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Badcock, William, St. Buryan, 1799 DSB208
In the name of God Amen.
I William Badcock of the parish of St.Buryan in the County of Cornwall, Yeoman, being advanced in age but in good health and of sound mind, memory an understanding. Thanks be given to Almighty God for the same and calling to mind my mortality do in fear of God make and ordain this to be my last will and testament (That is to say).
First, I give and bequeath unto my Granddaughter, Rebecca, the dwelling house and premises that Sarah Tonkin now lives in and rents of me in St.Buryan Churchtown- and to my Granddaughter, Mary, I give the house and premises that Kate Tonkin now lives in and rents of me in the said Churchtown.
Secondly, I give and bequeath to William Baynard, of the parish of Sennen and Thomas Osborne of the parish of St.Levan all I shall die possessed of, but I trust to and for the use of my said two Granddaughters jointly and alike. And I do appoint my said two friends William Baynard and Thomas Osborne to be Guardians over them and the Executors in Trust of this my said last will and testament, not doubting but they will discharge the trust reposed in them.
In Witness whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal, the ninth day of November, in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Seven- 1797.
William Badcock
Signed sealed published pronounced and declared by the said
William Badcock, the Testator as and for his last will and
testament in the presence of us who have hereunder subscribed
our names as witnesses to the same in his presence and at his
request and in the presence of each other.
Cha. Jacka
Margaret Hutchins Jacka
Badcock, John, St. Buryan, 1813 DSB227
In the name of God Amen, I John Badcock of the parish of St.Buryan in the County of Cornwall, Husbandman,being of sound memory and understanding, blessed be God, do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following. Blessed beGod for it
(That is to say). First and principally I commit my soul to the Almighty God, my body to the earth, to be deasently buryed after a Christian and deasently buryal as my Executor or Executors hereafter named, shall think fit and paying my debts and funeral charges.
Item. I give and bequeath to my son William Badcock and to my daughter, Elizabeth Yeoman, after my decwase all my property and all my effects between them, each alike, except the watch and that to my son to him self excepted.
Also, I give and bequeath to Richard Badcock all my wearing apparel.
Also to pay Mrs. Lob four pounds, which will arise from the clock [?].
I also give at my funeral, To my sister, Sewey Renphry, handkerchiff ribbon and gloves. Also Sally Osborne, Ribbons handkerchiff and gloves. Mary Murley, handkerchiff, ribbons and gloves. Also to Mary Badcock, Ribbons handkerchiff and gloves. Also to Rebecka Badcock, Ribbons handkerchiff and gloves.Also to Mary Badcock, ribbons handkerchiff and gloves.
Also, I make my son and daughter each alike, Executors into this my last will and testament and paying as above written in witness whereof, I the said John Badcock have written to this my last will and testament. Set my hand and seal, this 18th. day of February, in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirteen.
John Badcock
Signed Sealed Delivered by the said John Badcock for and as
his last will and testament in the presence of us who were
present at the signing and sealing hereof.
John Richards
Richard Badcock
Ustick, Charles, St. Buryan, 9 May 1666 DSB35
Admon for Charles Usticke of St.Buryan dated 9th.May 1666 To his widow Katherine Usticke of St.Buryan and James Jenkens of Madron.
Greenfield, Humphry, St. Stephens by Launceston, 1618 AP/G218
Last day of April 1618
In the name of God Amen I Humphrie Greenfield of St.Stephens by Launceston, Gentelman ----- buried in the parish of St.Stephens.
Item I give to the benefit of the said church 10s. to the poor of the said parish 20s to be distributed by their overseers.
I give to Alice Prout one black trunck ?, a leather ? fot? from rings.
I doe deliver to Mr. Richard Giddie in trust during my natural life one box of evidences, bundle bills and other writing that shall be inclosed therein concerning Mrs. Julian Kickwicth and many others, my bunds bills and personal writings after my death and I bequeath unto Mrs.Julian Kickwitch to be delivered by the said Richard Giddie year after my decease uppon acquittances or other lawful lawful persons to deliv. or cause them to be delivered to all such persons and person as they doe aptaine.
I give to the said Mrs.Julian Keckwitch one great crock of Brassie and a limbick of tin thereto belonging with his pipes and all things fitting and one and each book a manuscript volume called the Treason of health which books hath been and is remaining not full of six leases being severally cut off out.
The rest of my goods not given and bequeathed I give and bequeath to Alice Jasper my servant whome I make my whole and sole Executrix of this my will and testament.
In Witnee whereof I have subscribed my sign in the presence of Walter Rawlins.
The sign of Humphrie Greenfield
Teshus L. Lucas cler.
The inventory of the goods of Humphrie Grenvile gent of the parish of St.Stephens next Launceston--- by John Corke and Thomas Rurrowe yeomen 25/08/1618.
- his purse and gyrdle
- his wearing apparel
- two peayer of sheets and a pyllowlie
- one table clorth and three coverlettes
- 2 feather bolsters, one pillowe and three litle featherbedde
- one book called the Treasure of Health
- eleven other books
- two spruce chests, a large iron trunke 2 coppers and 6 little boxes
- one truckell beddestead and other boardes
- woode
- one brass pan, one brasen crocke,9cruldrs and 8 skyllets
- a buckett, a bole a tubb, a sleep buckett and 7 trenchers
- one rose water still or lymbicke and the herds of ye other stills
- stillimige glasses, whoper glasses and potte of Glass and clormes
- debts owing from Will Wynslade and servants
- all other implements lefte unpraysed
sum totalis £11-12-00
Ustick, Katherine, St. Levan, 20 May 1700 DSB340
In the name of God Amen, I Katherine Ustick of the Parrish of St.Leavan in the County of Cornwall widdowe beinge sick and weake of body but of a sound and perfect mind and memory, thanks be to God for it, Revoking all Former Wills by me made Doe hereby make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme followinge.
Imprimis. I bequeath my soul to Almighty God hopeinge by his infinite mercy and the meritorious Death and Passion of my Blessed Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ to obtain full pardon and Remission of all my sins and to inheritt everlasting life, and my body in hope of a joyfull resurrection I committ to the Earth to bee buryed neere my deceased husband and in as private a manner as my Exect. hereafter named or my next [?] ffriend in his absence can conveniently doe the same.
Item, I give and bequeath to the Poorest widdowes and ffatherless children of the Parrish of St.Just in Penwith in the said County of Cornwall the Sume of Ten Pounds. To the Poore of the Parish of Madderan in the said County the sume of ffifty shillings. To the Poore of the Towne of Penzance the Sume of ffifty shillings. To the Poore of the Parish of St.Buryan the Sume of ffifty shillings and to the Poore of the said Parish of St.Leavan in the said County the Sume of ffifty shillings to bee distributed amongst them according to the discretion of my Exect.
Item , I give and bequeath to my Grandson William Ustick All my Chattell Estate in and right to A howse and Garden called the Vineyard p-ll[?] of Leham;St.Buryan.
Item, I give and bequeath to my Grandson, Jacob Ustick the sume of ffifty pounds to bee paid att the end of twelve months next aftrer my death.
Item, I give and devise to my son Richard Ustick All such money as shall bee due and owinge to mee from Hugh Olivey att the tyme of my death on a mortgage or otherwise and alsoo out of my Bonds oe Penall [?] Bills of ffifty pounds to bee assigned over to the said Richard Ustick by my Exec. att the end of twelve months next after my death, But itt is my will and desire that the said Richard Ustick shall pay the money due from the said Hugh Olivey as aforesaid and the said Principle Sume of ffifty pounds to my Grandson Charles Ustick his son within six months after hee shall attain the age of One and Twenty years. Item, I give the said Richard Ustick Twenty shillings to buy him a Ringe.
Item, I give and bequeath to every Servant Man and Boy that shall bee living as a Servant with my sons Oliver Ustick and Richard Ustick and my Daughter Ann Tresilian att the tyme of my death and shall soe continue in their service for the space of two years next after my death the sume of Ten Shillings and to every servant maid that shall bee livinge with my said children Oliver Ustick, Richard Ustick and Ann Tresilian at the tyme of my death and shall soe continue in their service for the space of two years next after my death the sume of Twenty shillings to bee paid att the end of two years next after my death.
Item, I give and bequeath to Israell Thomas, Mathew Edey,Charles Thomas,Charles Edey, Thomas Greinfield and Richard Nekerwis Twenty shillings a person to bee paid within twelve months next after my death. Item, I give to John Madderne Twenty shillings.
Item, I give and bequeath to my Daughter Ann Tresilian my Trunke and all my wearinge apparell.
Item, My Will is that my son Oliver Ustick shall stand seized of all my Effects and Rights in the Tenements of Raughtra and Terthewy within the said Parish of St.Leaven and the Issues and Proffitts thereof and all such cattell cows and stock as I shall bee possessed of at the tyme of my death to the uses, intents and purposes hereafter mentioned and to and for noe other use, intent or purpose whatsoever. That is to say, to satisfy, pay and discharge the sume of fifty pounds with the Interest thereof due and oweinge from me to Mrs.Joane Tresilian and the sume of fforty pounds with the Interest thereof due and oweinge from me to Thomas James and the sume of fifteene pounds, with the Interest thereof if any be, due and oweinge from me to Mrs. Margery ----[?] or Lewis ---- [?], and after the said severall sumes of fifty pounds, forty pounds and fifteene pounds with the Interest thereof are satisfyed and paid to the said Joane Tresilian, Thomas James and Margery ----[?] or Lewis -----[?] My Will is that the money that shall bee remaining of the said cattell cows and stock, if any such there bee, and the Issues and Proffitts of the said tenements of Raughtra and Terthewy shall bee for the use benefitt and behoofe of my Daughter Ann Tresilian and her children to bee applyed towards their maintenance as my said son Oliver Ustick and my said Daughter Ann Tresilian shall appoint and direct until such tyme as my Grandson Thomas Tresilian shall attaine the age of One and twenty years and after hee shall attaine that age I doe give devise and bequeath all my Estate and Right in the said Tenements Raughtra and Trethewy and such money as shall bee remaininge of the said cattell cows and stock unto my said Grandson Thomas Tresilian to the uses intents and purposes hereafter mentioned , That is to say that the Issues and Proffitts of the said Tenements Raughtra and Trethewy shall be applyed towards the maintenance of my said Daughter Ann Tresilian and her children as she shall think fitt to direct and appoint duringe her naturall life if my Estate therin shall soe longe continue and from and after the death of my said Daughter Ann Tresilian my Will is that the Issues and Proffitts of the said Tenements and the money that shall be remaininge of the cattell cows and stock aforesaid shall bee applyed towards the Education and Inferment [?] of such child or children as my said Daughter shall leave behind her at the tyme of her death until such tyme as her eldest son shall attain the age of one and twenty years and from and after that tyme Two Third parts thereof the whole in three parts to bee divided to the use beneffitt and behoofe of such eldest son of my said Daughter and that the remaininge third part thereof shall bee to the use beneffitt and behoofe of such child or children of my said Daughter as my Son in Law thomas Tresilian shall think fitt to apply the same when hee, she or they shall attain the age of one and twenty years. And Further my Will is and I doe hereby desire my said Son in Law Thomas Tresilian after the said sumes of ffifty pounds, forty pounds and fifteene pounds with the Interest therefore paid and discharged to bee aidinge and assistinge in and about the manageinge the said Tenements of Raughtra and Trethewy and the cattell cows and stock aforesaid to the best advantage of the children of my said Daughter Ann Tresilian.
Item, I give and bequeathto my said Grandson Thomas Tresilian One Dole or share of my adventure beinge a Twentyeth which is halfe of my Interest in Boscowall Ball Aditt within the parrish of St.Just which is to comense at the end of fourteene days next after my death.
Item,I give and bequeath to my Cosson Jaone Taylor Ten shillings a yeare for longe as she shall live at Leha and if she doth happen to goe off from thence to her I doe give her fforty shillings a yeare duringe her life.
Item, I doe give and bequeath to my Daughter Ann Tresilian one of my rings and to my Daughters in Law Julyan Ustick and Mary Ustick my other two rings.
Item, I give and bequeath to my Son in Law Thomas Tresilian a mourninge ringe of Twenty shillings vallue.
Item, I give to every one of my nearest relations instead of Mourning gloves or rings to each of them a Booke as my Exec. shall think fitt.
Item, All the rest residue and remainder of my goods and chattells of what nature or kind soever the same be and not herein before dveised or bequeathed or heretofore by me otherwise disposed of I doe give devise and bequeath unto my son Oliver Ustick whome I doe hereby make ordain constitue and appoint to bee whole and sole Exec. of this my last Will and Testament. Im Witness whereof I the said Katherine Ustick have hereto sett my hand and seale the fourth day of March in the yeare of our Lord God One thousand six hundred and ninety five. 1695
The signe of Katherine Ustick
Signed Sealed Published and Declared
In presence of The signe of Mary Bosustow
The signe of Ann Hitchens
Henry Davies
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