See also Marriages and St. Levan
[William OSBORN and Elizabeth HODGE married at St. Leven on the 2nd. March, 1813]
[The document measures 590x800mm and is of three skins of parchment joined by tape threaded through holes at the bottom and sealed with wax. The outer (first page) is indentured at the top. There is evidence that the name Samuel John has been inserted (wherever it occurs) after the main document was written.]
the back of the unfolded document]
Dated 25th February 1813
of an Annuity of Thirty Pounds, out of a
Tenement Rosepletha, in St. Levan; & of a
Dwelling House & Garden, in St. Buryan: previous to the
Marriage of Mr. Willm. Osborn with Miss Elizth.
Trustees, Messr: Saml. John – Richd. Hodge
This Indenture of
Four Parts Made the Twentyfifth day of February
in the Fiftythird year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord
George the Third by the Grace of God of the united Kingdom of
Great Britain and Ireland, King Defender of the Faith: and in
the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and
Thomas Osborn, of the Parish of Saint Buryan,
in the County of Cornwall, yeoman, of the first part;
William Osborn, of the same Parish, yeoman,
Son of the said Thomas Osborn, of the second part;
Elizabeth Hodge, of the Parish of Saint Levan,
in the same County, Spinster, of the third part; and
Samuel John, of the Town of Penzance, in the
same County, Gentleman, and Richard Hodge, of
Saint Levan aforesaid, Gentleman; of the Fourth
a Marriage is agreed upon, and is intended by Gods permission
to be shortly had and solemnised between the said William
Osborn and Elizabeth Hodge.—And
Whereas the said Thomas Osborn is now lawfully seized in
the Simple of and in Two third parts, undivided, of in and
throughout the Tenement and Premises with the appurtenances
situate in Rosepletha, in the said Parish of
Saint Levan; subject to a Jointure or annuity of Seven Pounds
per annum, secured out of one of the said Third parts, to Sarah
the wife of the said Thomas Osborn, in case she shall happen to
survive him:—And the said Thomas Osborn is now lawfully
possessed of and entitled unto the other third part undivided
of and in the said Tenement and Premises in Rosepletha
aforesaid for the remainder of a certain absolute term of Nine
hundred years heretofore granted, and now therein to come and
unexpired,—And Whereas the
said William Osborn, under and by virtue of diverse mesne
assignments or other good and sufficient ways and means in the
law, derived under one Indenture of Lease bearing date the
Twentythird day of November One thousand seven hundred and
fiftytwo, made and granted by Uriah Tonkin, Gentleman,
deceased, to Francis Richards, yeoman, deceased, is now
lawfully possessed of interested in, and entitled unto, for the
remainder of a certain term of Ninetynine years, granted in and
by the said lease, and now determinable by the death of Joan
Johns: And under and by virtue of another Indenture of Lease,
bearing date the Twelfth day of March One thousand eight
hundred and Eleven, made and granted by Uriah Tonkin, Esquire,
to the said William Osborn, the said William Osborn is now also
lawfully possessed of, interested in and entitled unto for a
certain term of Ninetynine years, granted in and by the said
lastmentioned Lease, and determinable by the deaths of the said
William Osborn, and the said Elizabeth Hodge, party hereto; the
said last mentioned term being to commence and begin from and
immediately after the death of the said Joan Johns:
All that Messuage or Dwelling House
situate lying and being in the Church Town of the said Parish
of Saint Buryan, heretofore erected and built by and in the
occupation of one Francis Richards, deceased, then of John
Richards, afterwards of James Edwards, Clerk, since of John
Jones Pearce, Esquire, and now of the said William Osborn or
his undertenant or undertenants; Together with the Garden in
front of the said Dwelling House, and belonging thereto; part
and parcel of the Manor of Saint Buryan: and Together with all
ways paths easements and appurtenances to the same premises
belonging or in anywise appertaining.—Under the rents
payments covenants conditions exceptions and agreements in the
said several Leases mentioned reserved and contained.
And Whereas upon the treaty for the
said intended Marriage, it was proposed and agreed by and
between the said Thomas Osborn, and William Osborn,
respectively, and the said Elizabeth Hodge, that, in
Consideration of the said intended marriage, and of the sum of
Four Hundred and fifty pounds, of which the
said Elizabeth Hodge is now possessed, and which is to be paid
by her to the said William Osborn, as and for her marriage
portion; and for making a provision by way of Jointure for the
said Elizabeth Hodge, and for securing to her the Messuage or
Dwelling House and Premises before and hereinafter mentioned,
in case the said intended marriage shall take effect, and she
shall happen to survive the said William Osborn her intended
husband; they the said Thoams Osborn and William Osborn,
respectively, should grant and demise the said Tenement and
Premises with the appurtenances in Rosepletha aforesaid, as the
same in hereinafter particularly mentioned and described,
Subject as aforesaid;—and should also assign and set over
the said Dwelling House, Garden and Premises with the
appurtenances, hereinbefore particularly mentioned and
described; unto the said Samuel John and Richard Hodge their
Executors Administrators and Assigns: To the several uses, upon
the several trusts and for the ends intents and purposes, and
with under and subject to the powers provisos declarations and
agreements hereinafter mentioned expressed and declared of and
concerning the same, respectively. Now
this Indenture Witnesseth that the said Thomas Osborn,
as well for and in consideration of the said intended Marriage,
and of the said sum of Four hundred and fifty pounds to the
said William Osborn in hand paid as hereinafter mentioned; and
for making a competent provision by way of Jointure for her the
said Elizabeth Hodge, in case she shall, after the said
intended marriage had, happen to survive and outlive the said
William Osborn her intended husband; and in pursuance and
performance of the said recited agreement on his part: as also
in Consideration of the natural love and affection which he
hath and beareth for and towards his said son William Osborn
and for his better advancement and preferment in life; and in
further consideration of the sum of Ten Shillings, of lawful
money current in Great Britain, to him the said Thomas Osborn
in hand and well and truly paid by the said Samuel John and
Richard Hodge at or before the sealing and delivery of these
presents, the receipt whereof he doth hereby fully acknowledge
He the said Thomas Osborn
Hath granted demised and leased;
and in and by these presents Doth
grant demise and lease unto the said Samuel John and Richard
Hodge their Executors Administrators and Assigns All and singular the aforesaid Two third parts
or portions undivided, and one third part or portion undivided
of in and throughout All that the aforesaid Tenement and
Premises, with the appurtenances, situate lying and being in
Rosepletha, in the said Parish of Saint Levan;
formerly in the tenure or occupation of John Osborn, and now
and for many years last past of the said Thomas
Osborn.—Together with all Houses outhouses Edifices
buildings yards Gardens orchards moors marshes seedings
pastures Commons, common of pasture fuel and turbary, mines
metals and minerals, waters water courses ponds pools and dams
of water, ways paths easements profits commodities emoluments
advantages hereditaments rights members and appurtenances
whatsoever to the said three several parts or portions of and
in the said Tenement and Premises hereby or mentioned and
intended to be hereby granted and demised, or any part or
parcel thereof belonging incident or in anywise appertaining,
or therewith, or with any part thereof, held used occupied
possessed or enjoyed or accepted reputed deemed taken or known
as part or parcel thereof, or as appurtenant
thereto.—And the reversion
and reversions, remainder and remainders, yearly and other
rents issues and profits thereof and of every part and parcel
thereof. And all the Estate and
Estates right title interest use trust property possession
claim challenge and demand whatsoever in law and Equity of him
the said Thomas Osborn of in to and out of the said Premises
with the appurtenances hereby granted and demised or intended
so to be, or of into or out of any and every part and parcel
thereof.—To have and to hold
all and singular the said Tenement hereditaments and Premises
with the appurtenances hereby granted and demised or expressed
and intended so to be and every part and parcel thereof
(Subject to the said Jointure or annuity to the said Sarah
Osborn) unto the said Samuel John and Richard Hodge their
Executors Administrators and Assigns from henceforth for and
during ||
And unto the full end and term of
Two hundred Years. But
upon Trust nevertheless and to and for such uses ends
intents and purposes, and under and subject to such provisos
limitations and agreements as are hereinafter mentioned
expressed and declared of and concerning the same (that is to
say) In Trust to permit and suffer the said
Thomas Osborn his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns,
respectively, to have hold and enjoy the said Tenement
Hereditaments and Premises with the appurtenances hereby
granted and demised or intended so to be, and every part
thereof, and to receive perceive and take the rents issues and
profits thereof to his and their own use and benefit until the
said intended Marriage shall be had and solemnized; and from
and after the solemnization thereof—In
Trust to permit and suffer the said Thomas Osborn and
his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns, respectively,
during the joint natural lives of the said William Osborn and
Elizabeth Hodge to have hold and enjoy the said Tenement
Hereditaments and Premises, with the appurtenances, and to
receive and take the rents issues and profits thereof, and of
every part thereof to and for his and their own absolute use
and benefit:—And from and immediately after the decease
of the said William Osborn, in case the said intended marriage
shall take effect and, the said Elizabeth Hodge shall happen to
survive him Then in Trust that they the said
Samuel John and Richard Hodge, or the Survivor of them, and the
Executors Administrators and Assigns of such survivor shall and
do from time to time by and out of the rents issues and profits
of the said Tenements Hereditaments and Premises, with the
appurtenances, or by demising leasing selling or mortgaging the
same or any part thereof for all or any part of the said term
of Two hundred years raise and levy such sum and sums of money
as shall be sufficient to pay and satisfy unto the said
Elizabeth Hodge and her Assigns, for and during the term of her
natural life one annuity yearly rent charge or sum of
Thirty Pounds, of lawful money current in
Great Britain, to be paid and payable to her the said Elizabeth
Hodge or her Assigns at Ladyday Midsummer Michaelmas and
Christmas, in every year by even and equal portions or
quarterly payments to be divided and paid free and clear of and
from all taxes assessments payments and outgoings whatsoever;
the first payment of the said annuity to be begin and be made
on such of the said feasts or days of payment as shall first
and next happen after the decease of the said William Osborn;
such annuity or annual payment together with the other
provision hereinafter made for her, to be taken and accepted by
the said Elizabeth Hodge and considered as and in the nature of
a Jointure, in lieu liar[?] and full satisfaction of all Dower
and thirds as the Common Law as the otherwise could or might
have had claimed or been entitled unto out of and from all and
every or any of the Manors Messuages Lands Tenements and
Hereditaments whereof or wherein the said William Osborn now
is, or at any time or times during the coverture between them
shall or may be seized of an Estate of Freehold or Inheritance;
and also in liar[?] and full satisfaction of all such part and
share of the Personal Estate of the said William Osborn as she
the said Elizabeth Hodge might otherwise claim or be entitled
unto. Provided Always nevertheless
and it is hereby agreed and declared by and between the said
parties to these presents, that if the said Elizabeth Hodge
shall happen to die before the said William Osborn her intended
husband, or if she shall happen to survive him, that upon and
immediately after her decease and payment of all arrears which
shall be then due of the said annuity or yearly rent charge of
Thirty Pounds, together with all Costs charges and expenses
occasioned by or relating to the execution of the aforesaid
trusts. Then and all times from
thenceforth the said term of Two hundred years of and in the
said Tenement Hereditaments and Premises with the
appurtenances, or so much thereof as shall not be disposed of
for the purposes aforesaid, shall cease determine and be
utterly void to all intents and purposes
whatsoever.—And this Indenture
Further Witnesseth that the said William Osborn also in
Consideration of the said intended marriage, and of the said
sum of Four hundred and fifty pounds of lawful money as
aforesaid, to him in hand well and truly paid by the said
Elizabeth Hodge, as and for her marriage portion at or before
the sealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof
is fully acknowledged and hereon endorsed; and in pursuance and
performance of the said recited agreement on his part, and in
Consideration of the further sum of Ten shillings, of like
lawful money, to him in hand well and truly paid by the said
Samuel John and Richard Hodge at or before the sealing and
delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is also hereby
fully acknowledged.—He the
said William Osborn Hath bargained
sold assigned transferred and set over, and in and by these
presents Doth bargain sell assign
transfer and set over, unto the said Samuel John and Richard
Hodge their Executors Administrators and Assigns All that the aforesaid Messuage or Dwelling
House Garden and Premises with all and every the advantages and
appurtenances thereto belonging, situate lying and being in the
Church Town of the said parish of Saint Buryan; comprized in,
and granted and demised by the said recited leases thereof and
hereinbefore more particularly mentioned and
described.—And all the Estate
right title interest terms and numbers of years trust property
possession claim challenge and demand whatsoever both at law of
in equity or otherwise howsoever of him the said William Osborn
of in to or out of the same (Except as in and by the said
several leases respectively is and are excepted). To have and to Hold all and singular the said
Dwelling House Garden and Premises and every part and parcel
thereof with the appurtenances (Except before excepted) hereby
assigned or intended so to be unto the said Samuel John and
Richard Hodge their Executors Administrators and Assigns from
the day of the date hereof for and during all the rest residues
and remainders of the aforesaid several and respective terms of
Ninetynine Years now therein to come and expire (determinable
respectively as aforesaid) in as full large ample and
beneficial manner and form to all intents constructions and
purposes whatsoever as he the said William Osborn might could
should or ought to have had held and enjoyed the same under or
by virtue of the said recited leases or otherwise
howsoever.—Under and Subject
nevertheless to the several rents payments covenants conditions
and agreements in the said several Leases thereof mentioned
reserved and contained.—To the
uses upon the trusts, and for the intents and purposes,
and with under and subject to the powers provisoes declarations
and agreements hereinafter mentioned expressed and declared of
and concerning the same (that is to say) To the
use of the said William Osborn his Executors
Administrators and Assigns until the said intended marriage
shall be had and solemnized; and from and after the
solemnization thereof To the use of the said William Osborn and
his Assigns for and during the term of his natural life; and to
permit and suffer the said William Osborn and his Assigns
during his natural life to have hold and enjoy the said
Dwelling House Garden and Premises with the appurtenances and
to have receive and take the rents issues and profits thereof
and of every part thereof in and for his and their own use and
benefit; And from and immediately after his decease, if the
said Elizabeth Hodge shall happen to survive him ||
To the use of the said
Elizabeth Hodge and her Assigns for and during the term of her
natural life; and to permit and suffer the said Elizabeth Hodge
and had Assigns during her natural life to have hold and enjoy
the said Dwelling House, Garden and Premises with the
appurtenances, and to have receive and take the rents issues
and profits thereof and of every part thereof to and for her
and their own use and benefit:—And from and immediately
after her decease To the use of the Executors
Administrators and Assigns of the said William Osborn for all
the then residues and remainders of the said terms and estates
therein to come and expire.—Provided
Always nevertheless, and it is hereby declared and
agreed by and between the said William Osborn and Elizabeth
Hodge to be the true intent and meaning of these
presents—that in case the said William Osborn shall
happen to die without leaving any Child or Children of his body
on the body of the said Elizabeth Hodge his intended wife, to
be begotten; and who shall be living at the time of the death
of the said William Osborn;—Or in case
the said Elizabeth Hodge shall happen to marry
again after the death of the said William
Osborn: Then, and in either of the said cases,
the said Trust hereinbefore declared of and concerning the said
Dwelling House Garden and Premises with the appurtenances
thereby assigned or intended so to be, for and for the benefit
of the said Elizabeth Hodge and her Assigns for and during her
natural life, shall cease determine and become utterly null and
void to all intents and purposes, as if she the said Elizabeth
Hodge had been naturally dead; and then and from thenceforth
the said Samuel John and Richard Hodge their Executors
Administrators and Assigns shall stand possessed of the same
Dwelling House Garden and Premises with the appurtenances In
trust and for the benefit of the Executors Administrators and
Assigns of the said William Osborn. And the said Thomas Osborn for himself his
Executors and Administrators, and the said
William Osborn for himself his Executors and Administrators, do
and each of them doth severally and not jointly or the one for
the other, but each of them for his own particular acts and
deeds Executors and Administrators only; covenant promise and
agree unto and with the said Samuel John and Richard Hodge
Executors Administrators and Assigns that they the said Thomas
Osborn and William Osborn, respectively, have in themselves
good right full power and lawful and absolute authority to
grant and demise, and assign transfer and set over all and
singular the said several and respective Hereditaments and
Premises hereby granted and demised, assigned transferred and
set over, or intended so to be, and every part and parcel
thereof, respectively, with their respective appurtenances,
unto the said Samuel John and Richard Hodge, their Executors
Administrators and Assigns, To the uses and in
the manner aforesaid and according to the true intent and
meaning of these presents. And that
all and singular the said several and respective Premises with
the appurtenances and every part and parcel thereof shall and
lawfully may from time to time and at all times hereafter
during the said several and respective terms, remain continue
and be To and for the several uses ends intents and purposes,
upon the Trusts and with under and subject to the powers
provisoes conditions and agreements in and by these presents
mentioned declared limited and appointed of and concerning the
same.—And Moreover that they
the said Thomas Osborn and William Osborn their Executors and
Administrators, respectively, shall and will from time to time
and at all times hereafter, upon every reasonable request of
the said Samuel John and Richard Hodge their Executors
Administrators and Assigns, but at the proper Costs and Charges
in the law of the said William Osborn his Executors or
Administrators, make do acknowledge levy suffer and execute or
cause or procure to be made done acknowledged levied suffered
and executed all and every such further and other lawful and
reasonable act and acts thing and things devices conveyances
assignments and assurances in the law whatsoever, for the
further better more perfectly and absolutely granting demising
assuring assigning and confirming the said several and
respective Premises with their appurtenances unto and for the
respective uses ends trusts intents and purposes aforesaid, as
by the said Samuel John and Richard Hodge their Executors
Administrators and Assigns or their or any of their Counsel
shall be reasonably advised devised or required. Provided Always and it is hereby further
declared and agreed by and between all the said
parties to these presents, that they the said Samuel John and
Richard Hodge, or either of them, their or either of their
Executors or Administrators, shall not be answerable or
accountable for their acts receipts neglects or
defaults of the other of them, but each and every of them for
his own particular acts receipts neglects or defaults only; nor
shall they or any of them be answerable or accountable for the
loss of any Money which shall or may come to their or either of
their hands by virtue of the trusts aforesaid; nor for any
other loss misfortune or damage which may happen in the
execution of any of the aforesaid trusts, or in relation
thereto;—unless the same shall happen by or through his
or their own respective wilful neglects or
defaults.—And Also that they
and each of them their and each of their Executors and
Administrators shall and may by and out of any Monies which
shall come to their or any of their hands by virtue of the
trusts aforesaid, retain to and reimburse themselves and
himself, and allow to his and their Co-trustee all such costs
charges damages and Expenses as they or any or either of them
shall or may bear pay expend sustain incur or be put unto in or
about or in anywise concerning the execution of the aforesaid
Trusts, or any of them.—In
Witness whereof the parties aforesaid to these presents
(engrossed on these Skins of parchment, each being first duly
Stampt) their hands and seals Interchangeably have set the day
and year first within written.
Thomas @ Osborn | William @ Osborn | Elizth: @ Hodge | Saml. John @ | Richard Hodge @
[on the back]
Signed Sealed and Delivered
in the presence of
Chs.[?] Ellis Richards
Richd. Richards
Clerks to Messrs Geo. & Saml. John Penzance
[on the back]
Received, the day and year first within written, of and from the within named Elizabeth Hodge, the sum of Four hundred and fifty pounds £450 being the full Consideration money within expressed to be paid by her to me, the within named
William Osborn
Witness Chs.[?] Ellis
Richd. Richards