TapFirst Post

Well, what’s all this blogging about then. I hope that it will make it a bit easier to get some of my random thoughts down so that they don’t disappear forever. It’s the age you know; the memory is not what it was.

My prime thinking time is when soaking in the bath, hence the title; fewer distractions there. The drawback is that I have often forgotten them by the time I get out, rather like last night’s dream.

The subjects will vary wildly—Web creation to Family History, Naive Politics to C programming etc. It doesn’t have to be interesting as I don’t expect any readers, it is largely for my own benefit, but if others enjoy it then all the better. Some of my earlier material has attracted some interest via the search engines.

It will quickly become apparent that I can’t spell.

One thing that is immediately obvious is that the time on this server is over an hour slow!

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