Weymouth, William, St. Buryan, c. 1721 PROB11/639


In the name of God amen I William Weymouth of the pish of Buryan in the County of Cornwall Yeoman being of a sound and perfect memory (blessed be God) do make and ordain this My last will and testament in manner and fform following ffirst I recommend my soul to God that gave it and Jesus Christ my only saviour and redeemer- hoping that in through him to receive free pardon and forgiveness of all my sins and my body to the ground to be interred by ye decent Christian buriall to the discretion of my Executors herein and hereinafter named.

Item, I give unto my son William Weymouth the sum of five shillings to paid to him in five months after my decease. Item, I give unto my daughter Sarah the sum of one hundred pounds lawfull money of Great Britain to be paid to her by my Executor twelve months after my decease. Item I give unto my daughter Mary the sum of one hundred pounds lawfull money of Great Britain to be paid unto her when she shall attain full age of one and twenty years. Item, I give unto Sarah my dearly beloved wife my bed that I used to lye on cloaths and ffurniture thereunto belonging. Item I give unto my son Thomas Weymouth all the rest of my Goods and Chattells Bills Bonds Notes and Accounts whatsoever upon condition that he shall pay all my debts and legacies herein given and bequeathed by me and do hereby nominate and appoint him to be my full and sole Executor of this my last will and testament and I do revoke and make void all other wills and testaments formerly made by me. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this ffirst day of May Anno Dom 1721. William Weymouth

Sealed and signed in the presence of us
Thomas Gondar (?)
Elizabeth (E) Weymouth
Ephr. Weymouth (Ephraim)

Will proved at Canterbury

Dunn, Pascoe, St. Erth, Jan 1630–1 AP/D323


In the name of god amen

The Twentith Daye of ffebruary in the first year of the Raigne of (our)
soveraigne Lord Charles by the grace of god of England Scotland ffraunce &
Ireland king defender of the Faith &c Anno Dom 1625

I Pascow Dunn of the pishe of St. Earth in the Countye of Cornwall yeoman
being of good and p’fett memory god be praysed doe make and ordayne this
my last will and Testament in manner & forme following that is to saye &c

Itt first I Commend my soule in to the hands of god my Maker hoping
Assueredly through the Meritts of Jesus Christ my saviour to be made p’taker
of Life everlasting And I commend my bodye to the Earth whereof yt
is made.

Itt I give and bequeath unto William my eldest son two shillings & to every one of (his)
Childryn one shillinge Itt I give to Allexander my second son two shillings
and to every one of his Childryn one shillinge Itt I give to John Dunn my
third son two shillings and to every one of his Childryn one shillings Itt
I give to John Hockin and Alce his wife two shillings and to every one of their
Children one shillings Itt I give [and beq] to William Nynnys and Jane his
wife two shillings and to every one of their Childryn one shilling Itt I give
[and] to Sampson Heyme and Richow his wife two shillings and to every one of
their Childryn one shillinge Itt whereas I hold one Tennement caled or kno(wen)
by the name of Tremillyn by a deed of Assigement made by George Payne
of the pishe of St. Earth in the Countye aforesayd deceased bearing date the Eightenth
Daye of ffebruary in the Twelfth year of the Raigne of our soveraigne Lord James
late king of England &c of ffamous memorye deceased My Will is that Christian
my wife shall have hould innjoye that foresayd Tennement wth th’apurtenances
to hir and hir Assigns Duering the terme and tyme Limitted in the deed a
foresayd Itt whereas I hould one other Tennement wthin the pishe of St.
Earth Caled or knowen by the name of Porthcollome by a Deed of Assigement
made by Allexander Dunn of the pishe and County aforesayd bearing date
the xxviiith daye of October in the first yeare of our Soveraigne Lord
Charles now king of England &c My Will is that Christian my wife shall have
hould and inioye that foresayd Tennement Duering the tyme limitted in the
Deed aforesayd yf Margarett the wife of John Ennys James their sonn &
Sepheronya now the wife of the foresayd Allexander Donn soe long happenn
to leive And as for all the rest of my goods and Chattells moveable & un
moveable I give and bequeith to Christian my foresayd Wife And my Will
is that shee shall paye my Debts and all such leagase as as I have [geivenn]
formerly geivenn And hereby I make hir my whole executor wittnes
my hand and seale the daye & yeare fisrt above writtenn

the Signe of
Paschow Dun

Signed & sealed in the
presents of these here
under written

Wm Dunn
John Hocken
Alexander Dun
John Dun:

Donn, Christian, St. Erth, 1642 AP/D456

Nuncupative will

In the name of god Amen Christian Donne widdow
of the pishe of St. Earth in the Countye of Cornwall being of
p’fett mynd & memory made and Declared hir Last Will & Testa=
ment nuncupative about the Latter end of January 1641 =
in manner and forme followinge ffirst shee bequeathed hir
soule to Allmighty god & hir body to Christian Buryall Item
shee gave and bequeathed unto Alexander Donne her sonn all
hir quicke stuffe one featherbed one boulster a Rugg & aCoverlett
the great Crocke in the Hall the Chest in the Hall two fleshe
tubbs two Drinke barrills two washing Tubbs & a frying pann
Item shee gave & bequeathed these goods under mencioned in manner
& forme hereafter specified that is to saye to William Donne hir
sonn yf hee did Returne from Ireland and uppon his Returne
Did want that then hee should inioye the sayd goods Duering
his life and after his death to Com unto Pascow Donne the
sonn of the sayd William Donne wch goods weare these viz:
one featherbead & boulster two Ruggs a payre of blanketts or
a payre of sheets one table bord that is over the hale one
fforme one pann the biggest in hir keepinge one Crocke one
Brandice a halfe a douzen of Pratters & one Candelsticke
a broach and two Kine Item shee gave and bequeathed unto
Loveday Praed hir Grandaughter one steede bead one
featherbead one boulster two Pillow two Ruggs a payre a Blankett
or a payre of sheets & a Chest Item shee gave & bequeathed
unto Margery Donne the great old Chest in hir bead Chamber
All the reste of hir goods shee gave and bequeathed unto John
Donne hir sonne wth whome shee lived and nomynated
hyme to bee hir sole and onlye Executor wth those words
What goods I doe not express uppon a not I leave to hyme
that I live in house with there beinge then and there pr’sent
Alexander Donne Jone Knight Robert Praed with ot(hers)