall Life and being willing to settle my wordly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me so that no Cavills or Disputes may arise after my death concerning the same do therefore make and ordain this to be my last will and testament hereby revoking making null and void all former wills by me at any time heretofore made.
First, I commend my Soul to Allmighty God my Creator who gave it me hopeing for a full a free pardon of all my sins through the Meritts and Mediation of my Blessed Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ and my Body to the Earth to be decently buryed aat the discretion of my dearly beloved Wife but at the charge of my Executors hereinafter named.
2.dly. I give devise and bequeath to my said dearly beloved wife Honour Renfree All those my messuages and Dwelling houses Outhouses Orchards Gardens Lands Tenement and premises lying and being in Perranuthnoe aforesaid now in my possession commonly called Daveys Tenement and in the Dwelling house whereof I do now dwell (Except that part of the said dwelling house now in possession of my Sisterlaw Mary Renfree, Widow ) To Hold to my said wife during her life if my estate and term therein shall so long continue and from and after her death the remainder of my estate and term therein I give and bequeath the same to my Executrix and my Executors herein after named for the severall purposes herein aftre mentioned provided always and it is my will and direction that in case my said wife shall not think fitt to live and dwell in my said dwelling house wherein I now dwell in Perranuthnoe aforesaid after my death and keep a servant maid to attend upon her that then and in such case and as soon as my said wife shall go from there to dwell The Said Dwelling house outhouses Orchard and Gardens and all my household goods shall be forfeit and fall to my Executrix and Executors hereinafter named for the purpose hereinafter mentioned I likewise give and bequeath to my said dearly beloved wife Honour the use of all my household goods so long as she shall live and dwell in my said dwelling house as aforesaid I likewise give to my said wife Honour ffive pounds Sterling to be paid her within twenty days next after my death And also a Cow from my death which of my Cows she shall chuse she returning the said cow at the time of her death or the value thereof in money to my Executors hereinafter named. I do also give and bequeath to my said wife all my late Daughter Honour Renfrees Cloaths.books and linen and other things which were hers or did belong to her. And the dwelling house now in possession of my Sisterlaw Mary Renfree I do hereby give the same to my said Sisterlaw Mary Renfree during the joint naturall lives of my said wife and Sisterlaw Mary Renfree if my estate and term therein shall so long continue she paying twenty shillings yearly by quarterly payments to my Executors hereinafter named.
3.dly. I hereby give to my Brother Ffrancis Renfree"s three children to witt John, Elizabeth and Mary Twenty pounds to be paid them fforty shillings yearly by quartely payments from the time of my death equally between them until the dull sum of twenty pounds be paid them. If my said wife shall so long happen to live and not otherwise. I do Likewise give and bequeath to John son of my said late Brother Ffrancis Renfree ffive pounds Sterling when he shall attain the age of thirteen years and be bound out an apprentice to some trade or calling if my wife shall be then living and not otherwise. I also give him all my large pilate Coat Buttons to be delivered to him by my wife when she shall think proper.
4.thly. I give all my wearing apparell ( Excepting plate Buttons ) to my cosen Joseph Renfree son of my late Brother William Renfree to be delivered him from time to time as he shall want them by my sais wife as she shall think proper.
5.thly. Lastly all the rest residue and remainder of my Goods Chattells Rights Creditts and Effects whatsoever and wheresoever I do hereby give devise and bequeath the same unto my dearly beloved wife Honour Renfree, William Favell of Trevean within the said parish of Perranuthnoe, Gent., and Uter Dawn of Perranuthnoe aforesaid, Cooper. Upon this Speciall Trust and Confidence Nevertheless that they the said Honour my wife, William Favell and Uter Dawn and the survivor of them shall and may by and out of the Rents Issues and Profitts thereof pay one Annuity or yearly sum of ffive pounds to my said Sisterlaw Mary Renfree Widow of my Brother Thomas Renfree Deceased in Discharge of my Bond given her for the same during her life to such child or children as my said wife shall be easieat [?] or with child at the time of my death and born after my death if more than one share and share alike. And in case my said wife shall have any such child or children born after my death then all the aforesaid legacies to be null voide and of none effect and not to be paid ( Except the abovesaid Legacies by me given to my said wife ) And for weyt [?] of such child or children then the residue and remainder of my said Goods Chattells Rights Creditts and Effects and of the Reals Issues and Profitts thereof after the said ffive pounds yearly paid my said Sisterlaw Mary Widow of my late Brother Thomas as aforesaid to my Nephew William Renfree son of my late Brother William Renfree Deceased And in case my said Nephew William Renfree shall happen to dye without Issue then to my Nephew Joseph Renfree his Brother and my Nephew John Renfree son of my late Brother Ffrancis Renfree Deceased share and share alike. And I do hereby Nominate Constitue and Appoint my said Dear Wife Honour, William Favell and Uter Dawn my whole and sole Executrix and Executors of this my last will and testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed or made my mark and affixed my seale this Twentieth day of November In the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fforty one (1741)
The sign of John Renfree
Signed Sealed published and declared in presence of
----- ------ [?]
Jaketh Cannifer
Admon for the goods of John Renfree dated 2nd.May 1745
Granted to Honour Renfree, widow of above.
William Favell of Trevean, in Perranuthnoe
Uter Dawn, Cooper, of Perranuthnoe
Henry Laity, Yeoman of Perranuthnoe
Richard Stone of Penzance, Wiggmaker
A true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the Goods Chattells Rights Credits and Effects which were of John Renfree late of the parish of Perranuthnoe in the County of Cornwall deceased at the time of his death taken valued and appraised by us whose names hereunder are written this twenty sixth day of Feb. in the year of our Lord 1744.
- To his purse and wearing apparel 07 07 00
- To household goods 31 05 10
- To quick stuff corn and husbandry implements 55 04 06
- To Three Chattle Leasehold Estates 163 00 00
- To Lumber and things forget 00 07 06
- Debts sperate and desperate 01 01 00
----------------- Total £ 258 05 10
Renfree, William, Helston, 23 May 1755
Admon. for the goods of William Renfrey, of Helston, who
died about 1755. Granted to John Renfrey, of Helston. Son of
the deceased.
John Roberts, Tinner of St.Cleer.
James Fox, Mason of Lostwithiel.
Dated 23rd. May 1755.
Renounce of the administration of the goods of William
Renfrey, by his widow Elizabeth. In favour of her Son, John
Dated 12th.May 1755
Renfree, Joseph, Perranuthnoe, 29 Sep 1768
In the Name of God Amen, I Joseph Renfree of the Parish of Perranuthnoe in the County of Cornwall, Yeoman, being Weak in Body but of sound and perfect Mind and Memory blessed be Almighty God for the same Do make and Ordain this to be my last Will and Testament hereby Revoking and Disannulling all former Wills by me at any time heretofore made.
I commend my Soul into the Hands of Almighty God and my Body to the Earth to be Decently buried at the Discretion of my Executors herein after named.
I Give and Bequeath to my dearly beloved Wife Jane Renfree All that my Messuage and Dwelling House with the Appurtenances now Building in Goldsithney within the Parish of Perranuthnoe aforesaid for and during the term of her natural life in case she lives now in being on the said Premises shall so long live. I Likewise give to my said wife one Annuity or yearly sum of five pounds to be paid her quarterly during her natural life to be Issuing Due and Payable out of my Effects which I shall leave at the time of my Death. I Likewise Give and Bequeath her a bed and bedding and such necessary household goods as my Executors herein after named shall think fir and convenient for her.
I give and bequeath to Jane Taskus, Spinster, forty shillings to be laid out in Cloaths for her at the time of her marriage.
I give and bequeath to Phillis Bawden, Spinster, Daughter of Nicholas Bawden forty shillings to be laid out in Cloaths for her when and as soon as she shall be married. All the Rest residue and Remainder of my Goods Chattles Rights Credits and Effects whatsoever I do hereby give and bequeath to Humphrey Cole, John Treluddra and William Sincock all of the Town of Marazion and to the survivors and survivor of them his Executors Administrators and Assigns In Trust for my Cosin John Renfree and such child or children as he shall leave at the time of his death and that they and the survivors and survivor of them his Executors Administrators and Assigns shall and may have Receive and take the Rents Incomes Produce and Profitts therof and apply the same/ subject to the aforesaid Annuity of five pounds/ toward the support and maintenance of the said John Renfree during his natural life and from and after his death to the Benefit of his child or children as aforesaid Provided Nevertheless that my said Trustees and Executors shall first pay and deduct thereout all my just debts Legacies and funeral charges and all such lawfull expenses they shall or may at any time hereafter pay lay out or be put to in or concerning this Trust as Executors of this my Will. And I do hereby Nominate Constitute and Appoint the said Humphrey Cole, John Treluddra and William Sincock Trustees and Executors in Trust of this my last will and testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto stt my Hand and Seal this fourteenth day of August One thousand seven hundred and sixty eight.
The sign of Joseph Renfree
Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the said Joseph
Renfree as his last will and testament In presence of
Thos.Wheare Tocker [?]
Richard Cornish
Admon for the goods of Joseph Renfree granted to Humphrey
Cole of Marazion, Gent.
John Treluddra and William Sincocke of the same.George Rippar
and Richard Treluddra of the same.dated 28th.September
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