I don’t know why but flag poles flying Union Jacks* seem to have become popular in BS6. Two have appeared in recent months, one in Cotham Grove and one in Redland Road opposite Fernbank. I haven’t observed them enough to see if they are following proper flag etiquette. Up at the company we had a new man unexpectedly made responsible for the three new flag poles outside the executive block and he had no training. So I gave him a copy of some basic rules I found. These things need to be done properly else you will offend someone! Particularly with visitors from the far and middle east.
* Apparently it is now ok to call it a Jack. Union Flag is seen as pedantic.
Bristol Traffic blogger reports that there is one on Cotham Road as well.
And there is one in Miles Road, Clifton. Most of them are now flying the St. George Cross as the Union Jacks have disintegrated. I learn from a neighbour that the properties all belong to a keen supporter (and recent election candidate) of the English Democrats Party.