With thanks to Jessica Daniels for providing copies of the pages from which this transcript is obtained.
The Queen’s Hotel. Proprietress: Mrs. E. A. Permewan.—In the matter of high class
hotel accommodation, Penzance compares favourably with any health resort of the south-west coast.
The leading hotel is the “Queen’s,” which was originally opened in 1862, and is
now conducted under the able proprietorship
of Mrs. E. A. Permewan. Since becoming responsible for the control, this lady has not only
maintained the reputation of the house, but materially improved its resources, having extended
and modernised the building, and re-furnished and re-decorated the interior in the most sumptuous
style. The hotel is on the Esplanade, directly facing Mount’s Bay, and commanding a
magnificent sweep of marine and coast scenery. It has a frontage of about 200 feet, and a notable
feature is, that all the public rooms, including coffee-room, reading and writing-rooms,
ladies’ drawing-room, and smoking and billiard-rooms are located on the ground floor,
the upper floors containing several excellent suites of private rooms, together with a large
number of single and double bed-rooms. Well equipped bath-rooms fitted with hot and cold water,
are available on the bed-room levels, and the heating, lighting and sanitary arrangements will
be found in every way adequate and up to date. The cuisine is in charge of an experienced
chef; and the stock of wines, spirits and other liquors has been selected with utmost
care. The staff is both capable and attentive; nothing indeed being wanting that could tend to
ensure the satisfaction of the visitor. Attached to the main building there is a good range of
stabling and horses and carriages for “airings,” picnics etc., are provided at
moderate charges. The hotel tariff is reasonable, of course taking into account the superiority
of the accommodation, and inclusive terms can be arranged if desired, and the
“Queen’s” can be confidently recommended to families and tourists who are
anxious to secure really comfortable quarters at inexorbitant rates.
Mount’s Bay Hotel, Esplanade. Proprietor: Mr. C. Ball.—The Mount’s Bay is
eminently a family hotel. It was opened many years ago, when the town was just beginning to come
into repute as a health and pleasure resort, and has since enjoyed the best of support, and
maintained a high prestige amongst visitors.
It is a substantial five-storey building, occupying a splendid position on the Esplanade,
admirably adapted for hotel purposes, with uninterrupted sea views, and an unrivalled view of
that cynosure of the locality, St. Michael’s Mount. The interior is splendidly fitted,
nothing being wanting that could tend to ensure the comfort and satisfaction of its patrons, the
furnishings exhibiting a degree of efficiency which it would be difficult to improve upon. On
the ground floor are spacious coffee, drawing, smoking and sitting-rooms, together with the hotel
bar and office. Upstairs there are several cosy private sitting-rooms, with bed-rooms
en-suite, also a capital range of single and double bed-rooms, and the usual bath-rooms
and lavatories, the majority of the rooms offering an exceptionally fine marine outlook. The
cuisine, wine list and service is unexceptional, and the catering and management receive
the personal attention of Mr. and Mrs. Ball, who spare no pains to secure that all round
excellence which nowadays is looked for in a first class hotel. The tariff is reasonable,
and boarding terms can be arranged if required.
The Union Hotel, Chapel Street. Manageress: Miss Holman.—The Union Hotel in Chapel
Street is the oldest established first class family and commercial hotel in the town, and one which
for home comforts and good management, is all that can be desired by visitors and commercial
gentlemen. It belongs to a limited company, the control being in the experienced hands of Miss
Holman. Recognising the necessity of keeping abreast with the times, no expense has been spared
in bringing it up to date. A new billiard-room has been constructed and furnished with a table
second to none in Penzance. A new and spacious smoke-room has been added, also a new bath-room
and lavatories. The cuisine is of the best order, the menu varied and liberal,
the attendance perfect, and the wine list select and comprehensive. As to the manageress, no one
could be more devoted than is Miss Holman to securing the maximum comfort for each and all of
her guests, doing everything in her power to make them feel at home during their stay, and to
anticipate their wants and wishes. Telegraphic address “Union, Penzance.”
The Western Hotel. Proprietors: Messrs. Mitchell & Co.—No matter what attractions a
place may possess, visitors cannot be expected to patronise it freely if there is a lack of
proper hotel accommodation. Those bent on business or pleasure will find the accommodation of
the Western Hotel at Penzance at least equal to that of any similar establishment in this part
of Cornwall. It is one of the oldest hotels in the town, and has been in the hands of the
Mitchell family for at least forty years, during which time it has borne a high
reputation and received a large patronage from visitors and commercial men. The present managing
proprietor, Mr. F. W. Mitchell, succeeded his uncle here about four years ago, and has shown
great energy and enterprise in improving the accommodation and general resources of the Western
Hotel, on which a large amount of money has been spent to bring it up to the present day
requirements. The building, as seen in our view, stands in an open position in the centre of the
town, close to the Public Buildings and facing the Morrab Road. This is a healthy and convenient
position, within easy reach of the Promenade, the station, and other places of interest in the
town, and the surroundings as of the most agreeable and picturesque character. The building is
capitally appointed throughout in modern style, the various public and private apartments being
attractive and well ventilated, while special attention has been given to the sanitary
arrangements, and no trouble has been spared either by Mr. Mitchell or his experienced manageress,
Mrs. Mackenzie, to secure the comfort and satisfaction of the guests. On the ground floor are
large beautifully furnished coffee, commercial, and
dining-rooms, the dining-hall being an exceptionally fine chamber and admirably adapted for
public banquets; also a capital smoke-room. On the first floor is the tastefully furnished
drawing-room. There are numerous private apartments and airy bed-rooms, with baths, lavatories,
etc. The hotel has a reputation for excellent cooking and prompt attendance, and choice beverages
and cigars are supplied. To the rear of the hotel are extensive stables, and vehicles of all
kinds are available for business or pleasure at very moderate charges. The tariffs throughout
are reasonable, and there is a first class table d’hote at 7.30p.m. daily. In fact the
Western is one of the most comfortable and convenient hotels in the county, and is largely
Perrow’s High Class Commercial and Family Temperance Hotel, Chapel Street. Proprietor:
Mr. J. Bray.—Perrow’s Hotel has for years past enjoyed an enviable reputation
both for the excellence of its accommodation and the efficiency of its management, and in
point of popularity
it gives place to no similar establishment in Cornwall. It is admirably situated in Chapel
Street, within easy distance of the railway station, the Esplanade, and the Morrab Gardens,
and consists of a substantial four-storey building, with an attractive frontage, comprising
spacious commercial, coffee, smoking, billiard, and stock-rooms, and other offices on the ground
floor; a magnificent and lofty drawing-room, from which visitors have a splendid view of the
harbour, St. Michael’s Mount, and the adjacent hills, on the floor above; and two floors
of single and double bed-rooms, all comfortably appointed, lofty, light and cheerful. Bath-rooms
fitted with hot and cold water are available, together with a dark-room for the use of
photographers, and suitable stabling and cycle stores, Perrow’s Hotel being the local
head-quarters of the Cyclists’ Touring Club. There is also a very nice garden with seats,
etc., for the use of visitors. Horses and cariages can be supplied for posting purposes, and
four horse Jersey cars leave the hotel daily during the summer months for Logan Rock, Land’s
End, Gurnard’s Head, St. Ives, etc., etc. First class accommodation, a capital
cuisine, unexceptionable attendance, and reasonable charges, combine to recommend the hotel,
and the sound and practical experience of the proprietor and his wife (Mr. and Mrs. Bray), are
manifested in their efforts to sustain the popularity of the house amongst travellers and holiday
visitors alike. To quote the words of The Western Morning
News—“Perrow’s Hotel is certainly the finest Temperance Hotel in Cornwall.
The various rooms are spacious apartments, most comfortably furnished, and the bed-rooms airy,
cosy, and beautifully clean.”
Paul’s Commercial Hotel, 34 and 35, The Terrace, Market Jew Street.—This hotel was established fortteen years ago by the present proprietress, Mrs. Paul, and the fact that it is fairly full all the year round, bears testimony to the abilities of the proprietress as a caterer for the public. Paul’s Hotel is in the main thoroughfare, and conveniently close to the railway station. The dining and commercial-rooms are on the ground floor, and on the floor above is a comfortably furnished drawing-room. On the same level are five bed-rooms, some single and some double-bedded, also bath-rooms and lavatories, and on the floor above nine bed-rooms. Six more bed-rooms on the top floor complete the sleeping accommodation, which is cosily furnished and personally looked after by Mrs. Paul, who also pays particular attention to the culinary department, which has an excellent reputation. Fine views of Mount’s Bay, St. Michael’s Mount, and the harbour are commanded from the upper floors, and altogether visitors find themselves well placed at this establishment. Mrs. Paul caters very extensively for parties and public bodies, often proving dinners, luncheons, etc., for parties of fifty or more. We may add that in every respect the family party, tourist, cyclist or business man will find their wants anticipated and provided for.
The Railway Hotel. Proprietor: Mr. E. Church.—There is scarcely any other business the
success of which depends so much on the personal character of the management as hotel keeping.
It requires not only experience and organising capability, but also a great amount of tact and
courtesy, with an almost intuitive knowledge of the tastes and requirements of guests, and the
increased popularity of the Railway Hotel at
Penzance, since it was acquired by the present proprietor a couple of years ago, shows that both
Mr. and Mrs. Church are possessed of ample qualifications for the management of an establishment
of this kind. The Railway Hotel has for many years been patronised by families, commercial men,
and others visiting Penzance; but under Mr. Church’s management the business has been
doubled. The house commands find views of beautiful land and marine scenery, including
Mount’s Bay and St. Michael’s Mount. It is central and especially convenient for
passengers to and from the Scilly Isles, and it is also largely patronised by cyclists for the
same housing of whose machines provision is made. Mr. Church has made great improvements in the
accommodation and general management, and the establishment is now furnished throughout in good
style. On the ground floor are two well appointed bars, in addition to the coffee, commercial,
and smoking-rooms, while the first floor contains an additional coffee-room, private apartments
and a spacious billiard-room with first class table by Thurston. The bed-rooms are airy, cheerful
and beautifully furnished, and scrupulous cleanliness prevails, while the ventilation and general
sanitary arrangements are faultless. The catering and attendance receives the personal attention
of both Mr. and Mrs. Church, and dinners, luncheons, etc., for large or small parties can always
be provided in first class style at short notice. In fact, the Railway Hotel is now rapidly
becoming the popular house for pleasure parties from Plymouth, the three towns, and other great
centres in the West of England, and during the past half year no fewer than thirteen such parties,
numbering from thirty to sixty-five persons, have made this their head-quarters when visiting
Penzance. There is a well selected stock of ales, wines, and spirits, and the tariffs are very
moderate. Mr. Church has added a posting department to the hotel, and vehicles of all kinds are
now available at short notice and at very moderate rates. Altogether, the Railway Hotel is
making rapid strides, and earning well deserved popularity. The telegraphic address is
“Church, Penzance.”
Mrs. Mowat, The “Clifton” Temperance Hotel.—The “Clifton” has long been known as an excellent Temperance Hotel, and it numbers among its present patrons many persons who have made this house their resting place year after year when visiting Penzance. The hotel occupies a prominent position at the corner of Albert Street and Market Jew Street, a minute’s walk from the railway station, and it is a large and commodious three-storeyed edifice in every respect well adapted to its purpose. On the ground floor there is a pleasant and well furnished coffee-room, and a commercial-room specially suited to business men. On the first floor there is the public drawing-room, and several bed-rooms, and on the second floor are the other bed-rooms. The hotel, which is capable of accommodating a considerable numer of guests is well appointed throughout, and the utmost care and attention are bestowed on the bed-rooms, which are clean, home-like, and thoroughly well ventilated. The sanitary arrangements are of the best, Mrs. Mowat having recently given her attention to this measure when she took this house under her control about eighteen months ago. The place was then entirely put in order, and visitors may implicitly trust their well being and comfort to the care of the energetic and capable proprietress, who personally superintends all departments. She is highly reputed for her cooking arrangements and all meals are liberally and well served. We are glad to say that Mrs. Mowat’s efforts are meeting with the success they deserve, for she has already extended the connection of the hotel, and bids fair to continue to do so. We should also mention that the windows of the hotel command uninterrupted views of Mount’s Bay and St. Michael’s Mount, and while the hotel is so desirable a place to stay at, the terms are quite moderate for both ordinary visitors and commercial gentlemen.
Mrs. Chappell, Temperance Hotel and Boarding-House, 51, Market Jew Street.—The attractions of Penzance and neighbourhood are doubtless familiar to most of our readers, but the accommodation offered to visitors is a matter which will be interesting to all intending holiday makers. Among the chief boarding-houses of the town, Mrs. Chappell’s Temperance Hotel has for some years been very popular. It was started about ten years ago, and came into Mrs. Chappell’s hands two years ago. It now has a very large and good class connection, the fact that visitors return here year after year speaking volumes as to the successful management. The establishment is the nearest Temperance Hotel to the railway station and is pleasantly and conveniently situated. It has on the ground floor comfortable and roomy coffee, commercial, and sitting-rooms, and on the first floor a number of well ventilated, airy, and scrupulously clean bed-rooms. The premises are well furnished throughout, and the sanitary arrangements are strictly up to modern ideas. To those who inquire as to the cuisine—and what visitor does not anxiously dwell upon this point?—we may state that Mrs. Chappell personally superintends the cooking department, and takes care that the creature comforts of her guests are well and amply provided for. We may add that with all these advantages the terms are strictly moderate.
The Marazion Hotel, Marazion. Propretor: Mr. J. Mann.—The Marazion Hotel is an old established house that was for many years known under the name of the Sealy Hotel. Indeed, it is still spoken of as the Sealy Hotel by some of its older patrons, but its correct modern name is the Marazion. The hotel was acquired by its present proprietor about four years ago, and both himself and Mrs. Mann have been unsparing in their efforts to meet the requirements of guests. The hotel commands views of the finest land and marine scenery in Cornwall, the front windows overlooking the broad stretch of the Channel, the unrivalled coast scenery from Penzance to the Lizard Point, with Mount’s Bay and the famous St. Michael’s Mount right in the immediate front, the Mount only being five minutes distant. On the ground floor is a spacious dining-room facing the sea, besides coffee and smoking-rooms, private sitting-rooms, and the hotel bar; on the first floor are two elegant drawing-rooms commanding views of the bay, and on the upper floors are airy, well furnished bed-rooms, with bath-rooms, lavatories, etc. Visitors will find genuine home comforts and excellent cooking and attendance, Mrs. Mann personally supervising these departments. The Marazion Hotel is patronised by families, invalids, and tourists, and caters largely for club dinners, etc. Attached to the hotel are gardens, poultry farms, etc., from which supplies are drawn, and there are commodious posting yards and stables, vehicles and saddle horses being let out on hire at very moderate terms. Marazion is a very charming centre for excursions, and in addition to its unrivalled scenery, possesses great resources in the way of fishing, yachting and other sports, for the enjoyment of which this hotel is a first class head-quarters. Mr. Mann has travelled a great deal, and was for some time at Kimberley in South Africa, before coming to Marazion. He has therefore had considerable experience, and is a most companionable host.
Kimberley House, Residence and Board-Residence. Proprietress: Mrs. Mann, Morrab
Road.—The fashionable
thoroughfare of the town—Morrab Road—has many attractions from a residential point
of view, and is a great favourite with visitors. About a minute’s walk brings one to the
sea, while close at hand are the Public Gardens, Library and Esplanade. Intending visitors
looking out for a desirable furnished residence, for apartments only, or for board-residence,
can be recommended to Mrs. Mann, Kimberley House, Morrab Road, an establishment that for
fourteen years has enjoyed the best of patronage. It is a handsome three-storey residence,
semi-detached, containing three reception and six bed-rooms, all large and lofty and furnished
in good style. Single rooms or suites can be engaged, and arrangements can also be made to
let the whole furnished. Mrs. Mann personally superintends the mènage, and has won
golden opinions from her guests for the perfection of her arrangements. The house, in brief,
is highly recommended and is a most desirable residence for visitors. Inquiries may be
addressed to the proprietress, who may be trusted to do her best to meet
correspondents’ wishes.
Miss Williams, Marine Mansion, Morrab Road.—Marine Mansion, one of the principal
in Penzance devoted to the reception of guests, was opened four years ago by Miss Williams, and
has proved a decided success. It is a handsome and well appointed four-storied house, admirably
situated, and commanding a fine sea view, from which it is only two minutes’ walk in one
of the best residential thoroughfares. It is therefore well suited to winter as well as summer
visitors. On the ground floor there are four sitting-rooms all well furnished, lofty, and
extremely comfortable, while on the three upper floors are ten bed-rooms, some being supplied
with two beds, and all being airy, lofty, and substantially fitted. The utmost care has been
devoted to the sanitary arrangements, and everything has been done to render the place perfectly
healthful and a most acceptable stopping place. The Mansion is close to Morrab Gardens and
Promenade, it has a good bath-room, and enjoys the advantages of a southern aspect. With these
advantages there is little need to say the place is rapidly growing in the esteem of visitors.
Miss Williams endeavours very successfully to give her visitors all the comforts of a refined
and pleasant home, and a perusal of the visitors’ books shows that her efforts have been
well appreciated. Apartments can be arranged for to suit the requirements of large or small
families, either with or without board, and the whole house can be taken for short periods if
due notice is given. Address Miss Williams, Marine Mansion, Penzance.
May’s Temperance Hotel and Boarding-House, 70, Market Jew Street. Proprietress: Mrs. R. May.—May’s Temperance Hotel and Boarding-house is a popular establishment in Penzance, and is largely patronised both by commercial men and by farmers and others visiting Penzance on business and pleasure. It was established here nineteen years ago by the present popular proprietress, who is an experienced manageress, sparing no pains to provide in every way for the comfort and convenience of her guests. The hotel is a substancial three-storey building at 70, Market Jew Street, close to the railway station. On the ground floor is a well appointed dining-room, with comfortable sitting-rooms, etc., and on the upper floors are a number of airy, clean, and well furnished bed-rooms. The sanitary arrangements throughout are excellent, and the scrupulous cleanliness and thoughtful attention to details shows that Mrs. May knows how to provide her guests with all the comforts of a home. The cooking is exceptionally good, and dinners, teas, luncheons, and suppers can always be provided on short notice for large or small parties. The house is situated in a very healthy and pleasant quarter, and commands good sea views. There is a good posting business connected with the house, and horses and vehicles are always available at short notice for business or pleasure, and at very moderate charges.
Beachfield House, Esplanade.—Visitors to Penzance desirous of availing themselves of
the privileges of a private hotel and boarding-house, specially designed for healthy and
convenient residence, will find such a stopping
place at Beachfield House, where during the winter months, they can also secure pleasant
apartments, with or without board. Although in the hands of the present proprietress for not
more than four years, this is an old established private hotel, and its situation at the
Esplanade—close to the Public Baths—is one which will readily commend itself as
central, and at the same time favourable both as regards convenience and pleasant exposure.
The house has a southern aspect, and commands uninterrupted views of the bay and St.
Michael’s Mount—two prominent features of a district teeming with picturesque
interest. The sanitary arrangements are perfect,and the rooms are large, lofty and well
ventilated—imparting that air of attractiveness in furnishing and in general appearance
so grateful to those who appreciate quiet and homely comfort. The
building is of three storeys, the drawing-room being on the ground floor, and the coffee-room
and smoking-room on the same level. The first floor has rooms en suite and single and
double bed-rooms; the second floor is devoted to a range of single and double bed-rooms. The
attention to guests is of the homely character which makes summer or winter residence at a
resort of this description enjoyable, and during the summer months there is a seven
o’clock table d’hote, notable for the excellence of its menu. Within a
minute’s walk, Jersey cars and brakes ply during the season for excursions to Land’s
End and other places of attraction in the neighbourhood.
Miss Geoffroi, Private Boarding-House, Malcolm Villa, Alexandra Road.—Malcolm Villa is one of the recent additions to the boarding-houses of Penzance, which does credit to its owner. Unlike some other resorts, Penzance has no surplus of accommodation for the rapidly swelling stream of summer visitors from the western and midland districts, and from London. The addition of really good boarding-houses, such as Malcolm Villa, will tend to make this English Riviera more popular than ever. The house stands in its own pleasant grounds, in close proximity to the sea, and in the best quarter for visitors. It is of three floors, the dining, drawing, and sitting-rooms being on the ground level, with single and double bedded rooms on the first and second floors. The modern appointments are at once comfortable and elegant;the service and cuisine unexceptionable; and the menu pleasantly varied. As usual there are fixed hours for meals. A moderate fixed charge covers everything; there are no extras; and payment may be made by the day or week according to the length of time visitors find it convenient to stay. Miss Geoffroi has had a busy season, and a good prospect of being pretty full during the winter. Should our readers patronise it, they will find Malcolm Villa a charming private boarding-house.
Mrs. Worth, 19, North Parade.—The view of Morrab Road, which we give on page 20, was taken by one of the visitors boarding with Mrs. Worth, from the window of 19, North Parade. The house can be recommended either for private apartments or private board. It is well furnished, and Mrs. Worth is indefatigable in looking after the comfort of those who patronise her house. She is an excellent cook and withall most attentive. There is a moderately sized dining-room with a small library, a drawing-room and fine bed-rooms, and as the front of the house looks down Morrab Road, with a splendid view of the bay, St. Michael’s Mount, the Lizard Point, Newlyn, etc., and is close to the public gardens, the situation is all that can be desired.
Apartments. Mrs. Chirgwin, 18, and 12, Marine Terrace.—The house numbered 18, Marine Terrace, can be had furnished or let in suites of apartments, and as it faces the bay, and has a southern aspect, it will suit the tastes of those who wish to combine pleasant prospect with healthy situation. There are three sitting-rooms, and seven bed-rooms, all comfortable furnished. The sanitary arrangements are good, and the apartments are large, lofty, and well ventilated. Mrs. Chirgwin has also a smaller house—No. 12—with two sitting and three bed-rooms which are let in one.
Mr. E. Warren, Restaurant and Boarding-House, Green Market.—This house has for the past three years provided accommodation for visitors, and is a great resort of farmers on market days. Six bed-rooms are available, and there is a good dining-room on the ground floor.