This week I did my bit for the environment; I unplugged my phone charger from the wall.
But seriously, how green are we techno-adicts. I did a quick audit of what is switched on and running when we are not even in the house.
- Cable Modem
- Router
- Ethernet Switch
- Wireless Access point
- NAS controller
- NAS drive
- Print controller
- Printer (in standby)
Each of these has it’s own Wall Wart. And in the domestic quarter…
- 1/2 the HiFi amp (only the power amp half has an on/off switch)
- FM Tuner (because it sounds better if kept warm)
- Mini-disc recorder in standby (no power switch)
- TV Digi box (would standby save anything here?)
- VCR in standby
- Various electric clocks
- The fridge/freezer
- Cordless phone system
- Central heating controller
- Doorbell transformer
It would be interesting to watch the meter to see exacly how much this lot consumes. It looks bad but we have made some effort; the router is a recycled PC so that has saved a chunk of landfill; we do switch the TV right off these days (mostly because we rarely watch it) Some other domestic stuff is chosen for its economy.
What more can we do?