Those of you who have signed up for an annual software subscription such as an Anti-Virus product need to read the article at Windows Secrets this week. It seems that you may have signed up for automatic debit from your credit card every year and it can be very difficult to get out of. The companies involved aren’t backstreet operators either, but big names like Microsoft (One Care scheme), McAfee, Checkpoint (ZoneAlarm) and Symantec (Norton).
What some have done is buried the information in those impenetrable EULA documents that no one reads. The best of them had the information clealy up-front, but still ticked by default. Although it is only a couple of clicks to sign up to these services, and they are convenient, it can be much harder to cancel, sometimes a phone call to the USA. Sometimes the cancellation doesn’t work even then so you have to try to contact a live (and intelligent) body to get a refund.