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Greenfield, Degory, St. Tudy, 1617 AP/G206
Degory Greenefield, St.Tudy 1617
Administrator Susan Porter of Lancells, Widow.
Guarantor Humphrey Lammerton of Marhamchurch,Cornwall,
----- do well and truly administer all the goods, chattels and debts of degory Greenefield her father late of St.Tudy, deceased
Administration granted 8th. May 1617 at Bodmin
Grenville, Thomas, Kilkhampton, 1625 AP/G309
Thomas Grenville, Kilkhampton 1625
Administrator Katherine Grenville, widow of deceased
Guarantor Timothy Browning, Gent, Morningford, Cornwall
Administration dated 14th. July 1625, Bodmin
The inventory of the late goods and chattells of Thomas
Grenville of the parish of Kilkhampton in the county of
Cornwall gent deceased praysed and valued 11th. July 1625 by
John Rowe and Barnard Barkway of Kilkhampton yeomen as
[Mostly household and farming items.]
The sum of this inventory is £237-17-01
Signed John Rowe , Barnard Barkway
exhibit nono Augusti 1625
Graynvile, Roger, c. 1576 PCC Bakon 15
Roger Graynevile, 1576 PCC (Bakon 15 ) [Abstract found at Society of Genealogists]
Will dated 15th.June 18 Eliz.
To our church of Haudon (?) 20s
To the poor of Bastable 20s
To the poor of Bedyford 20s.
To my Brother George Graynevile £20
To my Brothers Degory Graynevile and Thomas Graynevile £20 to be divided equally.
To my Sister Margaret £10.
To my old woman White 30 years lease in Crevenen my bargain if she happens to live so long etc.
To my boy Richard and maid Bes 40s. apiece.
Executors my brother Nicholas Graynevile and John Decome, that my brother (blank) shall have £10 I owe him, £20 and John Secome shall have wheat growing in my bargain in Egloskerry.
They to divide resy among my brothers as my brother Arthur Graynevile to have £10, George Larder 20 nobles, my Lady my mistress a nag or 20 nobles.
Rest of my 40 years to my brothers Degory and Thomas which I have in Chennr ? after the old woman hath ended hers. Anno 1576
Admon c.t.a.23 Richard April 1579 to Digory Graynevile, brother of the deceased.
For that Nicholas Graynevile and John Dacame the executors had renounced
Grenevile, Nicholas, Tresmere, c. 1601
Nicholas Grenevile 1601
Admon of the goods and credits of the above who lived in Tresmere in the county of Cornwall
Granted to Humphrey Grenevile, brother of the
Arthur Grenevile
George Grenevile
Degory Grenevile
Thomas Grenevile
Grenville, Arthur, St. Tudy, 1613 AP/G152
In the name of God Amen AD 1612, 6th.May
I Arthur Greinvile of St.Tudy in the county of Cornwall gent being of perfect mind and memory yet knowing that all shall die do therefore make this my last will and testament as hereafter followeth.
first and above all other theings I commit my soul unto Almighty God and to his mercy trusting without any doubt or mistrust that by his grace and the merits of his son Jesus Christ and by the virtue of his death and passion and resurrection I have a full ---- remission and am forgiven of all my sins. And my belief is that there is but one god and one mediator between God and man with his Jesus Christ so that I am accepted in heaven nor in earth none to be my mediator: but only Jesus Christ, And I trust only in the promise of God who saith he that believeth and is baptised shall be saved. And as touching the burying of my body I remit the same only to my executors discretion.
And now as concerning the distribution of my temporal goods first I do give and bequeath unto the poor of the parish of St.Tudy 13s 4d and unto the church there 6s 8d.
I do give and bequeath unto every and each of my brothers namely Georg Greinvile, Thomas Greinvile and Digorie Greinvile 12d apiece.
I also give unto Richard Greinvile the son of Digorie Greinvile 20s and I do give and bequeath unto Julyome Greinvile the daughter of Digorie Greinvile 40s.
I give unto Elizabeth Greinvile the daughter of Thomas Greinvile 10 shillings.
I do give and bequeath unto Arthur Tremayne gent son of Arthur Tremayne of Dullocombe of 10 shillings.
I do give unto my little boy whom I do call Titty 10 pence of lawful English money.
I give and bequeath unto as many servants as are serving and ---- at the time of my death besides such wear ---- ? ----- and unto each and every one of them I do --------.
I do give and bequeath ------- be now abiding and serving ------ Clarke Parson --- ---- 30 pence of lawful money of England.
I do also give ------- Florence Niccole who lo---- house and who is I----- myll Blighe ? I say I do gi---- pounds of ----- English money.
All the residue of my goods not given and bequeathed I do hereby give and bequeath unto Johane Lee my servant whom by this my last will and testament I do make my sole executor, as well in recompence of divers sums of monies that I have borrowed and had of her besides other goods> as namely keen implements of house,pots,pans,pewter vessels and also for painful and trusty service. And I also hereby humbly crave and desire Sir Barnard Greinvile knight to be aider helper unto this executrix that this is my last will and testament may be observed and she not --- whom I do make my observer. Again humbly beseeching him to sears my humble desire.
Arthur Greinvile
Witnesses Mathewe Carnsewe
Richard Billinge
28th.October 1613 The inventory of all the goods chattelle
and debts of Arthur Greinvile gent deceased taked rated and
prised by Reginolde Billing gent William Symon and Christopher
Trethame the day and year above written as followeth. [mostly
household and farming items]
Sum is £248-05-11
Papers relating to dispute about validity of will &/or executor.
Parties; Thomas Greynevile
Degorye Greynevile gent
Honor Penfounder
Margarett Payne gentm.
Johan Lee the pre.sed executrix
Arthur Greynevile brother to the two gentlemen aforesaid
Richard Billinge of St.Tudy
Mathew Carnsewe
Interrogation exhibited by Thomas Greynevile, Degorye Greynevile gent, Honor Penfounder and Margarett Payne gentm. to be examined and answered by such witnesses as shall be produced by Johan Lee the pretesed executrix of the last will and testament of Arthur Greynevile of St.Tudy in the county of Cornwall gent deceased and brother to the two gentlemen aforesaid and are as follow.
1. Whether you were sent for in the lsat sickness of the said Arthur Greynevile by him, by his knowledge or consent. if not then declare and manifest who sent for you, who the messenger that came for you, and what was the message that he or she did and to what end and purpose, declare to your knowledge.
2.When you came unto him the said Arhur Greynevile, whether he was of sound and perfect memory and whether he of his own accord did reveal unto you that he had made his testament, or otherwise it was moued to you that he should so do, then declare his answer and whether he was willing to have his said testament to be read by you fully wholly and thouroughly without contradiction demall or exception and how much you did read of the same with his good liking and whether you were willed by him to read no further, and what reason he gave for the same.
3. Whether there was left in the said testament some space which might contain 20 lines more or less, and what was the cause or reason that he gave for the same: and whether it wer revealed and opined by him that he ahd purpose to add and to insert into his said testament other legacies by him considered, and intended to be given, and whether he in your presence did speak of any or rehearse the names of any legatees to whom he would give any legacy not then expressed and nominated in the said testament, what the legacy was by him given, either conditionally or without condition.
4.Whether the said pretensed executrix did give, or promised to give by herself or by any other for her did promise to give any gift gratuity or reward unto you or to any other to your knowledgr, for her help, labour and assistance in this case, and show the reason why you did subscribe your names as witnesses unto the said testament if you did not read the said testament from yhe beginning to the end of the same. And that the said pretensed executrix was by him the said testator so fully nominated, ordained and appointed.
5. Whether you know or believe that the said Arthur Greynevile at the time of the subscribing your hand to the said pretended will was of perfect mind and memory and intended you to set your hand to the said will as witnesses and also what day of the month it was and what hour of the day and what time of the day and who was then and there present and whether he told them of his own motion that he had made his will and would have them to be witnesses as they inquired of him for to see his said will or to --- him to make a will and whether they were intended by the pretensed executor to for the --- the said Arthur to make his said will.
6.Interrogate whether he the said Arthur Grinfill did entreat the said witnesses after they ahd raed over the said will to subscribe their hands to it and acknowledged it to stand for his will and testament and what legacies were contained in the said will.
(Latin) Mathew Carnsewe gent of the parish of St.Kewe (Latin) upon a Sunday in the month of October last past (Latin) being the Sunday next before the death of the said Arthur Grenvill, he this deponent came to the house of the said Arthur Grenvill within the parish of St.Tudy and at his way there he this deponent found Mr.Richard Billinge in the said house, and then he this deponent with the said Richard Billinge went into the chamber where the said Arthur Grenvill then lay sick in his bed, and after certain speeches then Arthur Grenvill, the said Richard Billinge asked the said Arthur Grenvill whether he had made his will, who then being of perfect mind and memory, answered and said that he had written his will with his own hand long time before and then willed his boy Tyttye to open the chest by his bedside and then fetch out a black box wherein was his will, and then taking out his will out of the said box, he the said Arthur Grenvill being of perfect mind and memory said "This is my last will, which I have written with my own hand and sealed and this shall stand for my last will" and desired this deponent and the said Richard Billinge to be witnesses thereunto, whereupon this deponent and Richard Billinge subscribed their names unto the said will in the presence of some women, then I sent whom he knoweth not saith that the will in court exhibited and showed to this deponent at the time of his examination is very same which the said Arthur Grenvile acknowledged to be his last will and testament and by him to be sealed, and that this deponent hath subscribed his name a witness
(Latin) that he came to of his own accord to visit the said Arthur Grenvile not being requested by anybody.
(Latin) that Arthur Grenvile after the shewing the will above deposed this would to read the beginning of the said will, which this deponent did and when he came to make the legacies, then the said Arthur Grenvile said there said and then the said Richard Billinge said let us know the end also of the will then the said Arthur Grenvill said to this wind --- cosen read the end of it and then this deponent did read a line or two--- the end thereof (Latin) that in the said will there was a piece left which might contain ten lines or thereabouts wherein the said Arthur Grenvile said he had an intent to put down some things, but what or to whom he revealed not (Latin) that the executrix did neither give or promise by herself or any other directly or indirectly to this proponent any gift for his assistance but sayeth he this proponent subscribed his name without being so requested by his cousin the said Arthur Grenvile (Latin) that upon a Sunday in the afternoon of the same day about, he this proponent subscribed his name a witness to the said will of (Latin)
Mathew Carnsewe
Richard Billinge gent parish of St.Tudy (Latin) that upon a Sunday being the 29th day of the month of October last he this deponent etc etc, very similar to evidence of Mathew
Richard Billinge
29th February 1613 (in Latin) Administration granted to Johan Lee.
Grenfield, Bevill, St. Ives, 9 Mar 1715
Administartion for the goods of Bevil Grenfield granted to
his widow,Jane Grenfield,9th.March 1715.
Guarantors Richard Nicholas of the parish of St.Ives.
Nicholas Hocking of Camborne,Yeoman.
An inventory of the goods and chattels of Bevil Grenfield taken the 8th.March 1715 by Richard Nicholas and Thomas Quick of the parish of St.Ives.
- Imprimis 1 dwelling house held by 2 old lives 05 00 00
- Beds and bedding 03 00 00
- 3 old horses 03 00 00
- 2 cows, 1 heifer and 10 sheep 06 00 00
- 3 brass pans and 6 pewter dishes 01 00 00
- 1 table board, a cupboard and 2 chairs 01 00 00
- Things not seen and forgotten 00 10 00
------------- Total 19 10 00
Richard Nicholas
The mark of Thomas Quick
Grenfell, John, St. Ives, 12 Oct 1708
In the name of God Amen I John Grenfell of Treloyhan in the Borough of St.Ives in the County of Cornwall Yeoman being aged and somewhat weak in body but of sound and perfect mind and memory (blessed be God) do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following
I bequeath my soul.......
I give unto my son Bevill and to Elizabeth and Margery daughters of the said Bevill 1s.each to be paid when lawfully demanded.
I give unto John son of my said son Bevill 1s. when lawfully demanded and 1 ewe lamb at shearing time next after my decease.
I give unto my goddaughter Grace White 30s. to be paid her within three months after my decease, and I likewise give unto the said Grace one third part of all the wearing clothes of Elizabeth my late deceased wife.
All the rest of my goods ....... I give devise and bequeath unto my son Ffrancis Grenfell whom I make ----- my whole and sole executor of this my last will and tetstament.
In witness ..... 31st.January 1701 The sign of John Grenfell
Witnesses: John Hawkins
William Hawking
A true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods and chattells of John Grenfell of the Borough of St.Ives in the County of Cornwall lately deceased seen and appraised by us whose names are under written 11th.October 1708.
- His purse and wearing apparel 01 10 00
- 1 bed and bed clothes 01 10 00
- 2 old cupboards and 1 table board 00 15 00
- 9 pewter platters, 1 flagon and 4 pewter plates 00 10 00
- 3 small brass pans 01 00 00
- 1 old chair and 2 tubs 00 03 00
- 1 house and garden being a chattle on 2 lives 06 00 00
- 1 brass and 1 iron crock 00 07 00
- some old table linen 00 05 00
- 2 old chests 00 04 00
- For goods forgotten and not minded 00 04 06
----------------- 12 08 06
The sign of John Quick
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