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Woolcock, Thomas, St. Just in Penwith, 8 May 1697 AP/W1573
To Margaret Woolcock Widow and Relict of Thomas Woolcock late of St.Just in Penwith deceased. 8th.May 1697
[No will mentioned.]
Signed Margaret Woolcock
Richard Edwards
Stephen Ustick
A true and perfect inventory of all the goods and chattels debts and credits of Thomas Woolcock late of the pish of St.Just deceased taken and appraised by us Edward Edwards and Richard Edwards of the pish aforesaid as follows.
- Impris. His wearing apparel 01 00 00
- Debts sperate and desperate 21 00 00
- Three cowes four heifers one yearling 15 00 00
- One nag one mare one fole 03 00 00
- Three small brass pans one skillet two brass pots
one iron pot and other iron ware 03 10 00 - Ten pewter dishes one flaggon three -----[?] 00 15 00
- One cupboard table frame and other timber ware 00 13 04
- One bed furnished two small bedheads [?] in the ------ [?] linnen 01 12 06
- Corn in the Mowhay 01 12 06
- Implements of Husbandry 00 06 08
- Things forgotten 00 02 06
____________ Sum total 49 15 00
The Moyety to be deducted
Domains [?] to be administered 24 12 06
Woolcock, Matthew, St. Buryan, 27 Jun 1733 DSB141
In the Name of God Amen
I Matthew Woolcock of the Pish of St.Buryan in the County of Cornwall Husbandman do hereby make my Last Will and Tetsament in Manner and form Following.
Impr. I Bequeath My Soul into the hands of God my Maker hopeing thet through the Merritorious death and passion of Jesus Christ my Saviour I shall receive full pardon for all my Sins and desire my body may be decently buried according to the discretion of mu Exects. hereafter named.
Item I give & bequeath unto Jn. Hocking my Kinsman all my best sute of Woolling Cloaths & I do also give him my Great pan.
Item I give & bequeath unto Eliz. Grenfell in case she shall survive her husband Jn. Grenfell Twenty Shilling to be paid Twelve months after the decease of her husband in case she shall be then living.
Item I give & bequeath unto the poor of the parish of St.Buryan the sum of Ten shillings to be paid Twelve months after my decease by my Exs. hereafter named.
Item I bequeath unto Honor Wallis my best plater.
Item I give & bequeath unto Honor Gwenap a Pewter platter.
Item I give & bequeath unto Mary Wallis my second best Pewter dish.
Item I give & bequeath unto Eliz. Wallis a pewter dish next in choice to the Mary Wallis dish.
Item I do give and bequeath unto Jn. Wallis & Tho. Gwenap all my other goods & sums & money of wht. (whatever ?) nature or kind soever & do hereby make them sole Execs. of this my Last Will & Testament revoking and annulling all other wills & Testaments whatsoever.
Then I do nominate & appoint Jn. Wallis and Thos. Gwenap of Bosanketh Exes. in Trust over the said Jn. Wallis son of the said Jn. Wallis & Thos. Gwenap during their Minorities hereby impowering them to ask and receive all sums of money and like or to sell and dispose all my goods of Wht. nature or kindsoever ----- [?] them an ----[?] when they shall attain the age of one and twenty in case they both shall be then living. In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand this 19th day of Febry. 1732
The signe and seal of
Matthew Woolcock
Signed Sealed and Delivered in presence of us
the signe of Allice Wallis
Jn. Wallis
Mary Gwenap
Robert Wallis
Woolcock, Thomas, St. Just in Penwith, c1741
[Note: top left hand corner of original document missing]
---- name of God Amen June ye 5___ 1740. I Thomas ---- being sick and weak in body but of a good and ---- memory thanks be to Almighty God for it do ---- declare this my last will and testament in manner following.
---- and bequeath to Grace Woolcock my Daughter the ---- five pounds to be paid to her at the end of five ---- Executors after my decease.
---- and bequeath to Anne Woolcock my Daughter the ---- five pounds to be paid to her at the end of Eight ---- Executors after my decease.
---- and bequeath to Prudence Woolcock my Daughter ---- sum of Five shillings to be paid to her when she ---- the years of One and Twenty by my Executors.
---- and bequeath to Elizabeth Woolcock my Daughter the ---- of Five shillings to be paid to her when she do come ----
Item I give said bequeath to Richard Woolcock my son the full sum of ten pounds to be paid him when he do come to the years of one and twenty by my Executors. but if the said Richard Woolcock my son do leave my Executors before he do come to the years of one and twenty he shall have but one shilling from my Executors.
Item. If any of my Daughters go out of service they shall have ----- ------ ----- [?] the liberty of the house can gett service.
Item. I do ---[?] Oblige my Executors to maintain my Children Till they are able to get their living.
Item. I do Give and bequeath to Prudence my Wife and Thomas woolcock my Son all my Goods and Chattels not formerly given by this my will whome I do make and ordain my full and Whole Executors and to do this my will fullfilled.
And Read & Seales and signed in presents of us
Richard Bone
The signe of Elizabeth Angwin
? Penbertyhy
Thomas Woolcock
Woolcock, Thomas, St. Just in Penwith, 1 Jun 1798
In the name of God, Amen, The Second day of December in the Year of our Lord, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety seven.
I Thomas Woolcock of the parish of Saint Just in Penwith in the County of Cornwall, Yeoman, being very Sick and Weak of Body, but of Perfect Mind and Memory, Thanks be Given to God, therefore calling unto Mind the Mortality of my Body, knowing that it is Appointed unto all Men once to Die, Do make and Ordain this my Last Will and Testament,/ That is tos Say/ Principally and first of all, I give and recommend my Soul into the Hands of Almighty God that gave it, and my Body I Recommend to the Earth, To be Buried in Decent Christian Burial, At the Discretion of my Executor. Nothing Doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall receive the same again, by the Almighty Power of God, and as Touching such Worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to Bless me in this Life, I Give and Demise and Dispose ot the same in the Following Manner and Form.
First, I give and Bequeath unto my Beloved Wife Elizabeth All Household Goods convenient for her Use during her Natural Life then after her Life the same to become and to be returned to my Executor.
Item, I Give and Bequeath unto my Son Thomas Woolcock the Sum of Six Pounds Yearly to be paid him Yearly and every Year during his Natural Life by Quarterly Payments and the same to be Raised and Gotten out of my freehold Estate which I now have In Saint Buryan Church Town by my Executor, and he to Live and Dwell with my Executor during his Life/ if not Marry/ If he thinks so to do.
Item, I Give and Bequeath unto my Son William Woolcock the Sum of One Hundred and Sixty Pounds to be paid him by my Executor Immediately after my decease or Security given to the Likeing of the Said William Woolcock for the same.
Item,I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeth Bone Wife of James Bone the Sum of Ten Pounds to be paid her at the rate of Two Pounds Yearly and every Year after my Decease until the said Sum of Ten Pounds is Fully paid.
Item, I Give and Bequeath unto my Three Grand Children James, Elizabeth, and Grace Bone, Son and Daughters of James Bone the Sum of One guinea each to be paid them by my Executor Twelve Months after my Decease.
Item, I Give and Bequeath unto my Son Hugh Woolcock whom I likewise Constitute, Make and Ordain Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament. All and Singular my Freehold Estate in Saint Buryan Church Town during his Natural Life and if he Dies and Leave no Male Issue then the same shall become to his Brother William and to his Male Issue for Ever.
Also I Give unto my said Son Hugh Woolcock All the Rest Residue and Remainder my Estate, Chattles and Effects Moveable and Immoveable of what Kind and Nature whatsoever they be,with paying all the Above Legacies and all my Just Debts And then I do hereby Utterly Disallow, Revoke and Disannul All and every other Former Testaments Wills Legacies, Bequeasts, and Executors by me in any wise before Named Willed and Bequeathed Ratified and Confirmed this and no other, to be my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto Sett my Hand and Seal the Day and Year first above Written.
Signed Sealed and Delivered in Presence of us
The sign of Faith Williams
Thos. Michell
The sign of
Thomas Woolcock
Weymouth, William, St. Ewe, 20 Feb 1628–9 AP/W476
The 22nd. of January ano dom 1628
In the name of god amen: I William Weymouth being sick in body but in pfect memory do make this my last will and testament.
ffirst I bequeath my soule to my maker and saviour and of my body to the earth.
I give unto Honor my wife my twoo heaffers and fower ------[?] for the payment of my Debts.
Item, I give unto my wife all my goods now in my house movable and immovable.
Item, I give unto hir on (one ?) of my ----[?] kine and to take ---[?] and ---[?] of them both ----[?].
I give unto hir the on (one?) halfe of my ---- [?] with an Oxen.
Item, I give unto my twoo Daughters Margaret and Priscilla on (one ?) Cow betweene them.
Item, I giveunto my Daughter Margaret fower (4) sheepe.
Item, I give unto my Daughter Priscilla three sheepe. But my will is that these goods shall remayne in their Mothers hands and that shee shall have free use of it towards their mayntenance until they come to the age of on and twenty, but if Margaret happen to dye before she come to full age then hir goods shall remayne unto hir Sister Priscilla, or if Priscilla happen to dye before she come to full age then hir goods shall remayne unto hir Sister Margaret, But if they happen both to dye then these goods to remayne ---[?] to their Mother.
In witness whereof I the foresaid William Have hereunto Sett my hand ----[?] the Daye and Yeare first above written
The Inventory of all the goods and chattels of william Weymouth late of the pish of St. ----[?] Ewe in the Countie of Cornwall Tynner deceased made and praised by John Tremayne, gent, William Mayo and Anthony -----[?] the ----th[?] day of ffebruary An.Dom.1628
- Impr. His pursse, girdle and wearing apparel 01 00 00
- Item. A bedd sted a ---[?] bedd, two coverletts,
a paire of blanketts, 2 little pillows, a bolster
and a little old cupboard 01 06 08 - Item. An old bedd sted a coverlett
and a paire of -----[?] sheets 00 06 08 - Item. The old ----[?] in the ----[?]
above the hall.----[?] old tubbs
and other ----[?] 00 01 06 - Item. Two little brass panns, two little
skilletts an old cauldron and two little
bras potts. 01 06 08 - Item. Five pewter dishes,an old Cupp
and a little candlesticke and some old ----[?] 00 03 04 - Item. A ---[?] ---[?] and a brandin 00 00 06
- Item. Five sheepe and lambs and thirteen other sheepe 03 06 08
- Item. two kine 04 06 08
- Item. Two younge bullocks 02 03 04
- Item. A ----[?] board and an old ---[?] 00 00 08
- Item. A little Sowe and a Cocke and a hen 00 03 04
- Item. An old table borad and forme 00 01 08
Sum total 14 07 08
John Tremayne
William Mayo
Anthony ------ [?]
Weymouth, Martin, St. Buryan, 19 May 1721 DSB128
In the name of God Amen I Martin Weymouth of the Pish of Buryan in the County of Cornwall yeoman being sicke & weak of body but of sound and perfect mind and memory, Praise be therefore given to Almighty God do make and ordaine this my last Will and testament in manner and form following.(That is to Say) first and principally, I recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God, hoping through the merritts, daeth and passionof my Savious Jesus Christ to have full and free pardon and forgiveness of all my sins and to Inheritt Everlasting Life And my body I committ to the Earth to be decently buryed at the discretion of my Exects. hereafter named and as touching the disposition of such Temporall Estate it hath pleased Almighty God to bestow upon me I give and devise thereof as followeth.
I will that my debts and funerall charges shall be paid and discharged.
All the Rest Residue and Remainder of my personall Estate, Goods and Chattles whatsoever I do give and bequeath unto my loving Brother Thomas Weymouth and I do hereby make him my full and Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament And I do hereby Revoke Disannul and make void all former wills and Testaments by me heretofore made. In Witness whereof I the said Martin Weymouth to this my last Will and Testament have Sett my hand and seale the ffifteenth day of April Anno Dom. 1721
Signed and Sealed in the presence of us
Richard Bone
Will Grose
Ephraim Weymouth
the signe and seale
of Martin Weymouth
Inventory (1)
dated 16/05/1721.
A trew and perfect Inventory of the Goods and Chattles of Martin Weymouth of the Parish of Buryan taken and appraised by us whose names are underwritten this Sixteenth Day of May Anno Dom.1721
- Impms. To his wearing apparrell 01 00 00
- to two small cows and Calfe 06 00 00
- to one labouring Nagg and one small Colt 01 15 00
- to six small sheep 01 10 00
- to Brass ware 02 10 00
- to Pewter ware 01 05 00
- to his Chattle Lease in Buryan on two old lives 80 10 06
- to his Chattle Estate in St.Just on two lives 50 00 00
- to two bed Steads, Beds and Furniture 05 00 00
- to a Table Board, Chest , Chaire and Cupboard 01 10 00
- to Fower Tubbs and other timber ware 01 01 00
- to Husbanddry Implements 03 10 00
- to Iron work and tools 01 01 06
- to ------ [?] Vessells 00 02 06
- to Forgotten goods if found 00 05 06
---------------- £ 157 01 00
Thomas Wallis and Williams Adams appraisers.
Inventory (2)
dated 26/06/1721
A true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the Goods and Chattles rights debts and credits of Martin Weymouth of the Parish of St.Buryan lately deceased taken by virtue of a Common issued out of the Court of the Deanery of St.Buryan the 26th day of June Anno Dom 1721.
- Impr. To his wearing apparell 001 00 00
- To Goods sold in the Survey 018 19 01
- To two Chattles Estates in the Parish of St.Buryan 170 00 00
- To a Stamping Mill in St.Just 070 00 00
- To Tyn Stuff and Adventure in the Parish of St.Just 018 00 00
- To Bonds Notes and Credits 120 00 00
- To Cartwheels barr of iron brass Crocke & slide [?] 004 10 00
- To a Bed and Furniture 001 15 00
- To two small brass panns 000 10 00
- To a brass crocke 8 pewter dishes 11 plates 2 candlesticks 001 15 00
- To a Table Board and frame bedsteads and old cupboard 000 17 00
- To timber ware 000 10 00
- To a Harrow and Whelbarrough 000 12 00
- To Iron Ware 000 10 00
- To old Shanks Rags and Hooks 000 18 00
- To seventeen pounds of wool and eleven yards of raw cloth 000 17 00
- To ready money 001 03 06
- To ------[?] and old iron 000 09 00
- To things forgotten if any 000 02 00
---------------- Inventory £ 412 07 07
William Roberts
the sign of William Carvossowe Appraisers.
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