Grenfield, John, St. Ives, 11 Feb 1723


1723 will of John Grenfield,fisherman of St.Ives

In the name of God Amen I John Grienefield of the Borough of St.Ives …mariner being sick…

I will that all such debts as I owe to any person be with all convenient speed after my decease justly and honestly paid by my executors whom I shall herein and hereafter mention and name.

I give unto my daughter Elizabeth the wife of Nicholas Clerk one shilling to be paid her by my executor three months after my decease.

I give unto my Grandson Nicholas Clerk and his Father twelve pence each to be paid them three months aftrer my decease.

I give unto my Sister Cathirine one shilling to be paid her six months after my decease.

I give unto my Brother Pearce Grienfield one shilling to be paid him three months after my decease.

I give unto my beloved wife Honour Griendfield and my son John Griendfield all my household sellars good and chattels, bills, bonds and all other things that I have now or shall become due unto me or my executors and I do nominate and appoint my wife Honour and my son John to be my full ans sole executors.

In witness whereof… 15th.October 1723

the sign of John Grienfeild

…in presence of
Richard Vingoe
the sign of John Painter
Hugh Edwards


A true and perfect inventory of John Griendfield of the borough of St.Ives…fisherman…4th.December 1723.

Sum.tot. 16 10 00

Hugh Edwards
the sign of Wm.Robarts

Probate granted 11th. February 1723

Grenfield, Richard, St. Ives, 11 Feb 1723


1720 will of Richard Grenfield, fisherman of St.Ives, proved 1723

I Richard Grenfield of the Borough of St.Ives…fisherman being sick…

I give and bequeath unto my Brother Paerse Grenfield the two upper rooms of my own dwelling house as long as the said Pearse Grenfield shall live.

I give and bequeath the two lower rooms of my said house unto my Brother John Grenfield.

I give and bequeath the small house Linney that now Blanch Dadow alias Thomas liveth in to Honour Grenfield.

I give and bequeath the one half of my fishing boat with the one half of her materials unto my kinsman Nicholas Clarke.

I give and bequeath all my household goods together with all my fishing nets, unto my Brother John Grenfield, and all other my goods and chattels not named, if any be, I give and bequeath unto my loving brother John Grenfield whom I make my whole and sole executor, and the high rent of the said my dwelling house they are to pay between them in eqaul portions, as witness my hand… 10th March 1720

The sign of Richard Grenfield

In presence of
Anthony Couch
Francis Couch
Samuel Rice


A true and perfect inventory of the goods and chattels of Richard Grenfield of the Borough of St.Ives…fisherman deceased made taken and appraised by Hugh Edwards and William Roberts this 27th.December 1721.

Sum.Tot. 12 00 00

Hugh Edwards
the sign of William Roberts

Probate granted 11th. February 1721.

Oates, William, St. Ives, c. 1611


Administration of William Otes/Otts of St.Ives gent granted to his widow Honor 23rd.September 1611.


A true inventory had and taken of all the … goods and chattells which were lately William Otes of St.Ives aforesaid gent. deceased made by … Stearye 5th.November 1610

Sum totalie £29 2s 1d ------------------------

Executor’s Accounts

Computus calculus sine ratio… Honoris Otts widow relict and administrator of William Otts of St.Ives deceased.

Summa deposites 40 19 06

24th September 1611

illegible latin involving.. £9 17 05

Oates, Hercules, St. Just in Penwith, 27 Apr 1671


The last will and testament of Herchylus Oates in his perfect... memory 2nd. January 1661..

I bequaeth to my son John one shilling

I bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth one shilling, and after my wifes decease my best pan.

I bequeath to my daughter Paskes one shilling.

I bequeath to the poor mens box of this parish one shilling.

I bequeath to the church of this parish one shilling.

I bequeath to John Rowe alias Oates £4 if he do stay with my wife till he do come to 24 years of age.

I do make my wife Jane Oates my full executor to..... the rest of my wordly goods moveable ane unmoveable.

In witness hereof I have hereunto put my hand.

The sign of Herchylus Oates

Signed in the presence of
Thomas oates gent
The sign of Henry Oates Probate granted 27th.April 1671 [sic]


A true inventory of all the goods and chattles of Herchylus Oats praysed 24th February 1661 by those whose names are underwritten.

Sum total 16 09 00

The sign of Henry Oats
Thomas Oats

Chenhall, Thomas, St. Just in Penwith, 7 May 1691


Transcript of the will of Thomas Chinhall of St Just in Penwith, 1690

In the name of God Amen: I Thomas Chinhall of the parish of St Just in the County of Cornwall, Blacksmith, being sick and weak in body but of perfect and disposing memory praised be almighty God, do make and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form following:

[Imprim..y] I give my soul in to the hands of allmighty God my maker and creator and my body I do commend to the Earth from whence it came to be buried in a decent and Christian like manner.

ITEM: I give and bequeath unto my daughter Margarett the wife of Thomas Oates the sum of Thirty pounds sterling with this proviso that the sayd Thomas Oates shall acquit and discharge my Executors of all demands wherein I the sayd Thomas Chinhall now stands bound or obliged for the sayd Thomas Oates.

ITEM: I give and bequeath unto my grandaughter Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas Oates the sum of five pounds sterling to be payd by my Executors to the sayd Elizabeth her marriage day.

All the rest of my goods lands tenements chattell Chattlry and profitts whatsoever unto mee belonging I doe give and bequeath and devise unto my kind and loving son John Chinhall and to his heirs forever whom I doe hereby nominate appoint and make ny whole sole Executors: In witness whereof I the sayd Thomas Chinhall have here unto sett my hand and seall this 10 day of December 1690.

Thomas Chinhalls

Signed sealed and [&…] Acknowledged in the presents of us
Richard Oates witness
The sign of Prudence Oates witness
The sign of Margritt Genken witness

Chenhall, William, St. Just in Penwith, 4 Jul 1699


Transcript of the will of William Chinhale of St Just in Penwith, 1697

In the name of God Amen I William Chinhale of the parish of St Just and County of Cornwall Blacksmith being weak and indisposed but of perfect memory and remembrance blessed be God do make and appoint this my last will and testament in manner and form following.

Imprimus I bequeath my Soul into the hands of Almighty God from whom I received it, hopeing through the mercy of my each blessed God iemet for a joyful resurrection into eternal life, and my body to the earth out of which it was taken.

Item I give and bequeath unto my kinsman William Chinhale the son of John Chinhale Deceased, my Godson the sum of thirty pound of good and lawfull money of England to be paid by my Executor hereafter mentioned, at three equal payments that is to say ten pounds at his coming to the age of one and twenty, ten pounds at that time twelve months, and ten pounds at that time two years after.

Item I give and bequeath unto my kinsman John Chinhale the Son of John Chinhale Deceased, to him and his heirs male forever, all my fee simple land in Churchtown, Alias Lafrouder and Nancharrow, being the moiety and half in deale of the said tenements now in my possession, also the moiety and half in deale of a small tenement in Truthwall in the parish of St Just during my estate therein, determinable uppon the death of the lives now in being.

Item I give and bequeath unto the said John Chinhale, whom I make my whole and sole Executor, the moiety and half in deale of all the household goods which belong unto me undivided between his Father John Chinhale deceased and myself and all my other goods and Chatells debts and credits whatsoever.

And in case the said John Chinhale my Eecutor happens to die before he comes to the age of one and twenty, I do then bequeath all my lands, goods and Chatells here to fore given and bequeathed unto my Godson and Kinsman William Chinhale, or in case the said John Chinhale happens to live for long as to be marryed and have only female issue, and no male issue lawfully begotten, I do then give and bequeath all my simple lands unto the said William Chinhale unto him and his heirs male forever.

Item I do give all my wearing aparell linen and woollen to my kinsman George Chinhale son of George Chinhale deceased to be delivered to him by ye Guardian of this my will.

And for the due performance of this my last will and testament I humbly devise my truly and well beloved friend and kinswoman Honour Chinhale Relict of John Chinhale deceased of the parish of St Just, whom I nominate and appoint to be Guardian and trustee in trust to my Executor that [ ] with [ ] [ ] my last will and testament performed, and so to continue my Executor til he come to ye age of one and twenty, or come capable by law to chuse one for himself.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 30th day of June in the year of our Lord God one thousand six hundred and ninety seven 1697.

Signature & seal of William Chenhall

Signed Sealed and delivered In the presence of
James Millett
Richard Oates
The mark of William Hoskin


A true and perfect inventory of the Goods & Chattles of William Chinhale late of the pish of St Just & County of Cornwall Blacksmith taken and appraised by us whose names are subscribed the 28th day of June 1699 being the moiety or halfendeale of the Good & Chattles that were undivided between the said William Chinhale and his kinsman John Chinhale deceased.

Total 38 09 00

The Moeity of which belonging to William Chinhale comes to 19 04 06

John Ustick
James Millett