Dennis, Peter, St. Buryan, 12 Jul 1718 DSB121


In the name of God Amen. The tenth day of July In the year of our Lord God 1718——

I Peter Dinnis of the parrish of St.Buryan in the County of Cornwall Yeoman being in perfect memory and remembrance praised be Allmighty God doo make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following. Ffirst I bequeave my soul into the hands of Allmighty God my Creator, hoping through the merrits of our blessed Saviour to obtain pardon and remission of all my sins and my body to Chriatian buryal att the discretion of my Exects. hereafter named.

Item I give and bequeave unto Mary my beloved wife Mathew Rows House and my right in the Land and all the appurtunances thereto belonging in hand and all the town meddow duiring my Fathers life and the other part of Mathew Rows Land the Michalmus after my Fathers decease and two pounds a year to be paid by two equal payments out of my land in Trevedran during my Fathers life if she live unmarryd and if she over live the three lives now in being upon Allsia she is to have five pounds out of Trevedran lands during her life time if she does live so long ----------- [?] Botakan in Allsia. she is to enjoy her irght of Mt. Rows land during her life if she lives ---- [?].

Item. I Give my Rights in Charity Rows house and land and all the appertununces therunto belonging six years after the Michalmus after my death and one pound a year out of Trevedran in hand And Mathew Rows house and land after the decease of my wife excepting the town meddow unto my son John. I do nominate and appoint my wife, Sampson my son and Richard Trenweek To be Guardians over my son John till he comes to the yaers of one and twenty.

Item.I give to Richard and Peter my two sons my right of all the remaining part of Allsia now in my Possion Excepting what is before bequeaved and all my Fathers possessions after his decease and the town meddow after his decease and they are to receive to itt four years after the Michalmas after my decease and if they outlive the three lives now being upon Allsia and no reversion being taken to the use of Richard, Peter and John my three sons then they are to have out of my right in Trevedren the sum of two pounds a year to each one yearly to be paid but if a reversion of Allsia be taken to their use then the obligation of two pounds a year is to be avoided. I do nominate and appoint Sampson my son to be my whole Exect. of all my goods and chattels Excepting before bequeaved and that he shall upon Conditions pay all debts and Legasies. In Witness hereof I have hereunto Sett my hand and seal the year above ffirst written.

Peter Dennis

Signed and Sealed In presence of us
Richard Trenweek
Benjamin Harvey
Sampson Dinnis

Dennis, Richard, St. Buryan, 18 Jun 1742 DSB157


To Elizabeth Dennis, wife of the late Richard Dennis of the parish of St.Buryan. Also to his Brothers, Sampson Dennis, Peter Dennis and John Dennis. All Yeomen. Sampson and Peter, both of St.buryan. John of St.Levan.

[Last will and testament mentioned, but does not seem to have survived.]

Signed by,
Sampson Dennis
Peter Dennis
John Dennis
Francis Paynter Jnr.

Dennis, John, St. Levan, 30 Aug 1743 DSB364


30th.Augesut 1743 To Thomasine Dennis, Relict of John Dennis of the parish of St.Levan, Yeoman, deceased. Also mentioned, Peter Dennis, Yeoman, of the same parish.

[No will mentioned.]

Dennis, Joan, St. Buryan, 1766 DSB174


In the name of God Amen I Jone Dennis of the Parish of St.Buryan in the County of Cornwall Widow Being of Sound Memory and understanding Blessed be God do make & Ordain this my last Will and Testament in Manner following. That is to Say I commit my Soul th the Almighty God my Body to the Earth to be Deasently Buryed as my Executors hereafter named shall think proper.

Impr. I Give and Bequeath to Mary Vingoe my Granddaughter the Sume of Thirty Pounds part of a Legacy given & Bequeathed me As a Legacy given me by my Brother Thomas Tremowan deceased And payable by my Executors when She shall attain the Age of Twenty One Years She dying before that Age then to her other Sisters Share and Share alike when attaining ye Age of Twenty One Years.

Item. I Give and Bequeath to Jone Vingoe my Daughter the sume of ten pounds lawfull money of Great Britain Twelve Months after my Decaese and payable by my Executors and to be payers coequal. And in case my Daughter Jone Dying within Twelve Months after my Decease the said ten pounds to be Divided between her children share & share alike.

Item. I Give and Bequeath to her Daughters That is Margaret and Grace Vingoe the Sume of Twenty Pounds to be equally divided between them when she or thay shall attain the Age of Twenty One Years One after the other and in case she or they Dying before that Age then to the other Children share & share alike.

Item. I do hereby Nominate Ordain Constitute and Appoint my Daughters Mary and Grace Dennis my Whole and Sole Executors their Executors Adm.s.. or Assigns of all and unto all other my Effects by me given and bequeathed be them of what nature kindsoever or wheresoever. In Witness whereof I the said Jone Dennis have hereunto Sett my hand and Seal this Twenty Seventh day of June One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty Six.

I the said Jone Dennis do hereby declare this to be my Last Will and Testament in presence of
Mary Richards
John Richards

The Sign or Mark of
Jone X Dennis

Dennis, George, St. Buryan, 8 Oct 1798 DSB487


By Gods Permission. I George Dennis of the Parish of Sennen in the County of Cornwall Yeoman, being somewhat weak in Body, but of sound Disposing mind and memory/ Thanks be given to God for the same/ calling into mind the Mortallity of my Body and knowing that it is appointed for All Men to Die. I doo hereby make this my last Will and Testament as follows. That is to say / First and principally I recommend my Soul into the Hands of Almighty God that gave it Me nothing doubting but to receive the smae again at the General Day of Resurrection thro the Merits of my blessed Redeemer Jesus Christ, And my Body I Recommend to the Earth to have a decent Christian Burial according to the discretion of my Executors herein after named and as touching such Wordly Goods and Effects wherewith God hath been pleased to bless me with in this life I Give Devise and Bequeath as follows.

Imp. I hereby Give to my Dearly beloved Wife Elizabeth Dennis. One Yearly Annuity or Rent Charge of Ten Pounds a Year, Issuing and to become due and payable out of my Freehold Estate in Bolankan in the Parish of Buryan, by even and equal Quarterly payments, free and clear of all Reprisals or Outgoings whatsoever./ Over and above the Bond I gave her in Marriage, To Hold to my said Wife and her Assigns during her natural Life, with full Authority and power for her or whomsoever she shall appoint to demand the said Annuity. And if not paid at the end of every Succeeding Quarter day after my death by Quarterly payments/Thirty days after each and every succeeding Demand being made/ Then in that case Imhereby Will and impower Her or whomsoever shall appoint To Enter into and upon the abovesaid Estate in Bolankan and the same to Destain, and the Deshes and Deshes there to be found , to Take, Drive Lead off and Impound and there keep and Detain, Or otherwise to Sell and Dispose thereof as the Law in such cases hath hereunto made and provided.

Also. I hereby Will and Order that my said Wife/ after my death shall have the full use of all my Dwelling House in Trevorian in Sennen for three months/ Rent Free. with the use of the Household Furniture. And after that three months is expired I hereby Will and Order that my said Wife, shall have my Hall Chamber in Trevorian aforesaid and the Use of the Kitchen Chimney to Cook her Victuals in /Rent free/ during her Life. In Case my Term shall therein so long continue. Also I hereby Give to my said Wife such Bed stead, Bed Tye and all other furniture to the same belonging as she shall chuse during her natural Life. The same to be returned to my Executors herein afternamed at Her death/ Wearing and Using in the meantime only excepted.

Also. I hereby Give my said Wife my Great Bible.

Also. I Give to my Son in Law William Bosustow, and to his Executors and Administrator, One Yearly Annuity or Rent Charge of Six Pounds a Year and every Year Issuing to become due and payable out of my aforesaid Freehold Estate in Bolankan, by Quarterly Payments free and clear of all outgoings whatsoever In Trust nevertheless and for the only use and benefit of my Niece Elizabeth Bosustow/ who now lives with me/ from the day of my death until She shall attain the age of Twenty One Years, And from and immediately after that Time I give and Bequeaththe said Annuity of Six Pounds Per Year by Quarterly payments to my said Niece Elizabeth Bosustow during her natural Life Issuing and to become Due and payable out of Bolankan as aforesaid with Liberty of Entry and Destress on the said premises, for non payment thereof, with Sale thereof as the Law in such cases Directs.But the said Annuity, nor any part thereof is not to be Sold Assigned or Mortgaged to any person whatsoever, nor any persons Receipt is to be sufficient in the Law for the same , but the said Elizabeth Bosustow, Notwithstanding any Coverture after she attains Twenty One Years of Age.

Also in Case my Daughter the now Wife of William Bosustow is Left a Widow from the Time she becomes a Widow, I hereby Give her during her natural Life Ten Pounds a Year and every Year and become Due and payable out of my Estate in Trevorian aforesaid, free and clear of alloutgoings whatsoever, by even and equal Quarterly payments from Her Widowhood, with Liberty of Entry, Destress, and Sale of the Destresson the said premises as the Law in such case doth Direct.

Also I hereby Give to my Sister Mary Tonkin/Widow/ Five Pounds and Fifty each I hereby Give to her two Daughters payable to them two Months after my Death.

Also I Give and Bequeave to my said Son in Law William Bosustow, and his Executors and Administrators, and to the survivors of them All my freehold Estate in Bolankan aforesaid with the Hereditaments and Appertunances to the same belonging In Trust nevertheless and for the only Use and Advantage of my two Nephews, William Bosustow and George Bosustow/ Sons of the aforesaid William Bosustow, untilthey shall seperately attain the Age of Twenty One Years, and from and immediately after that Time I hereby Give Devise and Bequeave the same to my said two Nephews equally to be divided between them, share and share alike, In case either one dies before He attains the Age of Twenty One Years, My Will is his part shall Redound and be the Right of the Surviving Brother/ The said Estate in Bolankan being first Subject and Lyable to the aforesaid Yearly Annuitys and Rent Charges herein before Charged on the same.

Also All other my Leasehold Estates Goods Chattles and Effects of whatkind or naturesoever they be and wheresoever they be/ And not herein before given/ I hereby Give to my said Son in Law William Bosustow and to his Executors and Administrators, and to the Survivor of them In Trust to and for the only Use and Advantage of my aforesaid two Nephews William Bosustow and George Bosustow until they separately attain the Age of Twenty One Years. and from and immediately after that Time I hereby Give and Bequaeve the same to my said Two Nephews equally to be divided between them share and share alike Whome I hereby make name and Appointed Joynt Executors, they paying all my Just Debts Legacys hereinbefore given and Funeral Charges herein also nameing makeing and appointing my said Son in Law William Bosustow Sole Acting Guardian in Trust of this my Last Will and Testament And these presents making all other Former Wills Void and of No Effect.

In Witness whereof I have hereunto Sett my Hand and Seal the Twentyeth Day of May in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety four.

Signed Seales published pronounced and Declared by the Testator to and as for his last will/ being drawn on two sheets of paper/ annexed one to the other, in presence of Us and in whose presence and at whose request We have subscribed our names.
Name unreadable
Peter Dinnis
William John

George Dennis

Woolcock, Matthew, Gulval, 16 Aug 1660 AP/W833


In the name of God amen Mathew Woolcock of the parish of Gulval in the County of Cornwall Husbandman being sick and weake of body, but of pfect and disposing memory. made and declared his last will and testament, nuncupative, the fourteenth day of July in the yeare of our Lord God 1655, in manner and form following.

First he bequeathed his soule to God, and his body to Christian buriall.

Item, He gave and bequeathed all his estate and interest in the tenement of Bosowoone within the said parish of Gulval unto Thomas Woolcock his eldest sonne to have and to hold the same unto the said Thomas Woolcock his executors and assignes, from and immediately after the death or decease of Honour the wife of the late Mathew Woolcock, during his estate herein, the said Thomas Woolcock paying unto William Woolcock his youngest Brother the sum of six pounds, thirteen shillings and fower pence of lawfull monies of England.

All the rest of his goods and chattells he gave and bequeathed unto the said Honour his wife whome hee nominates and appointes to be his full Executrix or words to that effect there being then and there present William Harvey and Joane Williams with others.


A true and pfect inventory of all and singular the goods and chattailes of Mathew Woolcock of Gulval parish late deceased praised by us whose names are subscribed the twentie firste of August in Anno Dom 1655.

----------- The sum of 32 18 02
William Thomas
The signe of William Harvey